- Photo and video picker
- Single and multiple selection
- Full-screen view
- Live photo preview & capture
- Full customization
- The iOS 16 PhotosPicker only provides you with a button, while this library gives you the whole view, meaning you can build it into you own screens and customize it as you see fit.
- PhotosPicker only lets you pick photos from the library - no camera.
- MediaPicker provides a default looking library picker, with ability to manage albums, and also a camera view to take photos/video
SPM package is now called ExyteMediaPicker
instead of MediaPicker
, sorry for any inconveniences.
- Add a binding Bool to control the picker presentation state.
- Add Media array to save selection (
). - Initialize the media picker and present it however you like - for example, using the .sheet modifier
.sheet(isPresented: $showMediaPicker) {
isPresented: $showMediaPicker,
onChange: { medias = $0 }
The lbrary will return an array of Media
structs for you to use as you see fit. It has the following fields and methods (all the methods use async/await API):
- .image or .videoduration
- nil for .imagegetURL()
- returnsURL
to media (automatically stores in temporary directory if needed)getThumbnailURL()
- returnsURL
to media's thumbnail (for image just returns the image itself)getData()
- returns media'sData
- returns media's thumbnailData
This library lets you use both photo library and camera
Default photos grid screen has a standard header which contains the 'Done' and 'Cancel' buttons, and a simple switcher between Photos and Albums. Use it for a basic out-of-the box picker (see default picker in example project for an usage example). This can be customized (see "Init - view builders" section)
After making one photo, you see a preview of it and a little plus icon, by tapping it you return back to camera mode and can continue making as many photos as you like. Press "Done" once you're finished and you will be able to scroll through all the photos you've taken before confirming you'd like to use them. This preview screen of photos you've taken can also be customized (see "Init - view builders" section)
- a binding to determine whether the picker should be displayed or not
- a closure that returns the selected media every time the selection changes
You can pass 1-3 view builders in order to add your own buttons and other elements to media picker screens. You can pass all, some or none of these when creating your MediaPicker
(see the custom picker in the example project for usage example). First screen you can customize is default photos grid view. Pass albumSelectionBuilder
closure like this to replace the standard one with your own view:
isPresented: $isPresented,
onChange: { selectedMedia = $0 },
albumSelectionBuilder: { defaultHeaderView, albumSelectionView, isInFullscreen in
VStack {
if !isInFullscreen {
gives you two views to work with:
- a default lookingheader
with photos/albums mode switcheralbumSelectionView
- the photos grid itselfisInFullscreen
- is fullscreen photo details screen displayed. Use for example to hide the header while in fullscreen mode.
The second customizable screen is the one you see after taking a photo. Pass cameraSelectionBuilder
like this:
isPresented: $isPresented,
onChange: { selectedMedia = $0 },
cameraSelectionBuilder: { addMoreClosure, cancelClosure, cameraSelectionView in
VStack {
HStack {
Button("Done", action: { isPresented = false })
HStack {
Button("Cancel", action: cancelClosure)
Button(action: addMoreClosure) {
Text("Take more photos")
gives you these parameters:
- you can call this closure on tap of your own button, it will work same as default plus icon on camera selection preview screencancelClosure
- show confirmation and return to photos grid screen if confirmedcameraSelectionView
- swipable camera photos preview collection itself
The last one is live camera screen
isPresented: $isPresented,
onChange: { selectedMedia = $0 },
cameraViewBuilder: { cameraSheetView, cancelClosure, showPreviewClosure, takePhotoClosure, startVideoCaptureClosure, stopVideoCaptureClosure, toggleFlash, flipCamera in
.overlay(alignment: .topLeading) {
HStack {
Button("Cancel") { cancelClosure() }
Button("Done") { showPreviewClosure() }
.overlay(alignment: .bottom) {
HStack {
Button("Take photo") { takePhotoClosure() }
Button(videoIsBeingRecorded ? "Stop video capture" : "Capture video") {
videoIsBeingRecorded ? stopVideoCaptureClosure() : startVideoCaptureClosure()
live camera capture view and a lot of closures to do with as you please:
- live camera capture viewcancelClosure
- if you want to display "are you sure" before closingshowPreviewClosure
- shows preview of taken photoscancelClosure
- if you want to display "are you sure" before closingstartVideoCaptureClosure
- starts video capture, you'll need a bollean varialbe to track recording statestopVideoCaptureClosure
- stops video capturetoggleFlash
- flash off/onflipCamera
- camera back/front
- show live camera feed cell in the top left corner of the gallery grid
- limit displayed media type: .photo, .video or both
- a way to display selected/unselected media state: a counter or a simple checkmark
- the maximum selection quantity allowed, 'nil' for unlimited selection
- if true - tap on media opens fullscreen preview, if false - tap on image immediately selects this image and closes the picker
applyFilter((Media) async -> Media?)
- pass a closure to apply to each of medias individually. Closures's return type is Media?
: return Media
the closure gives to you if you want it to be displayed on photo grid, or nil
if you want to exclude it. The code you apply to each media can be asyncronous (using async/await syntactics, check out FilterMediaPicker
in example project)
applyFilter(([Media]) async -> [Media])
- same but apply the closure to whole medias array. Can also be used for reodering.
If your app restricts screen rotation, you can skip this section.
We recommend locking orientation for MediaPicker, because default rotation animations don't look good on the camera screen. At the moment SwiftUI doesn't provide a way of locking screen orientation, so the library has an initializer with an orientationHandler
parameter - a closure that is called when you enter/leave the camera screen inside MediaPicker. In this closure you need to use AppDelegate to lock/unlock the rotation - see example project for implementation.
- a list of user's albums (like in Photos app), if you want to display them differently than showingDefaultHeader
- set this if you don't plan to use the default header. Available options are:
* .photos - displays the default photos grid
* .albums - displays a list of albums with one preview photo for each
* .album(Album) - displays one album
* .camera - shows a fullscreen cover camera sheet
* .cameraSelection - displays a preview of photos taken with camera
(see the custom picker in the example project for implementation)
- color settings. Example usage (see MediaPickerTheme
for all available settings):
main: .init(
background: .black
selection: .init(
emptyTint: .white,
emptyBackground: .black.opacity(0.25),
selectedTint: Color("CustomPurple")
Here is an example of how you can customize colors and elements to create a custom looking picker:
To try out the MediaPicker examples:
- Clone the repo
- Open
in the Xcode - Run it!
dependencies: [
.package(url: "/~https://github.com/exyte/ExyteMediaPicker.git")
pod 'ExyteMediaPicker'
github "Exyte/MediaPicker"
- iOS 16+
- Xcode 13+
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