ESP-CAM recogize values from mechanical dispaly water counter, stores to GSpreadsheets
Great thanks for NickVectra, author of original project:
Most complicate thing of text recognition will be taken from his project.
Actual browser output view looks like:
Parameters page:
• Sloeber IDE installed ( )
• Git installed ( )
I found no way to get github project locally by Sloeber interface, so need to help it a bit. Go to sloeber repos folder and create there a new one for our new project (from git terminal):
$ cd c:/Users/E_CAD/git/
$ mkdir ESP_CAM_GIT
$ git clone /~
Now we got our repo locally and the Sloeber project is in repo’s subfolder:
In Sloeber create new Arduino project “ESP_Cam_Counter” and set location as
Setup board configuration and on next dialog keeps “default ino file”. It will blames “failed to create project”. Press “OK”.
Project with connected repo is ready in Sloeber.
Board setup:
Internal librarys:
External librarys: