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Dotfile management using Dotbot.

Brief introduction to dotfiles:


  • git
  • python

Optional dependencies depending on the environment.


~$ git clone --recursive ~/.dotfiles

For default installation (automatically detects host):

~/.dotfiles$ ./install

For installing a specific host:

~/.dotfiles$ ./install <host> [<roles...>]
# see meta/hosts/ for available hosts
# see meta/roles/ for available roles

For installing a single role/package:

~/.dotfiles$ ./install-role <roles...>
# see meta/roles/ for available roles

If you don't want dotfiles to ask for any user input, you can use the DOTFILES_NO_INTERACTIVE flag, such as:

~/.dotfiles$ DOTFILES_NO_INTERACTIVE=1 ./install

You can run these installation commands safely multiple times, if you think that helps with better installation.

Loading source files

In order to load the dotfiles, you need to run:

~$ source ~/.bash_profile


All linked files should be left as they are, unless you plan to commit changes to the dotfiles repo.

To add a custom behaviour to your shell, such as personal aliases, etc:

~/$ touch .extra
# Edit .extra with whatever customization you want.
# Example (for default OSX prompt):
# export PS1="\h:\w \u\$ ";
~/$ source .extra # To load .extra for current shell


  • Implement OSX packages (xcode)
  • Windows ???
  • install roles according to host (osx - use brew to install packages, unix - use apt-get)
  • Make sure backups are done correctly
  • Add a copy plugin to dotbot
  • First time starting vi opens two buffer windows


See for details.

Commands available

Run list_dotfiles_functions to get a list of available commands:

cleanup_ds                                                        # Recursively delete `.DS_Store` files under the current path
confirm                                                           # Confirmation wrapper. Usage: confirm rm -rf /tmp/folder
dot_progress                                                      # Fancy progress function from Landley's Aboriginal Linux. Usage: rm -rfv /foo | dot_progress
escape                                                            # Uber useful when you need to translate a weird path into single-argument string.
external_ip                                                       # Get external IP address
extract                                                           # Extra many types of compressed packages
fs                                                                # Determine size of a file or total size of a directory
kill_processes                                                    # Kill all process that match a pattern (`kill_processes ssh` kills all processes that contain ssh in their CMD string
la                                                                # List all files colorized in long format, including dot files
list_dotfiles_functions                                           # List all function available in a shell
ll                                                                # Alias to use GNU ls and print directories first, with alphanumeric sorting
man                                                               # Enable coloured manuals
manpdf                                                            # Open man page as PDF
mkd                                                               # Create a new directory and enter it
msh                                                               # Open a tmux terminal inside a mosh session. Usage: msh <hostname> {session_name}
prettyjson                                                        # Pretty print json. Usage: echo {"foo": "lorem", "bar": "ipsum"} | prettyjson
pyclean                                                           # Clean all python cache files (works for both py2 and py3)
reload                                                            # Reload the shel
report_local_port_forwardings                                     # Display all local port forwarding tunnels
report_remote_port_forwardings                                    # Display all remote port forwarding tunnels
run_under_tmux                                                    # Run $1 under session or attach if such session already exist. Example usage: run_under_tmux 'rtorrent' '/usr/local/rtorrent-git/bin/rtorrent';
shell_is_interactive                                              # Checks if shell is interactive
targz                                                             # Create a .tar.gz archive, using `zopfli`, `pigz` or `gzip` for compression
timer                                                             # Stopwatch to count execution time for a command. Usage example: timer ls -la
title                                                             # Set terminal titles in OSX
tsh                                                               # Open a tmux terminal inside an ssh session. Usage: tsh <hostname> {session_name}
update_dotfiles                                                   # Update and install latest dotfiles version
urlencode                                                         # URL-encode strings


Personalized dotfiles installation








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