Releases: eriklins/online-xcompiler-tool
Releases · eriklins/online-xcompiler-tool
Online XCompiler Tool V1.5 Release
Fixed issue with #include in code comment line
The online xcompiler cannot handle the text #include in a comment line and throws an error. The Online XCompiler Tool now handles this and removes such lines before compiling.
Resizeable Window, Source File Drag&Drop, etc.
- Window is now resizeable and log output will follow window size.
- Source file name can now be entered manually into the field (copy&paste).
- Source file can now be drag&dropped into the window.
New Auto-Compile Mode
Added an auto-compile mode which continously monitors the source file plus all included files and start compilation on any file changes.
Added Laird Online XCompiler Privacy Notice
Online XCompiler Tool V1.1 Release
This is a build of Online XCompiler Tool and includes binaries for:
- Windows 32bit/i386
- Windows 64bit/x86_64
- Linux 32bit/i386
- Linux 64bit/x86_64