Transcripts annotation and GO enrichment Fisher tests
annotates transcript sequences and performs GO enrichment
Fisher tests. The transcript sequences are blasted against the swissprot
protein database and the uniprot information corresponding to the hit is
retrieved from the uniprot website. Fisher tests are performed with the
Python module.
To use go_enrichment
, you will need a UNIX system (Linux or Mac OSX) and the
following dependencies installed on your computer (see Installation section
for more details about installing these prerequisites):
gnu parallel
2.7.1+, the NCBI suite of blast toolsswissprot
blast database GO database (see GO database section below)
If you do not have administrator rights on the computer you will be using or have little experience compiling, installing and adding programs to your PATH environment variable, you will potentially need to ask an administrator to install the following programs and databases.
Your UNIX system should already have wget installed. Test this by running:
If you get a message saying there is a missing URL, wget is installed.
Otherwise, if you are using a computer with OSX. Google install wget OSX
follow the installations instructions. For Debian
or Ubuntu
derived Linux
distributions, install wget
sudo apt-get install wget
We will use wget
to download gnu parallel:
tar xvfB parallel-latest.tar.bz2
cd parallel-*
./configure && make && sudo make install
The blast executables (pre-compiled for different architectures) can be found
Download the right ones for your computer, uncompress the archive and copy all
the files that are in the bin
folder so that they are accessible through the
variable on your system.
For example, if you have administrator rights on the system, you could do:
sudo cp /path_to_blastplus/bin/\* /usr/local/bin
Test the installation by launching blastn's help:
blastn -h
We will use wget to download the swissprot
# Create a temporary bash session
# Create folder to contain the databases
mkdir ~/blastplus_databases
cd ~/blastplus_databases
# Downloading the database
# Confirming the integrity of the downloaded files
cat *.md5 | md5sum -c
# Decompressing
for file in `ls swissprot.*.gz`; do tar -xzf $file ; done
# Exit temporary bash session
Installing the GO database will be faster:
# Create a temporary bash session
# Moving to the GO database folder
cd 02_go_database
# Downloading the GO databases
# Exit temporary bash session
conda create -n goatools -c bioconda goatools=1.1.7
conda activate goatools
is a python module. It depends on a certain number of other python
modules. In order to make the installation easier, we will be using the
python data analysis platform. anaconda
will make it easy to
install most of the module dependencies and does not require administrator
rights. To get the anaconda
install file, go to and
choose the appropriate platform and python 2.7, then launch the installation
and follow the instructions. When asked if you want anaconda
to add itself to
your $PATH
variable, say yes. You can then update with:
conda update conda
Then go to the goatools
and follow the installation instructions.
This is a brief description of the steps as well as the input and output
formats expected by go_enrichment
Put your sequences of interest in the 03_sequences
folder in a file named
. If you use another name, you will need to modify the
variable in the script.
You need the script to point to the locally installed blastplus database by
modifying the SWISSPROT_DB
Then run:
This step will use the blast results to download the information of the genes to which the transcript sequences correspond.
Use this step to create a .csv file containing the transcript names as well as some annotation information (Name, Accession, Fullname, Altnames, GO).
./01_scripts/ 03_sequences/transcriptome.fasta 05_annotations/ sequence_annotation.txt
Before we can perform the Fisher tests, we need to generate two text files containing (one per line):
- The names of all the analyzed transcripts, 'all_ids.txt'
- The names of the significant transcripts, 'significant_ids.txt'
WARNING! This is currently broken. Follow the next steps to use goatools:
See Installation section, including getting the GO databases /~
python2 scripts/ --pval=0.05 --indent ../wanted_transcripts.ids ../all_ids.txt ../all_go_annotations.csv > ../go_annotation.tsv
This script will launch goatools
and perform the Fisher tests. Note: edit the script to point to your own installation of
This script no longer works with goatools 1.1.6. Better to filter by hand.
We can now reformat the results of goatools
to make them more useful.
./01_scripts/ enrichment.csv 02_go_database/go-basic.obo filtered.csv
is licensed under the GPL3 license. See the LICENCE file for
more details.