Python application written in Flask with get user endpoints for two dummy users.
Containerization, setting up CICD infrastructure as Code and Configuration management for the application.
- Created a Dockerfile to build the image locally using Docker and run a container
- Prepared CI process that builds the container image, and pushes it to a registry (GitHub Container Registry for this case). The Ci runs on push to the main branch periodically on Saturday at 7 pm
Preparing a machine with Linux distribution, used Terraform for this.
Created a playbook that does the following:
- Creates a user with script in their home directory. The script lists all mounted file systems
- Create a user with username John and User ID 1234, in-home directory: /better-place/john
- User John should run the sudo command without providing his password and installing Tmux and Vim packages. Then lastly install Terraform CLI
Since Ansible is part of Python, I installed Ansible using the Python method. Defined all the requirements in the requirements.txt. Then installed them with the command
pip install -r deploy_requirements.txt
- Generating public key using ssh-keygen for Ansible
- Giving the key from AWS EC2 terraform configuration with chmod 700 permission
- Creating ansible_hosts and replacing them with the IP address of your instance
- Creating a playbook file with your instruction
To test your ssh connection run the command:
ansible hosts_to_add_key -m ping -i ansible_hosts
ansible hosts_to_add_key -m ping -i ansible_hosts
--user ubuntu --key-file ~/path to your ec2 key.pem
If you specify the right path and have the proper permission, you should see the successful output as shown below before running your playbook.
To run your playbook use the command:
ansible-playbook add-key.yml -i ansible_hosts -user ubuntu --key-file ~/keys/popo.pem -e "key=~/.ssh/"
Pushing Images to Container Registry
Side Note: I understand as a DevOps best practice Infrastructure as Cod/Configuration setup should be in a different Repo with the application repo, but instead included them together for other reasons