import { defineMessages } from '@edx/frontend-platform/i18n'; const messages = defineMessages({ '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Account Settings', description: 'The page heading for the account settings page.', }, 'account.settings.loading.message': { id: 'account.settings.loading.message', defaultMessage: 'Loading...', description: 'Message when data is being loaded', }, 'account.settings.loading.error': { id: 'account.settings.loading.error', defaultMessage: 'Error: {error}', description: 'Message when data failed to load', }, 'account.settings.banner.beta.language': { id: 'account.settings.banner.beta.language', defaultMessage: 'You have set your language to {beta_language}, which is currently not fully translated. You can help us translate this language fully by joining the Transifex community and adding translations from English for learners that speak {beta_language}.', description: 'Message when the user selects a beta language this is not yet fully translated.', }, 'account.settings.banner.beta.language.action.switch.back': { id: 'account.settings.banner.beta.language.action.switch.back', defaultMessage: 'Switch Back to {previous_language}', description: 'Button on the beta language message to switch back to the previous language.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Help Translate into {beta_language}', description: 'Button on the beta language message to help translate the beta language.', }, 'account.settings.section.account.information': { id: 'account.settings.section.account.information', defaultMessage: 'Account Information', description: 'The basic account information section heading.', }, 'account.settings.section.account.information.description': { id: 'account.settings.section.account.information.description', defaultMessage: 'These settings include basic information about your account.', description: 'The basic account information section heading description.', }, 'account.settings.section.profile.information': { id: 'account.settings.section.profile.information', defaultMessage: 'Profile Information', description: 'The profile information section heading.', }, 'account.settings.section.demographics.information': { id: 'account.settings.section.demographics.information', defaultMessage: 'Optional Information', description: 'The optional information section heading.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Site Preferences', description: 'The site preferences section heading.', }, 'account.settings.section.linked.accounts': { id: 'account.settings.section.linked.accounts', defaultMessage: 'Linked Accounts', description: 'The linked accounts section heading.', }, 'account.settings.section.linked.accounts.description': { id: 'account.settings.section.linked.accounts.description', defaultMessage: 'You can link your identity accounts to simplify signing in to {siteName}.', description: 'The linked accounts section heading description.', }, 'account.settings.field.username': { id: 'account.settings.field.username', defaultMessage: 'Username', description: 'Label for account settings username field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'The name that identifies you on {siteName}. You cannot change your username.', description: 'Help text for the account settings username field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Full name', description: 'Label for account settings name field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add name', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings name field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'The name that is used for ID verification and that appears on your certificates.', description: 'Help text for the account settings name field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'The name that appears on your public profile.', description: 'Help text for the account settings name field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'This name is selected to appear on your certificates and public-facing records.', description: 'Help text for the account settings name field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Verified name', description: 'Label for account settings verified name field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'This name has been verified by government ID.', description: 'Help text for the account settings verified name field when the name is verified.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'This name has been verified by government ID and selected to appear on your certificates and public-facing records.', description: 'Help text for the account settings verified name field when the name is selected for certificates.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Verification has been submitted. This usually takes 48 hours or less. Verified name cannot be changed at this time.', description: 'Help text for the account settings verified name field when a verified name has been submitted.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'When identity verification is successful, this name will appear on your certificates and public-facing records. Verified name cannot be changed at this time.', description: 'Help text for the account settings verified name field when a verified name has been submitted and will appear on certificates.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Enter your name as it appears on your government-issued ID.', description: 'Form label instructing the user to enter the name on their ID.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Verification has been submitted. This usually takes 48 hours or less. Full name cannot be changed at this time.', description: 'Help text for the account settings full name field when a verified name has been submitted.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'When identity verification is successful, this name will appear on your certificates and public-facing records. Full name cannot be changed at this time.', description: 'Help text for the account settings full name field when a full name has been submitted and will appear on certificates.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Your identity verification request has successfully completed. You now have the option of selecting which name you prefer to appear on your certificates and public-records.', description: 'The body of the success alert indicating that a user\'s name has been verified', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Your name change request is complete!', description: 'The header of the success alert indicating that a user\'s name has been verified', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Your most recent identity verification attempt did not pass. Related account settings have been restored.', description: 'The body of the failure alert indicating that a user\'s name was not able to be verified', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'We were not able to verify your identity.', description: 'The header of the failure alert indicating that a user\'s name was not able to be verified', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Learn more about ID verification', description: 'The text of the button displayed when a user\'s name was not able to be verified, intended to direct the user to a help article about ID verification.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Your identity verification request has been submitted and usually takes between 24 and 48 hours to complete.', description: 'The body of the submitted alert indicating that a user\'s name has been submitted for verification', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'When your request is approved, your updated name will appear on all associated certificates and public-facing records.', description: 'The body of the submitted alert indicating that a user\'s name will be updated on certificates.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Your name change request is almost complete!', description: 'The header of the submitted alert indicating that a user\'s name has been submitted for verification', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Email address (Sign in)', description: 'Label for account settings email field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add email address', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings email field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'We’ve sent a confirmation message to {value}. Click the link in the message to update your email address.', description: 'Confirmation message for saving the account settings email field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'You receive messages from {siteName} and course teams at this address.', description: 'Help text for the account settings email field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Recovery email address', description: 'Label for account settings recovery email field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add a recovery email address', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings recovery email field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'We’ve sent a confirmation message to {value}. Click the link in the message to update your recovery email address.', description: 'Confirmation message for saving the account settings recovery email field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'One more step!', description: 'The header of the confirmation alert saying we\'ve sent a confirmation email', }, 'account.settings.field.dob': { id: 'account.settings.field.dob', defaultMessage: 'Year of birth', description: 'Label for account settings year of birth field.', }, 'account.settings.field.dob.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.dob.empty', defaultMessage: 'Add year of birth', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings year of birth field.', }, 'account.settings.field.year_of_birth.options.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.year_of_birth.options.empty', defaultMessage: 'Select a year of birth', description: 'Option for empty value on account settings year of birth field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Country', description: 'Label for account settings country field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add country', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings country field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Select a Country', description: 'Option for empty value on account settings country field.', }, 'account.settings.field.state': { id: 'account.settings.field.state', defaultMessage: 'State', description: 'Label for account settings state field.', }, 'account.settings.field.state.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.state.empty', defaultMessage: 'Add state', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings state field.', }, 'account.settings.field.state.options.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.state.options.empty', defaultMessage: 'Select a State', description: 'Option for empty value on account settings state field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Site language', description: 'Label for account settings site language field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'The language used throughout this site. This site is currently available in a limited number of languages.', description: 'Help text for the site language field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Education', description: 'Label for account settings education field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add level of education', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings education field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Select a level of education', description: 'Placeholder for the education levels dropdown.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Doctorate', description: 'Selected by the user if their highest level of education is a doctorate degree.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: "Master's or professional degree", description: "Selected by the user if their highest level of education is a master's or professional degree from a college or university.", }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: "Bachelor's Degree", description: "Selected by the user if their highest level of education is a four year college or university bachelor's degree.", }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: "Associate's degree", description: "Selected by the user if their highest level of education is an associate's degree. 1-2 years of college or university.", }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Secondary/high school', description: 'Selected by the user if their highest level of education is secondary or high school. 9-12 years of education.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Junior secondary/junior high/middle school', description: 'Selected by the user if their highest level of education is junior or middle school. 6-8 years of education.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Elementary/primary school', description: 'Selected by the user if their highest level of education is elementary or primary school. 1-5 years of education.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'No formal education', description: 'Selected by the user to describe their education.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Other education', description: 'Selected by the user if they have a type of education not described by the other choices.', }, 'account.settings.field.gender': { id: 'account.settings.field.gender', defaultMessage: 'Gender', description: 'Label for account settings gender field.', }, 'account.settings.field.gender.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.gender.empty', defaultMessage: 'Add gender', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings gender field.', }, 'account.settings.field.gender.options.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.gender.options.empty', defaultMessage: 'Select a gender', description: 'Placeholder for the gender options dropdown.', }, 'account.settings.field.gender.options.f': { id: 'account.settings.field.gender.options.f', defaultMessage: 'Female', description: 'The label for the female gender option.', }, 'account.settings.field.gender.options.m': { id: 'account.settings.field.gender.options.m', defaultMessage: 'Male', description: 'The label for the male gender option.', }, 'account.settings.field.gender.options.o': { id: 'account.settings.field.gender.options.o', defaultMessage: 'Other', description: 'The label for catch-all gender option.', }, 'account.settings.field.language.proficiencies': { id: 'account.settings.field.language.proficiencies', defaultMessage: 'Spoken language', description: 'Label for account settings spoken language field.', }, 'account.settings.field.language.proficiencies.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.language.proficiencies.empty', defaultMessage: 'Add a spoken language', description: 'Placeholder for empty account settings spoken language field.', }, 'account.settings.field.language_proficiencies.options.empty': { id: 'account.settings.field.language_proficiencies.options.empty', defaultMessage: 'Select a Language', description: 'Option for an empty value on account settings spoken language field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Time zone', description: 'Label for time zone settings field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Set time zone', description: 'Placeholder for empty for time zone settings field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Select the time zone for displaying course dates. If you do not specify a time zone, course dates, including assignment deadlines, will be displayed in your browser’s local time zone.', description: 'Description for time zone settings field.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Default (Local Time Zone)', description: 'The default option for a time zone.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'All time zones', description: 'The label for the group of options for all time zones.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Country time zones', description: 'The group of time zone options for a country.', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Social Media Links', description: 'Section header for social media links settings', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Optionally, link your personal accounts to the social media icons on your {siteName} profile.', description: 'Section subheader for social media links settings', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'LinkedIn', description: 'Label for LinkedIn', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add LinkedIn profile', description: 'Placeholder for an empty LinkedIn field', }, 'account.settings.jump.nav.delete.account': { id: 'account.settings.jump.nav.delete.account', defaultMessage: 'Delete My Account', description: 'Header for the user account deletion area', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Twitter', description: 'Label for Twitter', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add Twitter profile', description: 'Placeholder for an empty Twitter field', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Facebook', description: 'Label for Facebook', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Add Facebook profile', description: 'Placeholder for an empty Facebook field', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Save', description: 'The save button on an editable field', }, 'account.settings.editable.field.action.cancel': { id: 'account.settings.editable.field.action.cancel', defaultMessage: 'Cancel', description: 'The cancel button on an editable field', }, 'account.settings.editable.field.action.edit': { id: 'account.settings.editable.field.action.edit', defaultMessage: 'Edit', description: 'The edit button on an editable field', }, 'account.settings.static.field.empty': { id: 'account.settings.static.field.empty', defaultMessage: 'No value set. Contact your {enterprise} administrator to make changes.', description: 'The placeholder for an empty but uneditable field', }, '': { id: '', defaultMessage: 'No value set.', description: 'The placeholder for an empty but uneditable field when there is no administrator', }, }); export default messages;