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Eclipse Keyple website

Repository to the website of the 'Eclipse Keyple' project.

The Eclipse Keyple website is generated with Hugo.

Getting started

Local installation

Install hugo extended on your machine. Install dependencies, build assets and start a webserver:

hugo server

Checkout http://localhost:1313/

Using docker

You can use the image "ext-alpine" from the project : /~ An "ext" is needed image because it includes golang.

Launch a shell into hugo container from the root directory of this project

docker run --rm -it \
  -v $(pwd):/src \
    -p 1313:1313 \
  klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine \

Then run

hugo server --environment development

If you want to avoid downloading modules at each run, install them locally by running

hugo mod vendor

Custom Front Matter Parameters


  • Purpose: The sitemap_exclude parameter is used to control the inclusion of individual pages in the site's sitemap.xml. This is particularly useful for pages that we do not want to be easily discoverable by search engines or listed in the sitemap.
  • Usage: Set sitemap_exclude: true in the front matter of any page we wish to exclude from the sitemap.xml.
  • Example:
    title: "Example Page"
    sitemap_exclude: true


  • Purpose: The robots parameter allows us to specify the value for the <meta name="robots"> tag on a per-page basis. This tag provides instructions to web crawlers (like Googlebot) about whether they should index the page, follow links on it, or both.
  • Usage: Set robots to a string value indicating the desired directive, such as "noindex, nofollow" to both prevent indexing of the page and following of its links.
  • Example:
      title: "Private Page"
      robots: "noindex, nofollow"

Related projects

Wowchemy theme for Hugo.