A Workbench in FreeCAD for creating foundation model in CSI SAFE from CSI ETABS Model. It also can Import CSI SAFE model into FreeCAD and calculate Shear punching of columns according to ACI 318-19.
- This Addon/workbench runs on:
- Most up to date stable release
- Most up to date development release
- Python 3 compatible
- Qt5 compatible
- Qt5 and Qt6 compatible (uses "import PySide" rather than "import PySide2")
- Backward compatible with 0.19 version of FC.
- 3rd party dependencies:
- numpy
- scipy
- pandas
- git
- comtypes
- Start the Addons Manager from menu Tools -> Addons manager
- Locate and install the OSAFE addon
- Restart FreeCAD, and switch to the OSAFE workbench
You can download FreeCAD from below links and install it in windows. After installation, you must clear Civil folder in FreeCAD installation folder (ec. C:\Program Files\FreeCAD 0.19\Mod\Civil) and then clone this two repositories .
$ sudo apt install freecad-python3
$ sudo update-alternatives --set freecad /usr/lib/freecad/bin/freecad-python3
$ sudo apt install git python3-pandas
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.FreeCAD/Mod
$ cd $HOME/.FreeCAD/Mod
$ git clone /~https://github.com/ebrahimraeyat/OSAFE.git
$ git clone /~https://github.com/ebrahimraeyat/etabs_api.git
Forum thread to discuss this workbench can be found in the FreeCAD Subforums
Pull Requests are welcome. Please feel free to discuss them on the forum thread.