This guidance is intended for project owners wanting to understand more about the .NET Foundation Contributors Code of Conduct, why it exists and how to raise awareness of it in your community.
The .NET Foundation was created to foster an open, innovative and inclusive community around open source .NET. To clarify expected behaviour in our communities we have adopted the Contributor Covenant. This code of conduct has been adopted by many other open source communities and we feel it expresses our values well.
For a full copy of the code of conduct, see the .NET Foundation Website
First of all, it is important that you read the code of conduct and understand when to be on the look out for unnaceptable behaviour, what to do if you see it or if someone reports their concerns to you.
Any concerns passed to you by your community can be forwarded to the .NET Foundation by email to for help and advice. If a member of the community is not happy with the response of the project maintainers then they should email with details.
The .NET Foundation recommend that you also display a link to the code of conduct in your file and in your file if you have one. You can see an example of this in the Open Live Writer project
See the guidance for the suggested MarkDown to use when linking to the Code of Conduct
When introducing the Code of Conduct links to an existing project, it is important to do this via a Pull Request to allow the community time to read the code of conduct and make sure that they understand it. Below are some FAQ's you might find useful.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated by two person team at the .NET Foundation and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The confidentiality of the person reporting the incident will be kept at all times by the .NET Foundation. Where additional perspectives are needed, the team may seek additional insight from others with relevant expertise or experience but will maintain the confidentiality of the person reporting.
This code of conduct has been adopted by many other open source communities including Mono, Rails, AngularJS, Eclipse, Swift and other projects in the .NET Foundation
There are rare instances when a particular issue or thread in a forum will descend into a set of unhelpful comments, occasionally drawing in a large number of unhelpful comments from outside of your regular community. Rather than one individual being particularly problematic or harrasing another, a crowd might start to turn on an individual or group. If any project maintainer wants advice on how to deal with a particular issue including when to lock an issue, ban a user or remove abusive messages in a conversation then please drop us a line on the address.