Mutt ICS ======== Ever received a meeting notification in an email? Ever wanted to have a quick glance at that `.ics` file and know what is that meeting about, where is it going to happen and who is participating? I did. So I made this little script. Usage ----- The package is on PyPI so it is pip-installable, but I recommend using [uv]( After installing with uv tool install mutt_ics and making sure the `mutt-ics` executable is in your path, you should configure mutt to use it to render ICS files. To do that, complete the following steps: 1. Add the following lines to your `.mailcap` file: text/calendar; mutt-ics; copiousoutput application/ics; mutt-ics; copiousoutput 2. Add the following line to your `.muttrc` file: auto_view text/calendar application/ics 3. For `multipart/alternative` e-mails (which is what e.g. Outlook calendar generates), you probably want to prefer the `text/calendar` format view instead of its textual counterparts. For such settings add another line to the `.muttrc` config file: alternative_order text/calendar text/plain text/html You're done. I guess. Maybe I forgot something. Please, file a ticket if I did.