A simulation of the Yale bright star catalog. Stars are position according to their galactic longitude and latitude.
Used to capture simi-realistic data of the night sky for training a satellite star tracker
The Bright Star Catalogue (BSC) is widely used as a source of basic astronomical and astrophysical data for stars brighter than magnitude 6.5.
The BSC contains 9110 objects, of which 9096 are stars (14 objects catalogued in the original compilation of 1908 are novae or extragalactic objects that have been retained to preserve the numbering, but most of their data are omitted)
The 14 non-star objects in the database were removed The 4 stars with negative Vmag were given a value of 0.01
Original dataset: Link
The ./data
directory contains two .csv
files: star_pos.csv
and camera_pos.csv
and a
calculations excel file.
- The star position file contains the x,y,z vectors for the 9096 star objects. These vectors are calculated based on the galactic longitudes and latitudes from the dataset. They can be recalculated using the calculations file.
- The camera position file contains the delta lambda and phi angles the camera should shift between each capture point. It is not the cords themselves.
- The calculation file allows you to recalculate these values if you use a different dataset or want to change the number of captures.
The project can be downloaded as a zip and imported through the Godot Engin project manager.
Hold the Right Mouse button to translate the camera orientation
Press: F2
to take a screenshot. Screenshots will be saved
with their galactic coordinates that the image was captured
at with the format: [Lat (phi),Lon (lambda)]
Press: F3
will toggle movement with WSAD
Press: F4
to cycle through the sky overlays. There is a Celestial Grid and Constellation Figures
overlay in addition to the blank background.
Press: F5
to begin the capturing the scene from the given camera positions
Press: F6
to stop the capture
When you begin the capture scan a script will: 1. Add the lambda and phi values from the row in the csv to the camera rotation 2. Take a screenshot 3. Repeat
Screenshots can be found in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\[project name]\screenshots
The extract_labels
notebook can loop through a directory of images,
extract the location data from the name and construct a label csv.