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Normalize table constraints before making diff for auto generated mig…
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mpscholten committed Jan 6, 2022
1 parent b0d2e56 commit 53c4665
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Showing 10 changed files with 150 additions and 89 deletions.
51 changes: 44 additions & 7 deletions IHP/IDE/CodeGen/MigrationGenerator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,9 @@ diffSchemas targetSchema' actualSchema' = (drop <> create)
toDropStatement StatementCreateTable { unsafeGetCreateTable = table } = Just DropTable { tableName = get #name table }
toDropStatement CreateEnumType { name } = Just DropEnumType { name }
toDropStatement CreateIndex { indexName } = Just DropIndex { indexName }
toDropStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName } = Just DropConstraint { tableName, constraintName }
toDropStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraint } = case get #name constraint of
Just constraintName -> Just DropConstraint { tableName, constraintName }
Nothing -> Nothing
toDropStatement CreatePolicy { tableName, name } = Just DropPolicy { tableName, policyName = name }
toDropStatement otherwise = Nothing

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ migrateTable StatementCreateTable { unsafeGetCreateTable = targetTable } Stateme

updateConstraint = if get #isUnique dropColumn
then DropConstraint { tableName, constraintName = tableName <> "_" <> (get #name dropColumn) <> "_key" }
else AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName = "", constraint = UniqueConstraint { columnNames = [get #name dropColumn] } }
else AddConstraint { tableName, constraint = UniqueConstraint { name = Nothing, columnNames = [get #name dropColumn] } }

matchingCreateColumn :: Maybe Statement
matchingCreateColumn = find isMatchingCreateColumn statements
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,28 +336,63 @@ normalizeStatement :: Statement -> [Statement]
normalizeStatement StatementCreateTable { unsafeGetCreateTable = table } = StatementCreateTable { unsafeGetCreateTable = normalizedTable } : normalizeTableRest
(normalizedTable, normalizeTableRest) = normalizeTable table
normalizeStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName, constraint } = [ AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName, constraint = normalizeConstraint constraint } ]
normalizeStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraint } = [ AddConstraint { tableName, constraint = normalizeConstraint constraint } ]
normalizeStatement CreateEnumType { name, values } = [ CreateEnumType { name = Text.toLower name, values = map Text.toLower values } ]
normalizeStatement CreatePolicy { name, tableName, using, check } = [ CreatePolicy { name, tableName, using = normalizeExpression <$> using, check = normalizeExpression <$> check } ]
normalizeStatement otherwise = [otherwise]

normalizeTable :: CreateTable -> (CreateTable, [Statement])
normalizeTable table@(CreateTable { .. }) = ( CreateTable { columns = fst normalizedColumns, .. }, concat $ snd normalizedColumns )
normalizeTable table@(CreateTable { .. }) = ( CreateTable { columns = fst normalizedColumns, constraints = normalizedTableConstraints, .. }, (concat $ (snd normalizedColumns)) <> normalizedConstraintsStatements )
normalizedColumns = columns
|> map (normalizeColumn table)
|> unzip

-- pg_dump typically inlines the table constraints into the CREATE TABLE statement like this:
-- > CREATE TABLE public.a (
-- > id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
-- > );
-- In IHP we typically split this into a 'CREATE TABLE' statement and into a 'ALTER TABLE .. ADD CONSTRAINT ..' statement.
-- We normalize the above statement to this:
-- > CREATE TABLE public.a (
-- > id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL
-- > );
normalizedCheckConstraints :: [Either Statement Constraint]
normalizedCheckConstraints = constraints
|> map \case
checkConstraint@(CheckConstraint {}) -> Left AddConstraint { tableName = name, constraint = checkConstraint }
otherConstraint -> Right otherConstraint

normalizedTableConstraints :: [Constraint]
normalizedTableConstraints =
|> mapMaybe \case
Left _ -> Nothing
Right c -> Just c

normalizedConstraintsStatements :: [Statement]
normalizedConstraintsStatements =
|> mapMaybe \case
Right _ -> Nothing
Left c -> Just c

normalizeConstraint :: Constraint -> Constraint
normalizeConstraint ForeignKeyConstraint { columnName, referenceTable, referenceColumn, onDelete } = ForeignKeyConstraint { columnName = Text.toLower columnName, referenceTable = Text.toLower referenceTable, referenceColumn = fmap Text.toLower referenceColumn, onDelete = Just (fromMaybe NoAction onDelete) }
normalizeConstraint ForeignKeyConstraint { name, columnName, referenceTable, referenceColumn, onDelete } = ForeignKeyConstraint { name, columnName = Text.toLower columnName, referenceTable = Text.toLower referenceTable, referenceColumn = fmap Text.toLower referenceColumn, onDelete = Just (fromMaybe NoAction onDelete) }
normalizeConstraint otherwise = otherwise

normalizeColumn :: CreateTable -> Column -> (Column, [Statement])
normalizeColumn table Column { name, columnType, defaultValue, notNull, isUnique } = (Column { name = normalizeName name, columnType = normalizeSqlType columnType, defaultValue = normalizedDefaultValue, notNull, isUnique = False }, uniqueConstraint)
uniqueConstraint =
if isUnique
then [ AddConstraint { tableName = get #name table, constraintName = (get #name table) <>"_" <> name <> "_key", constraint = UniqueConstraint [name] } ]
then [ AddConstraint { tableName = get #name table, constraint = UniqueConstraint (Just $ (get #name table) <>"_" <> name <> "_key") [name] } ]
else []

normalizeName :: Text -> Text
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,7 +469,7 @@ migrationPathFromPlan plan =
normalizePrimaryKeys :: [Statement] -> [Statement]
normalizePrimaryKeys statements = reverse $ normalizePrimaryKeys' [] statements
normalizePrimaryKeys' normalizedStatements ((AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName, constraint = AlterTableAddPrimaryKey { primaryKeyConstraint } }):rest) =
normalizePrimaryKeys' normalizedStatements ((AddConstraint { tableName, constraint = AlterTableAddPrimaryKey { primaryKeyConstraint } }):rest) =
|> map \case
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Compiler.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ compileStatement :: Statement -> Text
compileStatement (StatementCreateTable CreateTable { name, columns, primaryKeyConstraint, constraints }) = "CREATE TABLE " <> compileIdentifier name <> " (\n" <> intercalate ",\n" (map (\col -> " " <> compileColumn primaryKeyConstraint col) columns <> maybe [] ((:[]) . indent) (compilePrimaryKeyConstraint primaryKeyConstraint) <> map (indent . compileConstraint) constraints) <> "\n);"
compileStatement CreateEnumType { name, values } = "CREATE TYPE " <> compileIdentifier name <> " AS ENUM (" <> intercalate ", " (values |> map TextExpression |> map compileExpression) <> ");"
compileStatement CreateExtension { name, ifNotExists } = "CREATE EXTENSION " <> (if ifNotExists then "IF NOT EXISTS " else "") <> compileIdentifier name <> ";"
compileStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName = "", constraint = UniqueConstraint { columnNames } } = "ALTER TABLE " <> compileIdentifier tableName <> " ADD UNIQUE (" <> intercalate ", " columnNames <> ")" <> ";"
compileStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName, constraint } = "ALTER TABLE " <> compileIdentifier tableName <> " ADD CONSTRAINT " <> compileIdentifier constraintName <> " " <> compileConstraint constraint <> ";"
compileStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraint = UniqueConstraint { name = Nothing, columnNames } } = "ALTER TABLE " <> compileIdentifier tableName <> " ADD UNIQUE (" <> intercalate ", " columnNames <> ")" <> ";"
compileStatement AddConstraint { tableName, constraint } = "ALTER TABLE " <> compileIdentifier tableName <> " ADD CONSTRAINT " <> compileIdentifier (fromMaybe (error "compileStatement: Expected constraint name") (get #name constraint)) <> " " <> compileConstraint constraint <> ";"
compileStatement AddColumn { tableName, column } = "ALTER TABLE " <> compileIdentifier tableName <> " ADD COLUMN " <> (compileColumn (PrimaryKeyConstraint []) column) <> ";"
compileStatement DropColumn { tableName, columnName } = "ALTER TABLE " <> compileIdentifier tableName <> " DROP COLUMN " <> compileIdentifier columnName <> ";"
compileStatement RenameColumn { tableName, from, to } = "ALTER TABLE " <> compileIdentifier tableName <> " RENAME COLUMN " <> compileIdentifier from <> " TO " <> compileIdentifier to <> ";"
Expand Down
26 changes: 12 additions & 14 deletions IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,28 +130,26 @@ createEnumType = do
pure CreateEnumType { name, values }

addConstraint tableName = do
constraintName <- identifier
constraint <- parseTableConstraint >>= \case
Left primaryKeyConstraint -> pure AlterTableAddPrimaryKey { primaryKeyConstraint }
Left primaryKeyConstraint -> pure AlterTableAddPrimaryKey { name = Nothing, primaryKeyConstraint }
Right constraint -> pure constraint
char ';'
pure AddConstraint { tableName, constraintName, constraint }
pure AddConstraint { tableName, constraint }

parseTableConstraint = do
optional do
name <- optional do
(Left <$> parsePrimaryKeyConstraint) <|>
(Right <$> (parseForeignKeyConstraint <|> parseUniqueConstraint <|> parseCheckConstraint))
(Right <$> (parseForeignKeyConstraint name <|> parseUniqueConstraint name <|> parseCheckConstraint name))

parsePrimaryKeyConstraint = do
lexeme "PRIMARY"
lexeme "KEY"
primaryKeyColumnNames <- between (char '(' >> space) (char ')' >> space) (identifier `sepBy1` (char ',' >> space))
pure PrimaryKeyConstraint { primaryKeyColumnNames }

parseForeignKeyConstraint = do
parseForeignKeyConstraint name = do
lexeme "FOREIGN"
lexeme "KEY"
columnName <- between (char '(' >> space) (char ')' >> space) identifier
Expand All @@ -162,17 +160,17 @@ parseForeignKeyConstraint = do
lexeme "ON"
lexeme "DELETE"
pure ForeignKeyConstraint { columnName, referenceTable, referenceColumn, onDelete }
pure ForeignKeyConstraint { name, columnName, referenceTable, referenceColumn, onDelete }

parseUniqueConstraint = do
parseUniqueConstraint name = do
lexeme "UNIQUE"
columnNames <- between (char '(' >> space) (char ')' >> space) (identifier `sepBy1` (char ',' >> space))
pure UniqueConstraint { columnNames }
pure UniqueConstraint { name, columnNames }

parseCheckConstraint = do
parseCheckConstraint name = do
lexeme "CHECK"
checkExpression <- between (char '(' >> space) (char ')' >> space) expression
pure CheckConstraint { checkExpression }
pure CheckConstraint { name, checkExpression }

parseOnDelete = choice
[ (lexeme "NO" >> lexeme "ACTION") >> pure NoAction
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -524,9 +522,9 @@ alterTable = do
let add = do
lexeme "ADD"
let addUnique = do
unique <- parseUniqueConstraint
unique <- parseUniqueConstraint Nothing
char ';'
pure (AddConstraint tableName "" unique)
pure (AddConstraint tableName unique)
addConstraint tableName <|> addColumn tableName <|> addUnique
let drop = do
lexeme "DROP"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/SchemaOperations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ newForeignKeyConstraint :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Statement
newForeignKeyConstraint tableName columnName referenceTable =
{ tableName
, constraintName = tableName <> "_ref_" <> columnName
, constraint = ForeignKeyConstraint
{ columnName = columnName
{ name = Just $ tableName <> "_ref_" <> columnName
, columnName = columnName
, referenceTable = referenceTable
, referenceColumn = "id"
, onDelete = (Just NoAction)
Expand All @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ arrayifytype False coltype = coltype
arrayifytype True coltype = PArray coltype

addForeignKeyConstraint :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> OnDelete -> [Statement] -> [Statement]
addForeignKeyConstraint tableName columnName constraintName referenceTable onDelete list = list <> [AddConstraint { tableName = tableName, constraintName = constraintName, constraint = ForeignKeyConstraint { columnName = columnName, referenceTable = referenceTable, referenceColumn = "id", onDelete = (Just onDelete) } }]
addForeignKeyConstraint tableName columnName constraintName referenceTable onDelete list = list <> [AddConstraint { tableName = tableName, constraint = ForeignKeyConstraint { name = Just constraintName, columnName = columnName, referenceTable = referenceTable, referenceColumn = "id", onDelete = (Just onDelete) } }]

addTableIndex :: Text -> Bool -> Text -> [Text] -> [Statement] -> [Statement]
addTableIndex indexName unique tableName columnNames list = list <> [CreateIndex { indexName, unique, tableName, expressions = map VarExpression columnNames, whereClause = Nothing }]
Expand Down
27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ data Statement
| DropEnumType { name :: Text }
| CreateExtension { name :: Text, ifNotExists :: Bool }
-- | ALTER TABLE tableName ADD CONSTRAINT constraintName constraint;
| AddConstraint { tableName :: Text, constraintName :: Text, constraint :: Constraint }
-- | ALTER TABLE tableName ADD CONSTRAINT constraint;
| AddConstraint { tableName :: Text, constraint :: Constraint }
-- | ALTER TABLE tableName DROP CONSTRAINT constraintName;
| DropConstraint { tableName, constraintName :: Text }
-- | ALTER TABLE tableName ADD COLUMN column;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,15 +97,24 @@ newtype PrimaryKeyConstraint
data Constraint
-- | FOREIGN KEY (columnName) REFERENCES referenceTable (referenceColumn) ON DELETE onDelete;
= ForeignKeyConstraint
{ columnName :: Text
, referenceTable :: Text
, referenceColumn :: Maybe Text
, onDelete :: Maybe OnDelete
{ name :: !(Maybe Text)
, columnName :: !Text
, referenceTable :: !Text
, referenceColumn :: !(Maybe Text)
, onDelete :: !(Maybe OnDelete)
| UniqueConstraint
{ columnNames :: [Text] }
| CheckConstraint { checkExpression :: Expression }
| AlterTableAddPrimaryKey { primaryKeyConstraint :: PrimaryKeyConstraint }
{ name :: !(Maybe Text)
, columnNames :: ![Text]
| CheckConstraint
{ name :: !(Maybe Text)
, checkExpression :: !Expression
| AlterTableAddPrimaryKey
{ name :: !(Maybe Text)
, primaryKeyConstraint :: !PrimaryKeyConstraint
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Expression =
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/View/Layout.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -417,9 +417,9 @@ findForeignKey :: [Statement] -> Text -> Text -> Maybe Statement
findForeignKey statements tableName columnName =
find (\statement -> statement == AddConstraint
{ tableName = tableName
, constraintName = (get #constraintName statement)
, constraint = ForeignKeyConstraint
{ columnName = columnName
{ name = Just (get #constraintName statement)
, columnName = columnName
, referenceTable = (get #referenceTable (get #constraint statement))
, referenceColumn = (get #referenceColumn (get #constraint statement))
, onDelete = (get #onDelete (get #constraint statement)) }
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions Test/IDE/CodeGeneration/MigrationGenerator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -712,6 +712,23 @@ tests = do

diffSchemas targetSchema actualSchema `shouldBe` []

it "should normalize check constraints" do
let targetSchema = sql [i|
CREATE TABLE public.a (
id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE a ADD CONSTRAINT contact_email_or_url CHECK (contact_email IS NOT NULL OR source_url IS NOT NULL);

let actualSchema = sql [i|
CREATE TABLE public.a (
id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT contact_email_or_url CHECK (((contact_email IS NOT NULL) OR (source_url IS NOT NULL)))

diffSchemas targetSchema actualSchema `shouldBe` []

sql :: Text -> [Statement]
sql code = case Megaparsec.runParser Parser.parseDDL "" code of
Expand Down

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