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libdlfind is a C-API and Python interface to the DL-FIND geometry optimization library


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libdlfind is a C-API and Python interface to the DL-FIND geometry optimization library. It is mainly intended for use in high-level libraries as an optimization backend.


Installation with pip

$ pip install libdlfind

Installation with conda

$ conda install -c conda-forge libdlfind

Shared library

The shared library can also be used to interface with other languages than Python. It can be built with CMake and installed.

$ git clone /~
$ cd libdlfind
$ cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release 
$ cmake --build build
$ cmake --install build # Optionally use --prefix


Here we illustrate the use of libdlfind to optimize a molecule with xtb using xtb-python.

import functools

import numpy as np
from libdlfind import dl_find
from libdlfind.callback import (dlf_get_gradient_wrapper,
                                dlf_put_coords_wrapper, make_dlf_get_params)
from xtb.interface import Calculator
from xtb.utils import get_method

# Create function to calculate energies and gradients
def e_g_func(coordinates, iimage, kiter, calculator):
    results = calculator.singlepoint()
    energy = results.get_energy()
    gradient = results.get_gradient()
    return energy, gradient

# Create function to store results from DL-FIND
def store_results(switch, energy, coordinates, iam, traj_coords, traj_energies):

def main():
    # Create hydrogen molecule
    numbers = np.array([1, 1])
    positions = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.5]])  # Coordinates in Bohr

    # Create XTB calculator
    calculator = Calculator(get_method("GFN2-xTB"), numbers, positions)

    # Two lists for storing results
    traj_energies = []
    traj_coordinates = []

    dlf_get_params = make_dlf_get_params(coords=positions)
    dlf_get_gradient = functools.partial(e_g_func, calculator=calculator)
    dlf_put_coords = functools.partial(
        store_results, traj_coords=traj_coordinates, traj_energies=traj_energies
    # Run DL-FIND
        nvarin=len(numbers) * 3,
    # Print results
    print(f"Number of iterations: {len(traj_energies)}")
    print(f"Finaly energy (a.u.): {traj_energies[-1]}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

With the output

Number of iterations: 4
Finaly energy (a.u.): -0.9826861748759066


libdlfind tries to stay as close as possible to the behavior of the original DL-FIND code. Optimization is called via the main function dl_find with the following signature

def dl_find(
    nvarin: int,
    nvarin2: int = 0,
    nspec: int | None = None,
    master: int = 1,
    dlf_error: Callable = lambda *args: None,
    dlf_get_gradient: Callable = lambda *args: None,
    dlf_get_hessian: Callable = lambda *args: None,
    dlf_get_multistate_gradients: Callable = lambda *args: None,
    dlf_get_params: Callable,
    dlf_put_coords: Callable = lambda *args: None,
    dlf_update: Callable = lambda *args: None,
) -> None:

For typical optimizations, nvarin can be set from the number of atoms of the system:

n_atoms = 3
nvarin = 3 * n_atoms

As there is currently no MPI support for libdlfind, the master argument can safely be left at the default value. The following seven user-supplied functions are described in the documentation. The most important are:

  • dlf_get_params is always needed
  • dlf_get_gradient is needed for ground state optimizations
  • dlf_get_multistate_gradients is needed for minimum energy crossing point optimizations
  • dlf_put_coords is needed for capturing the output of the optimization

The less important are:

  • dlf_get_hessian is needed when Hessian information is used for optimization
  • dlf_error allows error handling if DL-FIND crashes
  • dlf_update allows the calling code to update any neighbour list (for QM/MM)

The functions should be C-interoperable and need to be either (a) dummies for the functions that are not needed for a particular calculation type or (b) created by libdlfind decorators or function factories. The dummy functions simply do nothing, and this is the default value for all expect dlf_put_coords, which is needed for all calculation types. The user therefore only needs to give dl_find the functions needed for a specific calculation type.

Decorators and factory functions

The easiest way to create the functions is with the decorators and factory functions in libdlfind.callback.


The dlf_error function does something in response to DL-FIND crashing, and should ideally not return control to DL-FIND. In Python, this is not easy to achieve. Unfortunately, we also cannot catch exceptions as dlf_error is a callback function that is called from the Fortran side. There is therefore little use for dlf_error from Python, but it could conceivably be used for cleanup of files generated by DL-FIND.

from pathlib import Path

def dlf_error():
    p = Path("qts_reactant.txt")

To construct dlf_get_gradient, we need a function that calculates the energy and gradients. It takes take three arguments, coordinates, iimage and kiter, of which the latter two can be ignored most of the time. It should return the energy as a float and the gradient as a NumPy array with shape (n_atoms, 3). In the example below, we use a calculator object of some type to calculate the energy and gradient based on the coordinates. functools.partial is used to create a function which only has the three arguments expected by DL-FIND.

import functools
from libdlfind.callback import dlf_get_gradient_wrapper

def e_g_func(coordinates: NDArray, iimage: int, kiter: int, calculator: object):
    calculator.coordinates = (
        coordinates  # coordinates is an array with shape (n_atoms, 3) in Bohr
    energy, gradient = calculator.sp(return_gradient=True)
    return energy, gradient

dlf_get_gradient = functools.partial(e_g_func, calculator=calculator)

The dlf_get_hessian function takes one argument, coordinates and should return the Hessian as a NumPy array with shape (n_atoms * 3, n_atoms * 3). Here is an example of how it can be created.

import functools
from libdlfind.callback import dlf_get_hessian_wrapper

def hess_func(coordinates: NDArray, calculator: object):
    calculator.coordinates = (
        coordinates  # coordinates is an array with shape (n_atoms, 3) in Bohr
    hessian = calculator.hessian()
    return hessian

dlf_get_hessian = functools.partial(hess_func, calculator=calculator)

The dlf_get_multistate_gradients is used for multi-state optimizations such as for minimum energy crossing points (MECPs). It is similar to dlf_get_gradient but requires the calculation of two energies and gradients, one for each state, as well as their coupling (for certain algorithms). Here's an example of how it can be created.

import functools
from libdlfind.callback import dlf_get_multistate_gradients_wrapper

def ms_e_g_func(
    coordinates: NDArray,
    needcoupling: int,
    iimage: int,
    calculator_1: object,
    calculator_2: object,
    coordinates = (
        coordinates * BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM
    )  # coordinates is an array with shape (n_atoms, 3) in Bohr
    calculator_1.coordinates = coordinates
    calculator_2.coordinates = coordinates
    e_1, g_1 = calculator_1.sp(
    )  # g_1 and g_2 are arrays with shape (n_atoms, 3) in Hartree/Bohr
    e_2, g_2 = calculator_2.sp(return_gradient=True)
    return e_1, e_2, g_1, g_2, None  # Returns no coupling

dlf_get_multistate_gradients = functools.partial(

The argument needcoupling will be 1 if multistate couplings should be calculated, and 0 otherwise. iimage is used for MPI runs.


The dlf_get_params function supplies all parameters for the DL-FIND calculation. There's a very large number of parameters, which are covered in some detail in the Keywords section. All calculations require the coordinates, while other parameters can be given optionally.

from libdlfind.callback import make_dlf_get_params

dlf_get_params = make_dlf_get_params(
    coords=coordinates,  # coordinates is an array with shape (n_atoms, 3) in Bohr
    printl=1  # Increases print level

The dlf_put_coords function allows storage of the results of the optimization. The following example stores the coordinates and energies of all points in the traj_coordinates and traj_energies lists.

import functools
from libdlfind.callback import dlf_put_coords_wrapper

def store_results(
    switch: int,
    energy: float,
    coordinates: NDArray,
    iam: int,
    traj_energies: Sequence,
    traj_coords: Sequence,
    )  # np.array creates a copy of the coordinate array at this point in time

dlf_put_coords = functools.partial(
    store_results, traj_energies=traj_energies, traj_coords=traj_coordinates

If the argument switch is 1, coordinates contains the actual geometry. If switch is 2, coordinates contains the transition mode. iam is a flag applied for MPI runs.


The dlf_update function allows updating of neighbor lists for algorithms that require that. It doesn't seem to be used in DL-FIND so far and therefore we have no good use cases.


DL-FIND is a powerful optimization package with many options. They are partially described in the DL-FIND documentation and more in detail in api.f90 and dlf_global_module.f90.

A concise summary of some of the most important options can be found here.

Robust usage

Silence DL-FIND printout with wurlitzer

DL-FIND prints output to the standard output and standard error steams, which can clutter the output from a Python workflow. To silence these, we can use the Wurlitzer package and the pipes context manager.

from wurlitzer import pipes
with pipes() as (stdout, stderr):

Avoid crashes with pebble

DL-FIND sometimes handles errors by calling STOP on the Fortran side. Unfortunately, this will also terminate the parent process that launched DL-FIND. When running libdlfind as part of a larger workflow with many optimizations, this could be disastrous. A workaround is to use a separate Python process to isolate DL-FIND. If that process crashes, we can catch that as an exception. For this we will use the Pebble library. We create a wrapper function where DL-FIND is called, and decorate this function with concurrent.process from Pebble.

from pebble import concurrent, ProcessExpired

def opt_mol(mol):
    return traj_energies, traj_coordinates

def main():
    future = opt_mol(mol)
        traj_energies, traj_coordinates = future.result()
    except ProcessExpired:
        traj_energies, traj_coordinates = None, None

if __name__ == "__main__":

Parallel execution

DL-FIND makes extensive use of global variables stored in modules. For this reason, parallel execution with shared memory will lead to crashes and/or unreliable results. The MPI capabilities of DL-FIND are not supported in libdlfind. Running multiple single-threaded jobs in parallel can be done with for example pebble.ProcessPool or concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor. In that case, each process will have its own copy of the shared library and global variables.


libdlfind adds a lightweight and general C-compatible API to the DL-FIND Fortran code. It uses the original DL-FIND code from Py-ChemShell (v21.0.1) in unmodified form and adds three files:

  • api.f90: C-interoperable interface functions
  • mod_api.f90: Abstract interfaces callback functions from C
  • mod_globals.f90: Module that stores pointers to callback functions.

Currently, the MPI parallelization of DL-FIND is not supported.

The original code can be obtained at the ChemShell website after registration.


DL-FIND should be cited as:

Johannes Kästner, Joanne M. Carr, Thomas W. Keal, Walter Thiel, Adrian Wander, and Paul Sherwood, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2009, 113 (43), 11856-11865.


Cyrille Lavigne (@clavigne), Ivan Pribec (@ivan-pi) and Sebastian Ehlert (@awvwgk) for many helpful suggestions.


libdlfind is a C-API and Python interface to the DL-FIND geometry optimization library



LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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Contributors 3
