Please Note: I am not actively using this module, as it was written purely as a proof-of-concept.
This is an experimental fork of /~ which replaces rbenv with chruby. It should be a drop-in replacement, with support for most of the types and classes provided in upstream puppet-ruby.
To use it in your boxen, replace the normal ruby module with this one:
# Puppetfile
github 'ruby', '0.1.0', :repo => 'dgoodlad/puppet-chruby'
Requires the following boxen modules:
repository >= 2.1
(OS X only)autoconf
(some ruby versions)openssl
(ruby versions >= 2.0.0)
# Set the global default ruby (auto-installs it if it can)
class { 'ruby::global':
version => '1.9.3'
# ensure a certain ruby version is used in a dir
ruby::local { '/path/to/some/project':
version => '1.9.3-p194'
# ensure a gem is installed for a certain ruby version
# note, you can't have duplicate resource names so you have to name like so
ruby::gem { "bundler for ${version}":
gem => 'bundler',
ruby => $version,
version => '~> 1.2.0'
# install a ruby version
ruby::version { '1.9.3-p194': }
# we provide a ton of predefined ones for you though
require ruby::1_9_3_p194
The following variables may be automatically overridden with Hiera:
"ruby::chruby_version": "0.3.6"
"ruby::rubybuild_version": "v20130628"
# Careful with these, totally untested
"ruby::chruby_root": "/home/deploy/chruby"
"ruby::user": "deploy"
You can also use JSON if your Hiera is configured for that.