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@Delgan Delgan released this 29 Jun 08:37
· 581 commits to master since this release
  • Remove all dependencies previously needed by loguru (on Windows platform, it solely remains colorama and win32-setctime).
  • Add a new logger.patch() method which can be used to modify the record dict on-the-fly before it's being sent to the handlers.
  • Modify behavior of sink option backtrace so it only extends the stacktrace upward, the display of variables values is now controlled with the new diagnose argument (#49).
  • Change behavior of rotation option in file sinks: it is now based on the file creation time rather than the current time, note that proper support may differ depending on your platform (#58).
  • Raise errors on unknowns color tags rather than silently ignoring them (#57).
  • Add the possibility to auto-close color tags by using </> (e.g. <yellow>message</>).
  • Add coloration of exception traceback even if diagnose and backtrace options are False.
  • Add a way to limit the depth of formatted exceptions traceback by setting the conventional sys.tracebacklimit variable (#77).
  • Add __repr__ value to the logger for convenient debugging (#84).
  • Remove colors tags mixing directives (e.g. <red,blue>) for simplification.
  • Make the record["exception"] attribute unpackable as a (type, value, traceback) tuple.
  • Fix error happening in some rare circumstances because frame.f_globals dict did not contain "__name__" key and hence prevented Loguru to retrieve the module's name. From now, record["name"] will be equal to None in such case (#62).
  • Fix logging methods not being serializable with pickle and hence raising exception while being passed to some multiprocessing functions (#102).
  • Fix exception stack trace not colorizing source code lines on Windows.
  • Fix possible AttributeError while formatting exceptions within a celery task (#52).
  • Fix logger.catch decorator not working with generator and coroutine functions (#75).
  • Fix record["path"] case being normalized for no necessary reason (#85).
  • Fix some Windows terminal emulators (mintty) not correctly detected as supporting colors, causing ansi codes to be automatically stripped (#104).
  • Fix handler added with enqueue=True stopping working if exception was raised in sink although catch=True.
  • Fix thread-safety of enable() and disable() being called during logging.
  • Use Tox to run tests (#41).