In the Linux world, dotfiles are a collection of directories, configuration files and custom scripts that are used to customize the user experience and tweak the system’s look and behavior.
This repository contains the dotfiles that I use on my personal and work Linux computers. I tried to make them as portable as possible but in some cases it’s just not possible to work around machine specific requirements, in that case, manual adaption is required.
Software to customize the look & feel of my desktop environment
Software | Description |
i3 | Tiling window manager |
rofi | Application launcher |
dunst | Notification daemon |
polybar | Status bar |
autorandr | xrandr automation |
Essential everyday productivity software
Software | Description |
emacs | Application launcher |
alacritty | Window manager |
starship | Notification daemon |
Various software and scripts
Software | Description |
xscreensaver | X11 screensaver |
adb bash completion | adb & repo commands bash completion |
bash profile | Useful Bash environment configuration |
passwords storage | Automatic passwords restoration from a Keepass database |
The provided dotfiles assume that the software in the list bellow is installed in your system. Please note that the packages names could be different and not all of them are available through your Linux distribution’s package manager. In that case, the missing packages will have to be built from the sources.
alacritty | autorandr | dunst | emacs | feh | firefox |
git | gnome calculator | i3 | keepassxc | light | numlockx |
pactl | pavucontrol | playerctl | polybar | python | redshift |
rofi | scrot | startship | xclip | xrandr | xscreensaver |
- 3270 Nerd Font
- Cantarell
- Fira code
- Liberation Mono
- Montserrat
- Symbols Nerd Font
- Terminess Nerd font
- Terminus
Warning: The dotfiles in this repository are specific to my Linux setup and workflow. Please ADAPT them to your needs before using them.
Installation steps:
$ cd
$ git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 .dotfiles
$ cd .dotfiles
$ cp dotbot/tools/git-submodule/install .
$ ./install
After the installation is done, please re-login for the new configuration to fully take effect.
You are welcomed to try my dotfiles in your Linux setup or just get some inspiration from them. For suggestions or bug reports, please contact me at
Othmane AIT EL CADI /