Background: Python Flask JINJA2 MYSQL, C# .NET EFCORE MYSQL, MERN [MongoDB, ExpressJs, ReactJs, NodeJs], Java Spring boot, with some practice with DevOps and Testing)
Completed A.A.s in I.T. with minor in Cyber Security / Pen Testing.
Here are a collection of personal projects that I've developed throughout my software development journey!
- Project goal: After collecting data and exporting to .csv. Add dynamic use with JavaScript modules (Papa Parse), allowing for reading of .csv file and generating the table headers and body accordingly. I would like to load the .csv with the page load, or create a dashboard to view multiple files at the same time.
- Scraping the data and displaying the reformatted data in a dynamic table, similar to viewing with pandas as a dataframe. Allows for uploading custom .csv files and viewing your data on a website.
- Project goal: Full stack development, from ERD diagram concept to building the front end and back end.
- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Jinja, MySQL. Practice concepts for modularized full stack development to prepare for MERN stack.
- To continue this project, I may consider a login & validation.
- Project goal: To collect relavent data and use good practices in collecting of data accurately for data analysis use.
- Scrapes HTML for league leaderboard statistics. Processed, cleaned and organized data for ease of use in data analysis. Recently added option for exporting data to .CSV format.
- Project goal: To create a crud application with login/registration. Reusability of views, creating your schema ahead of time and taking advangtage of EntityFrameworkCore.
- To create your table and database as per your specifications. The website includes a dashboard to create events for others to join you.
- Creators can edit and update or remove. While others can join them, while not allowing an overlap in date/time for events.
- Project goal: crud full stack app login/reg sharing music that users can like and dislike. Dynamically show on different pages based on different levels of user access to view the relationships on screen via like and dislike buttons.
- Build this application as practice of how to possible build a blog using a relational database in C# .Net MySQL BootstrapJs
Old portfolio: /~
- Project goal: Display the understanding and growth from Vanilla HTML, CSS, JS into incorporating it all with REACT components.
- Llanding page that leads to my different social medias.
- Project goal: Use vanilla Javascript for DOM/html manipulation, use a known algorithm to calculate potential caloric intake for desired weight maintanence.
- Project goal: Create a website in vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript that has default values within a mock city, to utilize functionality of JavaScript to convert values between Fahrenheit and Celcius. Plus practice in wireframe layouts with BootstapJs.