- Wrappers
- Overview
- Predefined wrappers
- Nested wrappers
- User-defined wrappers
Wrapper in DryIoc is some useful data structure which operates on registered service or services.
- A wrapper may be either an open-generic type with generic argument identifying service type to wrap. Examples are
. - Or non-generic type, in that case a wrapped service is identified with RequiredServiceType: e.g.
Note: Open-generic wrapper with multiple type arguments may wrap one service type only, e.g. Func<TArg0, TArg1, TService>
wraps TService
Wrapping multiple services in one wrapper is not supported.
More info:
- Wrappers are composable through nesting: e.g.
. - A similar concept in Autofac is relationship types.
- DryIoc supports both predefined and user-defined wrappers.
- Explicitly registering a wrapper type (e.g.
) as a normal service overrides corresponding wrapper registration. - The actual difference between normal open-generic service and wrapper is explained here.
Wrapper example:
namespace DryIoc.Docs;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using DryIoc;
using NUnit.Framework;
// ReSharper disable UnusedVariable
public class Wrapper_example
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// The actual service registrations
// Lazy is available without registration!
class A { }
class B
public B(Lazy<A> a) { }
Predefined wrappers are always available, you don't need to Register
them, but may Unregister
then if you want.
Predefined wrapper types were selected to be DryIoc agnostic, to keep your business logic as POCO as possible without depending on specific IoC library. It means all of the wrapper types except DryIoc.Meta<,>
are available without DryIoc.
Note: DryIoc.Meta<,>
type may just help to migrate from Autofac but you may use System.Tuple<,>
- Provides an instance of
created on first access. - Internally implemented as a call to a container Resolve:
r => new Lazy(() => r.Resolve<A>())
, thereforeA
may not be yet available whenLazy
is injected. - Permits recursive dependency in resolution graph, because uses the
call for service creation postponing its dependency check.
Delegates creation of
to the user code. -
By default injected as inline service creation:
new B(() => new A())
. ThereforeA
should be available at the moment ofFunc<A>
resolution. -
By default does not permit recursive dependency.
Alternatively, inline
creation may be changed to aResolve
call:container.Register<A>(setup: Setup.With(asResolutionCall: true));
- This way
will be injected as:new B(() => r.Resolver.Resolve<A>())
- Permits recursive dependency in resolution graph.
- This way
The important thing about Lazy
and Func
is that the wrapped dependency should be registered into the container when injecting wrappers.
public class Lazy_and_Func_require_services_to_be_registered
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// Throws cause `A` is not registered
Assert.Throws<ContainerException>(() =>
class A { }
This was done intentionally to be able to construct as much of the object graph as possible to verify its correctness.
The default DryIoc laziness of Func
and Lazy
is about postponing a creation of service value and not about
postponing a registration.
There is still a possibility to postpone a service registration:
- One is via
. - Another one is globally, via
, see below:
public class Func_works_without_registration
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container(rules => rules.WithFuncAndLazyWithoutRegistration());
var getA = container.Resolve<Func<A>>();
// later register an `A`
var a = getA();
class A { }
Note: Using WithFuncAndLazyWithoutRegistration
will also permit the recursive dependency.
Delegates creation of service to the user and allows supplying a subset of dependencies. The rest of dependencies are injected by the container as usual.
More details:
- It may be viewed as an override of normally injected dependencies with custom ones, provided via arguments.
- Or as "currying" of service creation constructor or method.
- Sometimes Func with parameters is used to pass primitive values, e.g.
, etc. - Injected as an inline creation expression:
new B((dep1, dep2) => new A(dep1, new D(), dep2))
- Permits the recursive dependency.
Provided arguments are matched with parameters by type and in passed order. If the matched argument is not found then the argument will be injected by the container. The arguments order may differ from parameters order.
What if provided arguments are of the same type? DryIoc will track already used arguments and will skip them in the subsequent match.
Means that dep1
and dep2
from the example may be a string and still both used.
Note: In case when the passed argument is not used then DryIoc will proceed to match it for nested dependencies (if any):
new B(arg => new A(new D(arg)))
When the passed argument was not used it is maybe a mistake but maybe is not. It was a hard choice, but DryIoc will ignore this for now.
public class Passed_argument_was_not_used
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// Can be used, the argument will be ignored
var getA = container.Resolve<Func<string, A>>();
Assert.IsNotNull(getA("ignore me"));
class A { }
There is another caveat related to reuse. You may say that passing a different argument to create a service likely may produce a different service.
But what happens when service is registered with non-transient reuse?
By default, DryIoc will use the first call to Func
to create a service and ignore the rest.
public class Func_with_args_and_reuse
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// Can be used, the argument will be ignored
var getA = container.Resolve<Func<string, A>>();
Assert.AreEqual("Hi, Alpha", getA("Hi, Alpha").Greeting);
// The result still be the same as before, so the second invocation and its arguments are ignored
Assert.AreEqual("Hi, Alpha", getA("Hi, Beta").Greeting);
class A
public string Greeting { get; }
public A(string greeting) { Greeting = greeting; }
If you don't like it this way, you may use a rule Rules.WithIgnoringReuseForFuncWithArgs()
public class Func_with_args_with_rule_ignoring_reuse
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container(rules => rules.WithIgnoringReuseForFuncWithArgs());
// Can be used, the argument will be ignored
var getA = container.Resolve<Func<string, A>>();
Assert.AreEqual("Hi, Alpha", getA("Hi, Alpha").Greeting);
// That's expected now.
Assert.AreEqual("Hi, Beta", getA("Hi, Beta").Greeting);
class A
public string Greeting { get; }
public A(string greeting) { Greeting = greeting; }
In some IoC libraries Func<string, IService>
has a special meaning
where string argument represents a service key to access IService
by key.
This is not true in DryIoc.
First, because it more general concept of fulfilling the dependency though the passed argument,
and no one prevent the dependency to be type of string
Second, the service keys in DryIoc may be of arbitrary types not restricted to strings, e.g. int
, Guid
, enums, etc.
But DryIoc is powerful enough to emulate this feature without much hassle:
public class Func_with_single_argument_to_resolve_service_by_key
public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IService, ServiceA>(serviceKey: "A");
container.Register<IService, ServiceB>(serviceKey: "B");
// The magic is not:
// DryIoc will inject the IDictionary wrapper of services by key and a string key passed as function argument
container.RegisterDelegate<IDictionary<string, IService>, string, IService>((services, key) => services[key]);
var getConsumer = container.Resolve<Func<string, Consumer>>();
interface IService {}
class ServiceA : IService {}
class ServiceB : IService {}
class Consumer
public readonly IService Service;
public Consumer(IService service) => Service = service;
Wraps a registered service key together with the resolved service.
May be used to filter service based on its key. Usually used together with Func or Lazy wrapper and nested inside collection: IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, Func<A>>>
More on the KeyValuePair
usage is here.
Packs together resolved service A and associated metadata object. A bit similar to KeyValuePair
but with metadata instead of the key.
You may think of the metadata the same way as of Attribute
defined for the implementation type.
Metadata may be provided with attributes when using MefAttributedModel.
public class Providing_metadata
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<A>(setup: Setup.With(metadataOrFuncOfMetadata: "XYZ"));
var a1 = container.Resolve<Meta<A, string>>();
var a2 = container.Resolve<Tuple<A, string>>(); // is the same thing
Assert.AreEqual("XYZ", a1.Metadata);
Assert.AreEqual("XYZ", a2.Item2);
Note: You may choose to use System.Tuple<,>
over DryIoc.Meta<,>
because former does not require the DryIoc reference.
may be a good choice if you are migrating from Autofac,
or if you want to register Tuple<,>
with the different meaning.
If no metadata provided in setup
, then the resolving as Meta
will throw a ContainerException
with corresponding message and code.
In the example above registered and resolved metadata types are the same. DryIoc will throw an exception in case they are not assignable,
e.g. when registered as string
but resolving with int
metadata type. Resolving as Meta<A, object>
is always fine because a string is an object.
Metadata may be also used for collection filtering. When nesting in collection wrapper, and when the metadata is not registered or not assignable, then no exception will be thrown. Instead, a service item will be filtered out from the collection (and collection may be empty as the result):
public class Filtering_based_on_metadata
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
var items = container.Resolve<Meta<A, int>[]>();
Note: Filtering works the same way for KeyValuePair<TKey, TService>
Wrappers may be combined further with Func
or Lazy
, or even with KeyValuePair
to provide a filtered collection of lazy services:
container.Resolve<Meta<string, Func<int, A>>[]>();
Metadata value can be a non-primitive object or an IDictionary<string, object>
In latter case you may Resolve
by providing the type of any object
value in a dictionary:
public class Resolve_value_out_of_metadata_dictionary
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<A>(setup: Setup.With(
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "color", "red" },
{ "quantity", 15 }
container.Register<A, B>(setup: Setup.With(
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "color", "red" },
{ "special", true }
// we have `A` and `B`
var items = container.Resolve<Meta<A, IDictionary<string, object>>[]>();
Assert.AreEqual(2, items.Length);
// here we have only `A` cause its metadata contains an `int` metadata value
var itemQuantities = container.Resolve<Meta<A, int>[]>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, itemQuantities.Length);
Assert.AreEqual(15, itemQuantities[0].Metadata);
class A { }
class B : A { }
Injects a collection of registered service values to the consumer. The collection basically a fully initialized "fixed" array:
var items = new B(new A[] { new Impl1(), new Impl2(), new Impl3() });
The result array expression is generated only once using all found services and will not change if new service is added afterward, or the existing one is updated or removed.
You may use LazyEnumerable<T>
explained below to address this limitation.
Note: Another way to use a LazyEnumerable<T>
when resolving IEnumerable<T>
is to specify it globally via Rules.WithResolveIEnumerableAsLazyEnumerable
There is an alternate way to Resolve
rather than inject a collection:
via IResolver.ResolveMany
method. ResolveMany
may provide results as a fixed array or as a
if you pass optional ResolveManyBehavior.AsLazyEnumerable
argument, the default value is the ResolveManyBehavior.AsFixedArray
Due to the fact that .NET Array
implements a number of collection interfaces:
, IList<>
, ICollection<>
, IReadOnlyList<>
, IReadOnlyCollection<>
DryIoc allows injecting these interfaces. So you may consider them as the same collection wrapper.
Resolved services are ordered in registration order for default services, and without the specific order for the keyed services. Despite being ordered, the default services may be mixed up with keyed services.
The fixed array nature implies that all services will be created when the wrapper is resolved or injected.
But maybe you need filter only some services (or inspect service count) and do not want to create the rest.
Nested Func
or Lazy
will help in this case:
public class Collection_of_Lazy_things
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
var items = container.Resolve<IReadOnlyList<Func<A>>>();
if (items.Count == 1)
// Creating an `A` on demand
var a = items[0].Invoke();
class A { }
DryIoc supports filtering of result services when using nested KeyValuePair
or Meta
Basically when the nested wrapper is not resolved because of not compatible Key or Metadata type,
then the item will be excluded from the array.
When service is not resolvable due to the missing (not registered) dependency, the collection wrapper will throw an exception instead of skipping the item. In all other cases, the item will be filtered out of the collection.
public class Filtering_not_resolved_services
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// `A` is not registered
Assert.Throws<ContainerException>(() => container.Resolve<B[]>());
class A { }
class B
public B(A a) { }
To achieve the custom ordering we may use the Meta or Tuple with Metadata wrapper and the Decorator feature.
public class Collection_with_custom_order
public sealed class OrderMetadata // may be an suitable data structure defined by you
public readonly int Value;
public OrderMetadata(int value) => Value = value;
// The "decorator" method sorting the `I` collection based on the `OrderMetadata` before returning it.
static IEnumerable<I> SortByOrderMetadata(IEnumerable<Tuple<I, OrderMetadata>> ii) =>
ii.OrderBy(x => x.Item2.Value).Select(x => x.Item1);
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<I, C>(setup: Setup.With(new OrderMetadata(3)));
container.Register<I, A>(setup: Setup.With(new OrderMetadata(1)));
container.Register<I, B>(setup: Setup.With(new OrderMetadata(2)));
container.RegisterDelegate<IEnumerable<Tuple<I, OrderMetadata>>, IEnumerable<I>>(SortByOrderMetadata, setup: Setup.Decorator);
var items = container.Resolve<I[]>();
interface I {}
class A : I { }
class B : I { }
class C : I { }
If you registered both closed and open-generic implementation of the service, then both types will be present in the result collection (it may be obvious but I wanted to be clear on this):
public class Both_open_and_closed_generic_included_in_collection
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IFoo<int>, IntFoo>();
container.Register(typeof(IFoo<>), typeof(Foo<>));
var items = container.Resolve<IFoo<int>[]>();
Assert.AreEqual(2, items.Length); // includes both `IntFoo` and `Foo<>`
interface IFoo<T> { }
class IntFoo : IFoo<int> { }
class Foo<T> : IFoo<T> { }
DryIoc by default will include co-variant generic services into resolved collection.
What does it mean? In C# you may declare a co-variant open-generic interface with out
modifier: IHandler<out T>
Then if you have a class B
assignable to A
(class B : A {}
), then their handlers are assignable as well
IHandler<B> b = null; IHandler<A> a = b;
Proceeding to the collections you may have IEnumerable<IHandler<A>>
with the elements of type IHandler<A>
and IHandler<B>
public class Covariant_generics_collection
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// Using batch registration for convenience
implTypes: new[] { typeof(MoveHandler), typeof(MoveAbroadHandler) },
nonPublicServiceTypes: true);
// Collection will include `IHandler<MoveAbroadEvent>` as well as `IHandler<MoveEvent>`
var moveHandlers = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<IHandler<MoveEvent>>>();
Assert.AreEqual(2, moveHandlers.Count());
// Now we narrow the collection type to `IHandler<MoveAbroadEvent>`, so it will include only one item now
var moveAbroadHandlers = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<IHandler<MoveAbroadEvent>>>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, moveAbroadHandlers.Count());
interface IHandler<out TEvent> { } // contra-variant interface
class MoveEvent { }
class MoveHandler : IHandler<MoveEvent> { }
class MoveAbroadEvent : MoveEvent { }
class MoveAbroadHandler : IHandler<MoveAbroadEvent> { }
If you don't want the co-variant types to be included into collection, you may disable this behavior
via Rules.WithoutVariantGenericTypesInResolvedCollection()
public class Covariant_generics_collection_suppressed
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container(rules => rules.WithoutVariantGenericTypesInResolvedCollection());
// Using batch registration for convenience
implTypes: new[] { typeof(MoveHandler), typeof(MoveAbroadHandler) },
nonPublicServiceTypes: true);
// Now it as only one handler
var moveHandlers = container.Resolve<IEnumerable<IHandler<MoveEvent>>>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, moveHandlers.Count());
interface IHandler<out TEvent> { } // contra-variant interface
class MoveEvent { }
class MoveHandler : IHandler<MoveEvent> { }
class MoveAbroadEvent : MoveEvent { }
class MoveAbroadHandler : IHandler<MoveAbroadEvent> { }
Collection wrapper by default supports a Composite pattern. Composite pattern is observed when service implementation depends on the collection of other implementations of the same service. For example:
class Composite_example
class A1 : A {}
class A2 : A {}
class Composite : A { public Composite(A[] items) { } }
In this example we expect that items
in Composite will be composed of A1
and A2
but not of composite itself despite the fact Composite is also an A
Including composite into items
will produce infinite recursion in the construction of object graph.
Therefore, a Composite pattern may be looked like a way to avoid such recursion by excluding composite from its dependencies.
DryIoc does exactly that:
public class DryIoc_composite_pattern
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<A, Composite>();
container.Register<A, A1>();
container.Register<A, A2>();
// Contains all three items including the `Composite`
var items = container.Resolve<A[]>();
Assert.AreEqual(3, items.Length);
// Composite contains `A1` and `A2` instances
var composite = items.OfType<Composite>().First();
Assert.AreEqual(2, composite.Items.Length);
class A1 : A { }
class A2 : A { }
class Composite : A
public A[] Items { get; }
public Composite(A[] items) { Items = items; }
Note: If the Composite pattern support was missing in DryIoc you would be getting a "recursive dependency detected" ContainerException
Whether with composite or not, when you try to do container.Resolve<A>()
the exception will be thrown,
because multiple implementation are registered. But sometimes you may prefer to resolve a composite if it is registered.
public class Prefer_composite_when_resolving_a_single_service
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// Here is the setup option needed
container.Register<A, Composite>(setup: Setup.With(preferInSingleServiceResolve: true));
container.Register<A, A1>();
container.Register<A, A2>();
// Contains all three items including the `Composite`
var item = container.Resolve<A>();
class A1 : A { }
class A2 : A { }
class Composite : A
public A[] Items { get; }
public Composite(A[] items) { Items = items; }
is an implementation of IEnumerable<T>
interface. It is different from IEnumerable<T>
array wrapper in a way,
that it wraps a ResolveMany
call instead of an initialized array expression.
When enumerating the collection, it will call IResolver.ResolveMany
and will return up-to-date services registered in the container.
By comparison, an array wrapper always returns a fixed set of services ignoring whatever was added or removed after resolve.
public class LazyEnumerable_example
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<A, A1>();
// At that point, not even `A1` is resolved
var items = container.Resolve<LazyEnumerable<A>>();
// `A1` is resolved
var materializedItems = items.ToArray();
// Adding a new service
container.Register<A, A2>();
items = container.Resolve<LazyEnumerable<A>>();
materializedItems = items.ToArray();
// Now result collection contains `A1` and `A2`
Assert.AreEqual(2, materializedItems.Length);
class A { }
class A1 : A { }
class A2 : A { }
Because LazyEnumerable<>
implements IEnumerable<>
interface, you can inject the interface by specifying a LazyEnumerable<>
as the requiredServiceType
. It allows you to override default array injection per dependency:
public class Specify_LazyEnumerable_per_dependency
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
// using `Made.Of` expression to specify how to construct a type value
container.Register(Made.Of(() => new Handler(Arg.Of<LazyEnumerable<A>>())));
public class Handler { public Handler(IEnumerable<A> items) { } }
Note: The important thing in dependency specification above, is that your code remains POCO depending on IEnumerable<>
abstraction and separated from
the implementation provided at registration time. It also keeps code container-agnostic without adding DryIoc namespace into the business logic.
Another option is to specify LazyEnumerable<>
implementation for IEnumerable<>
globally via rules:
public class Specify_to_use_LazyEnumerable_for_all_IEnumerable
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container(rules => rules.WithResolveIEnumerableAsLazyEnumerable());
The IDictionary
wrapper provides a convenient way to combine services and their service keys in one collection,
and allows access to service by key.
Basically it is a wrapper around array of pairs KeyValuePair<TServiceKey, A>[]
turned into a dictionary.
The TKey
type in dictionary will filter only keys matched this type only, e.g. for services registered with string
and int
keys, resolving or injecting IDictionary<string, A>
will return dictionary with string
keys only.
You need to specify object
as key to return all services including the ones without keys.
Note: For service without key you will get the DefaultKey
value for its key.
public class Dictionary_of_services_with_their_keys
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<I, A>(serviceKey: "A");
container.Register<I, B>(); // no key
container.Register<I, C>(serviceKey: "C");
container.Register<I, D>(serviceKey: 42);
// inject 2 services with string keys into consumer constructor
var c = container.Resolve<Consumer>();
Assert.AreEqual(2, c.Services.Count);
// resolve single int service as dictionary
var i = container.Resolve<IDictionary<int, I>>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, i.Count);
// resolve all services as dictionary with object key, including the B without key
var all = container.Resolve<IDictionary<object, I>>();
Assert.AreEqual(4, all.Count);
interface I { }
class A : I { }
class B : I { }
class C : I { }
class D : I { }
class Consumer
public readonly IDictionary<string, I> Services;
public Consumer(IDictionary<string, I> services) => Services = services;
If you want to get services lazily, wrap the value either in Func
or Lazy
, e.g. IDictionary<string, Lazy<I>>
Allows getting an actual ExpressionTree composed by container to resolve a service.
- It may be used either for diagnostics, to check if container creates the service in an expected way.
- In code generation scenarios, by converting the expression to C# code with something like ExpressionToCode library. It may be done even at compile-time.
- To understand how DryIoc works internally.
public class Resolve_expression
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IService, Service>();
var expr = container.Resolve<LambdaExpression>(typeof(IService));
StringAssert.Contains("r => new Service()", expr.ToString());
// The result expression is of type `Expression<Func<IResolverContext, object>>`, like this:
Expression<Func<IResolverContext, object>> f = (IResolverContext r) => new Service();
interface IService { }
class Service : IService { }
The actual type of returned LambdaExpression
is Expression<DryIoc.FactoryDelegate>
which has a signature as in the example.
Note: Resolving as LambdaExpression
does not create an actual service.
Examining the resolved LambdaExpression
you won't see any magic -
DryIoc just automates the generation of the object graph taking lifetime into consideration.
Given that you now have the resolved expression you may even Compile
(and cache) it yourself :-) doing the last "magical" part.
This opens the additional possibilities:
For instance, below is the example which is "normally" won't work without shared scopeContext
Specifically we have a singleton holding onto the Func
of scoped service. Now we are getting the expression out
of container, compiling it and providing it with the scope (or any other container we want)
as a IResolverContext
argument to the compiled factory.
public class Swap_container_in_factory_delegate
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container(rules => rules.WithExpressionGenerationSettingsOnly());
var expr = container.Resolve<LambdaExpression>(typeof(A));
var factory = (Func<IResolverContext, object>)expr.Compile();
using (var scope = container.OpenScope())
var a1 = (A)factory(scope);
Assert.AreSame(a1.GetB(), a1.GetB());
class A
public Func<B> GetB { get; }
public A(Func<B> getB) { GetB = getB; }
Wrappers may be nested to provide combined functionality.
A common use-case is to resolve the collection of registered services as Func
or Lazy
, then filter and create what you need.
As collection of Func
With registered keys:
container.Resolve<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<object, Func<IA>>>>()
.Where(x => Filter(x.Key)) // filter based on key
.Select(x => x.Value()); // create IA by invoking Func
With typed metadata:
container.Resolve<IEnumerable<Meta<MyMetadata, Func<IA>>>>();
Other combinations:
container.Resolve<IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<object, Meta<Lazy<IA>, MyMetadata>>>>();
container.Resolve<Func<Arg1, Arg2, IA>[]>();
container.Resolve<Meta<Func<Arg1, Arg2, IA>, object>>();
// etc.
To register your own wrapper just specify setup parameter as Setup.Wrapper
or Setup.WrapperWith
public class User_defined_wrappers
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<ICmd, X>();
container.Register<ICmd, Y>();
// Register a wrapper
container.Register(typeof(MenuItem<>), setup: Setup.Wrapper);
Assert.IsTrue(container.IsRegistered(typeof(MenuItem<>), factoryType: FactoryType.Wrapper));
var items = container.Resolve<MenuItem<ICmd>[]>();
Assert.AreEqual(2, items.Length);
public interface ICmd { }
public class X : ICmd { }
public class Y : ICmd { }
// Here is the wrapper
public class MenuItem<TCmd> where TCmd : ICmd { }
The main difference between wrapper and non-wrapper is how they are treated by ResolveMany
and collection wrappers:
- When
registered normally, array will contain single item as a result, because of a singleMenuItem
registration. - When
registered as a wrapper, it is treated in a special way: resolver will try to find all wrapped types first (ICmd
), and then wrap each found type in aMenuItem
If open-generic wrapper has more than one type argument (e.g. Meta<A, Metadata>
you need to specify wrapped argument index: setup: Setup.WrapperWith(0)
You may register a non-generic wrapper. In this case when resolved, you should identify wrapped service with Required Service Type.
Example of the non-generic wrapper:
public class Non_generic_wrapper
[Test] public void Example()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IService, Foo>();
container.Register<IService, Bar>();
container.Register<MyWrapper>(setup: Setup.Wrapper);
Assert.IsTrue(container.IsRegistered(typeof(MyWrapper), factoryType: FactoryType.Wrapper));
var items = container.Resolve<MyWrapper[]>(requiredServiceType: typeof(IService));
Assert.AreEqual(2, items.Length);
// The same should work with the closed-generic wrapper
[Test] public void Example_with_closed_generic_wrapper()
var container = new Container();
container.Register<IService, Foo>();
container.Register<IService, Bar>();
container.Register<MyWrapper<IService>>(setup: Setup.Wrapper);
Assert.IsTrue(container.IsRegistered(typeof(MyWrapper<IService>), factoryType: FactoryType.Wrapper));
var items = container.Resolve<MyWrapper<IService>[]>(); // you dont need the `requiredServiceType` here
Assert.AreEqual(2, items.Length);
interface IService { }
class Foo : IService { }
class Bar : IService { }
class MyWrapper { public MyWrapper(IService service) { } }
class MyWrapper<T> { public MyWrapper(T service) { } }