This retrospective was from the first new contributors mob/ensemble. Sadly @mattwynne failed to record the stream, so there's no video from this session.
- @artismarti
- @16sheep
- @eoola
- @mattwynne (taking these notes)
- We read the issues at /~
- We decided to tackle one
- We discussed how contributing to the repo worked
- We changed what to tackle and tackled something simpler
- We made a PR.
- I learned general concepts that I could use in other open source projects
- The issues were good for first timers. I'm keen to explore more now I've looked through them!
- It was so much fun! All the intimidation I had about starting to do this vanished. Low stakes way of learning new things. A nice way of learning new stuff!
- The team gelled almost instantly
- Why did the tests pass on your device but not mine?
- Live Share vs Screen Share it was a bit confusing
- Would it be easier to just run it locally on one of our machines? More realistic.
- Twitch setup (Matt heard his own voice the whole way through, and we started late)
- Do this regularly but on any codebase, not just Cucumber
- Would it be easier to just run it locally on one of our machines?
- Matt do more homework on twitch setup
- Let's do this again!
- Update guide to include pointers to basics about forking, how to name your branch etc., and some words of comfort and encouragement to make mistakes, ask for help etc.