armchair-expert is a chatbot inspired by old Markov chain IRC bots like PyBorg. It regurgitates what it learns from you in unintentionally hilarious ways.
- Uses NLP to select the most optimal subjects for which to generate a response
- Uses a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to structure and capitalize the output, mimicking sentence structure and capitalization of learned text
- Learns new words in real-time with an n-gram markov chain, which is positionally aware of the distances between different words, creating a more coherent sentence
- 3+ GB of RAM
- python 3.6+
- keras (Tensorflow backend)
- spaCy 2.0.0+
- spacymoji
- numpy
- tweepy
- sqlalchemy
- Copy config/ to config/
- Copy config/ to config/
- Make sure you have the spacy 'en' dataset downloaded: 'python -m spacy download en'
- I would suggest import some data for training before starting the bot. Here is one example: /~
- Every time the bot starts it will train on all new data it acquired since it started up last
- The bots sentence structure model is only trained once on initial startup. To train it with the most recent acquired data, start the bot with the --retrain-structure flag. If you are noticing the bot is not generating sentences which the structure of learned material, this will help.
- You will need to create an application on the twitter devleoper site on your bot's twitter account
- After creating it, assign it permissions to do direct messages (this isn't default)
- Create an access token for your account
- Copy config/ to config/
- Fill in the tokens and secrets along with your handle
- python
- You will need to register a bot with Discord:
- Once you register it take note of the Client ID, Username, and Token
- Copy config/ to config/ and fill in the relevant fields
- python
- When the bot starts you should see a message print to the console containing a link which will allow you to join the bot to a server.