- DevOpsDays: Conferences arguably were the structures that germanated the movement's accelerated adoption and cloud. The conferences help ignite the DevOps cultural movement/moment.
- Germinated as conversations around Agile System Admin practices: @littleidea, @patrickdebois
- MeetUp organized by Patrick Debois in Ghent, Belgium October 2009 Decade Anniversary
- John Willis aka @Botchagalupe the meta-gist motherlode of DevOps Goodness
- The tremendous influence of Dr. Edwards Deming. Relations to DevOps See Profound site Podcast the SoPK (System of Profound Knowledge)
CAMS: Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing _ attribution John Willis/Damon Edwards on DevOps Cafe podcast The L for CA(L)Ms came after the suggestion of Lean by Jez Humble i(author os Lean Enterprise) and Daemon Edwards
- Gene Kim's explaination
- First Way (Flow): Work always flows in one direction – downstream Dev Ops ala ‘wall of confusion’ Shafer/Thompson
- Second Way (Feedback): Create, shorten and amplify feedback loops (right to left).
- Third Way (Continuous experimentation): Creating a culture that fosters two things: continual experimentation, taking risks and learning from failure; and understanding that repetition and practice is the prerequisite to mastery.
How do these apply to every project/product worked on?
- What is the role of Site Reliability Engineer? SRE Book and SRE Workbook. How SRE relates to DevOps
- Mark Burgess CFEngine, Promise Theory and how the field of physics informs IT. Burgess pretty much invented modern config management space. By extension heavily influenced Adam Jacob @OPsCode/Chef The first time I heard Adam Jacob speak at Velocity 2011, I was struck by how open and generative giving attribution to a hero and influence can be. Mark Burgess, though perhaps less known has had a great influence on the area.
- Luke Kaines (Puppet)
- Adam Jacob (Chef)
- Michael DeHann (Ansible)
- Mitchell Hashimoto and Armon Dadgar (Terraform)
- Jeff Snover (PowerShell)
- Gene Kim (Visible Ops, ITRevolution, DOES) @realgenekim When IT Fails
- One of my favorite influences in the movement (Sun/Netflix/AWS) Investigate Chaos Engineering and more DevSusOps and the Sustainability tier added to the Well Architected Framework.
- Check his talks and Chaos Eingineering and book recommendations.
- Cloud Cafe
- DevOps Cafe
- Arrested Devops
- The Ship Show
- Software Defined Talk
- DORA](https://www.devops-research.com/research.html) DevOps Data and Metrics singularity Dr. Nicole Forsgren @nicolefv
- Accelerate
- Jez Humble Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (also DORA and Accelerate) Humble/Farley
_Extremely influencial as a measurement. Currently a measure for an orgs capabilities. There are now 5 current metrics.
- Deployment Frequency (the frequency at which new releases go to production)
- Lead Time For Changes (the time until a commit goes to production)
- Mean Time to Restore (the time it takes to resolve a service impairment in production)
- Change Failure Rate (the ratio of deployments to production that leads to errors and successful deployments).
- Operational Excellence / Resilience (added 2019)
- James Wickett DryRun Security
- Rudgged DevOps Justin Cormack IAmTheCalvary
In the so-called 'DevOps transformation', InfoSec wasn't invited to the party. DevSecOps seeks to fix that and shift security left and embrace more modern patterns of GRC (governance, risk and complience).
- Simon Wardley: Wardley Mapping Wardley pioneered the use of mapping as a strategic tool. It can be used for personal goals and strategy and organizational transformation. It's like he can tell the future and often does. Worth a follow @swardley and Medium
Emergent with automation and builds pipelines is the notion of declaritive code that enforces policies. While not new these methods of
- Twitter handles for some cool folks in DevOps and SRE here
- The tremendous influence of Dr. Edwards Deming. See Profound site Podcast the SoPK
- Toyota Production System, Taiichi Ohno, Lean Manufacturing
- Goldratt the Theory of Constraints (TOC). Also see The Goal and The Phoenix Project (Gene Kim)
- Gene Kim's explaination
- Locality and Simplicity (Sprouter @ Etsy) Synchronize and coordonate team's work. The primacy of Architecture on productivity.
- Focus Flow and Joy
- Improvement of Daily Work
- Psycological Safety
- Customer Focus
These are just some of the videos I can recall creating an aha moment. There are many more in DevOps Enterprise Summit and YouTube.
This was one of the earliest videos I can remember about transformation as intention and practice The DevOps Transformation
- John Allspaw and Paul Hammond at Flickr 10+ deploys a day (Velocity 2009)
MN DoD 2019 The Containeir Operator Manual
Kelly Shortridge and Dr. Nicole Forsgren Controlled Chaos: The Inevitable Marriage of DevOps & Security
The Lean Startup Steven Blank's book The Four Steps to Ephiphany heavily influenced Eric Reis as a student at Stanford.
Cloud Architecture: DevOps Primer:
Manager's Path Fournier’s book is in Audio format