A set of Swift bindings for
This is a SwiftPM package that has a dependency on a pre-built copy of
' FFI library. Some bug fixes may occur only in the FFI library,
of which new versions can be pulled with swift package update
. See the
citeproc-rs/ffi-xcframework releases for news.
Open up your project's settings page, look under the 'Swift Packages' tab and add this GitHub repo as a dependency.
For Package.swift, add as below. Follow the docs here and here for version requirements.
// Package.swift
// ...
dependencies: [
// exact version best for sub-1.0.0 releases as SwiftPM doesn't consider an
// 0.x to 0.x+1 change a "major version" despite Semver
.package(url: "/~https://github.com/cormacrelf/CiteprocRsKit", .exact("0.4.0")),
targets: [
// and add it as a dependency to a target in your own project
.target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: ["CiteprocRsKit"])