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Releases: coqui-ai/STT-models

Persian STT v0.1.0

11 Jul 18:14
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Persian STT v0.1.0

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Maintained by oct4pie.
  • Model language: Persian / Farsi / fa, fa-IR
  • Model date: June 21, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v0.1.0
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.3.0
  • License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
  • Citation details: @techreport{persian-stt, author = {Mehdi Hajmollaahmad Naraghi}, title = {Persian STT v0.1.0}, institution = {Coqui}, address = {\url{}} year = {2022}, month = {June}, number = {STT-FA-0.1.0} }
  • persian-tts GitHub Repo
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT issues, open a new discussion on STT discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the Persian Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

Using the language model with settings lm_alpha=0.36669178512950323 and lm_beta=0.3457913671678824 (found via

  • Common-Voice clean: WER: 10.81%, CER: 2.506%
  • More about the model at persian-tts repo

Real-Time Factor

Real-Time Factor (RTF) is defined as proccesing-time / length-of-audio. The exact real-time factor of an STT model will depend on the hardware setup, so you may experience a different RTF.

Recorded average RTF on laptop CPU: .65

Model Size

For STT, you always must deploy an acoustic model, and it is often the case you also will want to deploy an application-specific language model.

Model type Filename Size
Acoustic model (tflite) model.tflite 45.3M
Language model kenlm.scorer 1.63GB

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on the following corpora: Common Voice 9.0 Persian (cleaned and with custom train/dev/test splits). In total approximately ~271 hours of data.

Evaluation data

The validation ("dev") sets were cleaned and generated from Common Voice 9.0 Persian.

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

Hindi STT v0.8.99

11 Jul 18:39
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Hindi STT v0.8.99

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Trained and released by BΓΌlent Γ–zden a member of Common Voice TΓΌrkΓ§e for the 3D Voice Chess project by Harikalar Kutusu.
  • Model language: Hindi / ΰ€Ήΰ€Ώΰ€¨ΰ₯ΰ€¦ΰ₯€ / hi
  • Model date: March 13, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v0.8.99
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.0.0
  • License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
  • Citation details: @misc{hindi-stt, author = {BΓΌlent Γ–zden}, title = {Hindi STT v0.8.99}, institution = {Harikalar Kutusu}, address = {\url{}} year = {2022}, month = {March}, number = {STT-HI-0.8.99} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT issues, open a new discussion on STT discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the Hindi Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

This model only includes acoustic model, as it is developed for the special purpose low-vocabulary application. The following is the results from the Acoustic Model training.

Test Corpus WER CER
Common Voice 82.2% 34.6%

Model Size

model.tflite: 46M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on the following corpora: Common Voice Corpus 8.0 for Hindi. Custom train/dev/test splits are created by Common Voice Corpora Creator with --duplicate-sentence-count 99 parameter, which allowed us to use the whole dataset. The dataset contains approximately ~11 hours of voice data (276 distinct voices, 65% male, 4% female).

Note: Our model numbering for Common Voice only data reflect Common Voice corpus version and Corpora Creator duplicate-sentence-count (dsc) setting (e.g. "v0.corpus.dsc").

Evaluation data

The validation ("dev") and test ("test") sets also came from CV as specified above.

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

French STT v0.9

11 Jul 17:19
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French STT v0.9

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Originally trained and released by the commonvoice-fr project, revived by Waser Technologies
  • Model date: Accessed from Github on Jun 10, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v0.9
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.4.0
  • Code: commonvoice-fr
  • License: MPL 2.0
  • Citation details: @misc{commonvoice-fr, author = {commonvoice-fr Contributors}, title = {Common Voice Fr STT Model}, publisher = {Github}, journal = {GitHub repository}, howpublished = {\url{/~}}, commit = {0a2d028b124691bbee656f43aa02251169dce69b} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT-model issues, open a new discussion on STT-model discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the French Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

The following Word Error Rates (WER) are reported on Github.

Test Corpus WER CER
African_Accented_French_test.csv 47.7% 6.6%
Att-HACK 12.9% 7.1%
M-AILABS 9.9% 3.3%
trainingspeech 10.9% 4.1%
Common Voice 31.5% 15.2%
LinguaLibre 67.6% 21.6%
MLS 22.6% 9.7%

Real-Time Factor

Real-Time Factor (RTF) is defined as processing-time / length-of-audio. The exact real-time factor of an STT model will depend on the hardware setup, so you may experience a different RTF.

Recorded average RTF on laptop CPU: ~0.3

Model Size

model.tflite: 46M
kenlm.scorer: 689M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This French STT model was trained on the following corpora:

  1. Lingua Libre (~40h)
  2. Common Voice FR (v8) (~850h, by allowing up to 32 duplicates)
  3. Training Speech (~180h)
  4. African Accented French (~15h)
  5. M-AILABS French (~315h)
  6. Multilingual LibriSpeech (~1,100h)
  7. Att-HACK (~75h)

Total : ~2,573h
(~1,925h by default)

Evaluation data

The model was tested on the following corpora.

  1. Lingua Libre
  2. Common Voice FR (v9)
  3. Training Speech
  4. African Accented French
  5. M-AILABS French
  6. Multilingual LibriSpeech
  7. Att-HACK

Data was augmented with the following parameters.

Parsed augmentations: [
    Reverb(p=0.1, delay=ValueRange(start=50.0, end=50.0, r=30.0), decay=ValueRange(start=10.0, end=2.0, r=1.0)),
    Resample(p=0.1, rate=ValueRange(start=12000, end=8000, r=4000)),
    Codec(p=0.1, bitrate=ValueRange(start=48000, end=16000, r=0)),
    Volume(p=0.1, dbfs=ValueRange(start=-10.0, end=-40.0, r=0.0)),
    Pitch(p=0.1, pitch=ValueRange(start=1.0, end=1.0, r=0.2)),
    Tempo(p=0.1, factor=ValueRange(start=1.0, end=1.0, r=0.5), max_time=-1.0), 
    FrequencyMask(p=0.1, n=ValueRange(start=1, end=3, r=0), size=ValueRange(start=1, end=5, r=0)), 
    TimeMask(p=0.1, domain='signal', n=ValueRange(start=3, end=10, r=2), size=ValueRange(start=50.0, end=100.0, r=40.0)),
    Dropout(p=0.1, domain='spectrogram', rate=ValueRange(start=0.05, end=0.05, r=0.0)),
    Add(p=0.1, domain='signal', stddev=ValueRange(start=0.0, end=0.0, r=0.5)),
    Multiply(p=0.1, domain='features', stddev=ValueRange(start=0.0, end=0.0, r=0.5))

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

Czech STT v0.3.0

11 Jul 18:27
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Czech STT v0.3.0

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Trained by VojtΔ›ch DrΓ‘bek.
  • Model language: Czech / čeΕ‘tina / cs
  • Model date: May 31, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v0.3.0
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v0.9.3
  • License: CC-BY-NC 4.0
  • Citation details: @misc{czech-stt, author = {DrΓ‘bek, VojtΔ›ch}, title = {Czech STT 0.3}, publisher = {comodoro}, journal = {deepspeech-cs}, howpublished = {\url{/~}} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on the model release page or STT-model issues, open a new discussion on STT-model discussions, or chat with us on Gitter or Matrix channel coqui-ai/STT.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the Czech Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment, Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

More information reported on Github.

Test Corpus WER CER
Acoustic model
Czech Common voice 6.1 40.6% 10.7%
Vystadial 2016 50.6% 19.6%
Parliament Plenary Hearings 21.3% 5.3%
ParCzech 3.0 21% 6.2%
With the attached scorer
Czech Common voice 6.1 15.3% 6.8%
Vystadial 2016 35.7% 20.1%
Parliament Plenary Hearings 9.7% 3.7%
ParCzech 3.0 10.1% 4.5%

Real-Time Factor

Real-Time Factor (RTF) is defined as processing-time / length-of-audio. The exact real-time factor of an STT model will depend on the hardware setup, so you may experience a different RTF.

Recorded average RTF on laptop CPU: 0.73

Model Size

model.tflite: 46M
scorer: 461M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on the following corpora:

  1. Vystadial 2016 – Czech data
  2. OVM – OtΓ‘zky VΓ‘clava Moravce
  3. Czech Parliament Meetings
  4. Large Corpus of Czech Parliament Plenary Hearings
  5. Common Voice Czech
  6. Some private recordings and parts of audiobooks

Evaluation data

The model was evaluated on Common Voice Czech, Large Corpus of Czech Parliament Plenary Hearings, Vystadial 2016 – Czech data and ParCzech 3.0 test sets.

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in many countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

YoloxΓ³chitl Mixtec STT

20 Apr 19:34
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YoloxΓ³chitl Mixtec STT

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Originally trained by Joe Meyer.
  • Model language: YoloxΓ³chitl Mixtec / / xty
  • Model date: April 17, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v0.1.0
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.0.0
  • License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
  • Citation details: @techreport{xty-stt, author = {Meyer,Joe}, title = {YoloxΓ³chitl Mixtec STT 0.1}, institution = {Coqui}, address = {\url{/~}} year = {2022}, month = {April}, number = {STT-SLR89-XTY-0.1} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT-model issues, open a new discussion on STT-model discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the YoloxΓ³chitl Mixtec Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

The following Word Error Rates and Character Error Rates are reported for a modified data set from OpenSLR SLR89. The official validated.tsv had rows removed which had errors processing, and the data was re-processed by Cmmon Voice Utils to convert to 16kHz mono-channel PCM .wav files.

Test Corpus WER CER
OpenSLR 48.85% 18.04%

Model Size

model.tflite: 46M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on a modified data set from OpenSLR SLR89. The official validated.tsv had rows removed which had errors processing, and the data was re-processed by Cmmon Voice Utils to convert to 16kHz mono-channel PCM .wav files.

Evaluation data

This model was evaluated on a modified data set from OpenSLR SLR89. The official validated.tsv had rows removed which had errors processing, and the data was re-processed by Cmmon Voice Utils to convert to 16kHz mono-channel PCM .wav files.

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

Sierra Totonac STT

12 Apr 22:22
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Sierra Totonac STT

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Originally trained by BΓΌlent Γ–zden, a member of Common Voice TΓΌrkΓ§e.
  • Model language: Totonac / Sierra Totonac / tos
  • Model date: April 12, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v1.0.0
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.3.0
  • License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
  • Citation details: @techreport{totonac-stt, author = {BΓΌlent Γ–zden}, title = {Totonac STT 1.0}, institution = {Coqui}, address = {\url{/~}} year = {2022}, month = {April}, number = {STT-TOS-1.0} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT-model issues, open a new discussion on STT-model discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the Sierra Totonac Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

Test Corpus WER CER
OpenSLR 107 87.5% 25.8%

Model Size

model.tflite: 46M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on Totonac Speech with transcription corpus.

Evaluation data

This model was evaluated on Totonac Speech with transcription corpus.

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

Western Highland Chatino STT

12 Apr 22:17
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Western Highland Chatino STT

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Originally trained by BΓΌlent Γ–zden, a member of Common Voice TΓΌrkΓ§e.
  • Model language: Western Highland Chatino / ctp
  • Model date: 12th April, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v1.0.0
  • Compatible with STT version: v1.3.0
  • License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT-model issues, open a new discussion on STT-model discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for Western Highland Chatino on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

Test Corpus WER CER
GORILLA 77.2% 30.9%

Model Size

model.tflite: 46M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on GORILLA ctp


  • Malgorzata E. Cavar, Damir Cavar, Hilaria Cruz (2016) "Endangered Language Documentation: Bootstrapping a Chatino Speech Corpus, Forced Aligner, ASR". Pages 4004-4011 Of N. Calzolari (et al. eds) Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016) in PortoroΕΎ, Slovenia, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), Paris, France.

Evaluation data

This model was evaluated on GORILLA ctp

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyse private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

Swahili STT v0.8

09 Mar 05:23
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Swahili STT v8.0 (Coqui)

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Maintained by Coqui.
  • Model language: Swahili / kiswahili / sw
  • Model date: March 8, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v8.0
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.3.0
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Citation details: @techreport{swahili-stt, author = {Coqui}, title = {Swahili STT v8.0}, institution = {Coqui}, address = {\url{}} year = {2022}, month = {March}, number = {STT-SW-8.0} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT issues, open a new discussion on STT discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the Swahili Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

Using the language model with settings lm_alpha=0.898202045251655 and lm_beta=2.2684674938753755 (found via

  • Swahili Common Voice 8.0 Test: WER: 15.8%, CER: 6.6%

Model Size

For STT, you always must deploy an acoustic model, and it is often the case you also will want to deploy an application-specific language model.

Model type Vocabulary Filename Size
Acoustic model open model.tflite 45M
Language model large large-vocabulary.scorer 321M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on the following corpora: Common Voice 8.0 Swahili.

Evaluation data

The validation ("dev") sets came from Common Voice 8.0.

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

French STT v0.8

15 Feb 21:16
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French STT v0.8 (commonvoice-fr)

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Originally trained and released by the commonvoice-fr project, revived by Waser Technologies
  • Model date: Accessed from Github on February 9, 2022
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v0.8
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.2.0
  • Code: commonvoice-fr
  • License: MPL 2.0
  • Citation details: @misc{commonvoice-fr, author = {commonvoice-fr Contributors}, title = {Common Voice STT Model}, publisher = {Github}, journal = {GitHub repository}, howpublished = {\url{/~}}, commit = {0a2d028b124691bbee656f43aa02251169dce69b} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT-model issues, open a new discussion on STT-model discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the French Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

The following Word Error Rates (WER) are reported on Github.

Test Corpus WER CER
African_Accented_French_test.csv 43.6% 24.8%
Att-HACK 12.8% 6.0%
M-AILABS 12.2% 3.7%
trainingspeech 12.1% 4.0%
Common Voice 37.0% 19.4%
LinguaLibre 59.3% 21.3%
MLS 26.8% 12.2%

Real-Time Factor

Real-Time Factor (RTF) is defined as processing-time / length-of-audio. The exact real-time factor of an STT model will depend on the hardware setup, so you may experience a different RTF.

Recorded average RTF on laptop CPU: ``

Model Size

model.tflite: 46M
kenlm.scorer: 689M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This French STT model was trained on the following corpora:

  1. Lingua Libre (~40h)
  2. Common Voice FR (v8) (~826h, by allowing up to 32 duplicates)
  3. Training Speech (~180h)
  4. African Accented French (~15h)
  5. M-AILABS French (~315h)
  6. Multilingual LibriSpeech (~1,100h)
  7. Att-HACK (~75h)

Total : ~2,551h
(~1,903h by default)

Evaluation data

The model was tested on the following corpora.

  1. Lingua Libre
  2. Common Voice FR (v8)
  3. Training Speech
  4. African Accented French
  5. M-AILABS French
  6. Multilingual LibriSpeech
  7. Att-HACK

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.

English STT v1.0.0-huge-vocab

04 Oct 10:53
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English STT v1.0.0 (Huge Vocabulary)

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Model details

  • Person or organization developing model: Maintained by Coqui.
  • Model language: English / English / en
  • Model date: October 3, 2021
  • Model type: Speech-to-Text
  • Model version: v1.0.0
  • Compatible with 🐸 STT version: v1.0.0
  • License: Apache 2.0
  • Citation details: @techreport{english-stt, author = {Coqui}, title = {English STT v1.0.0}, institution = {Coqui}, address = {\url{}} year = {2021}, month = {October}, number = {STT-EN-1.0.0} }
  • Where to send questions or comments about the model: You can leave an issue on STT issues, open a new discussion on STT discussions, or chat with us on Gitter.

Intended use

Speech-to-Text for the English Language on 16kHz, mono-channel audio.

Performance Factors

Factors relevant to Speech-to-Text performance include but are not limited to speaker demographics, recording quality, and background noise. Read more about STT performance factors here.


STT models are usually evaluated in terms of their transcription accuracy, deployment Real-Time Factor, and model size on disk.

Transcription Accuracy

Using the huge-vocabulary.scorer language model:

  • Librispeech clean: WER: 4.5%, CER: 1.6%
  • Librispeech other: WER: 13.6%, CER: 6.4%

Model Size

For STT, you always must deploy an acoustic model, and it is often the case you also will want to deploy an application-specific language model.

Model type Vocabulary Filename Size
Acoustic model open model.tflite 181M
Language model large huge-vocabulary.scorer 923M

Approaches to uncertainty and variability

Confidence scores and multiple paths from the decoding beam can be used to measure model uncertainty and provide multiple, variable transcripts for any processed audio.

Training data

This model was trained on the following corpora: Common Voice 7.0 English (custom Coqui train/dev/test splits), LibriSpeech, and Multilingual Librispeech. In total approximately ~47,000 hours of data.

Evaluation data

The validation ("dev") sets came from CV, Librispeech, and MLS.

Ethical considerations

Deploying a Speech-to-Text model into any production setting has ethical implications. You should consider these implications before use.

Demographic Bias

You should assume every machine learning model has demographic bias unless proven otherwise. For STT models, it is often the case that transcription accuracy is better for men than it is for women. If you are using this model in production, you should acknowledge this as a potential issue.


Speech-to-Text may be mis-used to invade the privacy of others by recording and mining information from private conversations. This kind of individual privacy is protected by law in may countries. You should not assume consent to record and analyze private speech.

Caveats and recommendations

Machine learning models (like this STT model) perform best on data that is similar to the data on which they were trained. Read about what to expect from an STT model with regard to your data here.

In most applications, it is recommended that you train your own language model to improve transcription accuracy on your speech data.