Earlier Today IcedID was observed leveraging PDF files that download a malicious archive from google firebase hosting:
IcedID seems to really likes using google firebase so todays rule detects PDF files that download a .zip archive from google firebase!
Here's the yara rule I wrote for detecting these IcedID PDFs!
rule pdf_with_firebase_zip_link {
author = "Colin Cowie"
description = "Detects shortcut PDF with firebase zip link"
reference = "2"
$pdf_header = {25 50 44 46}
$firebase = "firebasestorage.googleapis.com"
$zip = ".zip"
$pdf_header at 0
and all of them
Retrohunting with this rule quickly found over one thousand recent files! Some of these were IcedID samples from late feburary. Here is a screenshot of the IceID PDF lure: