Vol (Volume Algorithm) is an open-source implementation of a subgradient method that produces primal as well as dual solutions. The primal solution comes from estimating the volumes below the faces of the dual problem. This is an approximate method so the primal vector might have small infeasiblities that are negligible in many practical settings. The original subgradient algorithm produces only dual solutions.
Vol is written in C++ and is released as open source code under the
Eclipse Public License(EPL).
To get all of the dependencies and build the Vol
package, do
git clone /~https://github.com/coin-or/Vol
git clone /~https://github.com/coin-or-tools/BuildTools
BuildTools/get.dependencies fetch
BuildTools/get.dependencies build
To test by building an application, do
cd build/Vol/examples/VolUfl
If you download the Vol package, you get these additional projects.
If you have Doxygen
available, you can build the html documentation by typing
make doxydoc
in the Vol
directory. Then open the file coin-Vol/doxydoc/html/index.html
with a browser.
Note that this creates the documentation for the Vol
package as a whole. If you
prefer to generate the documentation only for a subset
of these projects, you can edit the file Vol/doxydoc/doxygen.conf
to exclude directories
(using the EXCLUDE
variable, for example).
If Doxygen
is not available, you can use the link to the {{{Vol}}} html documentation listed below.
- Overview of different directories
- The Volume Algorithm: Producing Primal Solutions With a Subgradient Method
- On Some Difficult Linear Programs Coming from Set Partitioning
- Solving Large Scale Uncapacitated Facility Location Problems
- Near-Optimal Solutions to Large Scale Facility Location Problems
- Solving Steiner Tree Problems in Graphs with Lagrangian Relaxation
- Vol html documentation
- COIN-OR Initiative
It has been tested with a variety of combinatorial problems like: Crew scheduling, Fleet assignment, Facility location, Steiner trees, Max-Cut, Quadratic knapsack.
One can get good and fast approximate solutions for combinatorial linear programs. These are LP's where all variables are between 0 and 1.
VOL gives bounds based on a relaxation of the IP. It also gives primal (fractional) solutions. With this information one can run a heuristic to produce an integer solution, or one can imbed VOL in a branch and bound code.
Yes, as an example, there is an implementation of a cutting plane algorithm for the Max-cut problem, that combines BCP and Vol.
Yes. VOL has been very useful for accelerating column generation procedures, in particular for Crew Scheduling. The dual solutions given by VOL seem to provide faster convergence than if one uses dual solutions given by the Simplex method.
VOL has been tested on:
- AIX V4.3 using g++ V2.95.2
- Linux using g++ V2.95.2.
- Solaris (SunOS 5.6 and 5.8) using g++ V2.95.2