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/helpers/WebDriver |
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WebDriver |
Extends Helper
WebDriver helper which wraps webdriverio library to manipulate browser using Selenium WebDriver or PhantomJS.
WebDriver requires Selenium Server and ChromeDriver/GeckoDriver to be installed. Those tools can be easily installed via NPM. Please check Testing with WebDriver for more details.
This helper should be configured in codecept.json or codecept.conf.js
: base url of website to be tested.basicAuth
: (optional) the basic authentication to pass to base url. Example: {username: 'username', password: 'password'}browser
: browser in which to perform
: - WebDriver host to connect.port
: - WebDriver port to connect.protocol
: - protocol for WebDriver server.path
: - path to WebDriver server,restart
: - restart browser between tests.smartWait
: (optional) enables SmartWait; wait for additional milliseconds for element to appear. Enable for 5 secs: "smartWait": 5000.disableScreenshots
: - don't save screenshots on failure.fullPageScreenshots
- make full page screenshots on failure.uniqueScreenshotNames
: - option to prevent screenshot override if you have scenarios with the same name in different suites.keepBrowserState
: - keep browser state between tests whenrestart
is set to false.keepCookies
: - keep cookies between tests whenrestart
set to false.windowSize
: (optional) default window size. Set tomaximize
or a dimension in the format640x480
: sets default wait time in ms for allwait*
: Selenium's desired capabilities.manualStart
: - do not start browser before a test, start it manually inside a helper withthis.helpers["WebDriver"]._startBrowser()
: WebDriver timeouts defined as hash.
helpers: {
WebDriver : {
smartWait: 5000,
browser: "chrome",
restart: false,
windowSize: "maximize",
timeouts: {
"script": 60000,
"page load": 10000
Example with basic authentication
helpers: {
WebDriver : {
smartWait: 5000,
browser: "chrome",
basicAuth: {username: 'username', password: 'password'},
restart: false,
windowSize: "maximize",
timeouts: {
"script": 60000,
"page load": 10000
Additional configuration params can be used from webdriverio website.
helpers: {
WebDriver : {
url: "http://localhost",
browser: "chrome",
desiredCapabilities: {
chromeOptions: {
args: [ "--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--no-sandbox" ]
Additional configuration params can be used from IE options
helpers: {
WebDriver : {
url: "http://localhost",
browser: "internet explorer",
desiredCapabilities: {
ieOptions: {
"ie.browserCommandLineSwitches": "-private",
"ie.usePerProcessProxy": true,
"ie.ensureCleanSession": true,
Selenoid is a modern way to run Selenium inside Docker containers.
Selenoid is easy to set up and provides more features than original Selenium Server. Use selenoidOptions
to set Selenoid capabilities
helpers: {
WebDriver : {
url: "http://localhost",
browser: "chrome",
desiredCapabilities: {
selenoidOptions: {
enableVNC: true,
CodeceptJS also provides flexible options when you want to execute tests to Selenium servers through proxy. You will
need to update the helpers.WebDriver.capabilities.proxy
helpers: {
WebDriver: {
capabilities: {
proxy: {
"proxyType": "manual|pac",
"proxyAutoconfigUrl": "URL TO PAC FILE",
"httpProxy": "PROXY SERVER",
"sslProxy": "PROXY SERVER",
"ftpProxy": "PROXY SERVER",
"socksProxy": "PROXY SERVER",
"socksUsername": "USERNAME",
"socksPassword": "PASSWORD",
For example,
helpers: {
WebDriver: {
capabilities: {
proxy: {
"proxyType": "manual",
"httpProxy": "http://corporate.proxy:8080",
"socksUsername": "codeceptjs",
"socksPassword": "secret",
"noProxy": ",localhost"
Please refer to Selenium - Proxy Object for more information.
WebDriver makes it possible to execute tests against services like Sauce Labs
Check out their documentation on available parameters
Connecting to BrowserStack
and Sauce Labs
is simple. All you need to do
is set the user
and key
parameters. WebDriver automatically know which
service provider to connect to.
WebDriver: {
capabilities: {
"browserName": "chrome",
// only set this if you're using BrowserStackLocal to test a local domain
// "browserstack.local": true,
// set this option to tell browserstack to provide addition debugging info
// "browserstack.debug": true,
SauceLabs can be configured via wdio service, which should be installed additionally:
npm i @wdio/sauce-service --save
It is important to make sure it is compatible with current webdriverio version.
Enable wdio
plugin in plugins list and add sauce
plugins: {
wdio: {
enabled: true,
services: ['sauce'],
user: ... ,// saucelabs username
key: ... // saucelabs api key
// additional config, from sauce service
See complete reference on
Alternatively, use codeceptjs-saucehelper for better reporting.
BrowserStack can be configured via wdio service, which should be installed additionally:
npm i @wdio/browserstack-service --save
It is important to make sure it is compatible with current webdriverio version.
Enable wdio
plugin in plugins list and add browserstack
plugins: {
wdio: {
enabled: true,
services: ['browserstack'],
user: ... ,// browserstack username
key: ... // browserstack api key
// additional config, from browserstack service
See complete reference on
Alternatively, use codeceptjs-bshelper for better reporting.
Recommended: use official TestingBot Helper.
Alternatively, TestingBot can be configured via wdio service, which should be installed additionally:
npm i @wdio/testingbot-service --save
It is important to make sure it is compatible with current webdriverio version.
Enable wdio
plugin in plugins list and add testingbot
plugins: {
wdio: {
enabled: true,
services: ['testingbot'],
user: ... ,// testingbot key
key: ... // testingbot secret
// additional config, from testingbot service
See complete reference on
Visual testing via Applitools service
Use CodeceptJS Applitools Helper with Applitools wdio service.
This is a work in progress but you can control two browsers at a time right out of the box. Individual control is something that is planned for a later version.
Here is the webdriverio docs on the subject
helpers: {
WebDriver: {
"multiremote": {
"MyChrome": {
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome"
"MyFirefox": {
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "firefox"
Receive a WebDriver client from a custom helper by accessing browser
const { WebDriver } = this.helpers;
const browser = WebDriver.browser
Check if locator is type of "Shadow"
Get elements by different locator types, including strict locator. Should be used in custom helpers:
this.helpers['WebDriver']._locate({name: 'password'}).then //...
Find a checkbox by providing human readable text:
this.helpers['WebDriver']._locateCheckable('I agree with terms and conditions').then // ...
Find a clickable element by providing human readable text:
const els = await this.helpers.WebDriver._locateClickable('Next page');
const els = await this.helpers.WebDriver._locateClickable('Next page', '.pages');
Find field elements by providing human readable text:
this.helpers['WebDriver']._locateFields('Your email').then // ...
Locate Element within the Shadow Dom
Smart Wait to locate an element
Accepts the active JavaScript native popup window, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt. Don't confuse popups with modal windows, as created by various libraries.
Opens a web page in a browser. Requires relative or absolute url.
If url starts with /
, opens a web page of a site defined in url
config parameter.
I.amOnPage('/'); // opens main page of website
I.amOnPage(''); // opens github
I.amOnPage('/login'); // opens a login page
string url path or global url.
Appends text to a input field or textarea. Field is located by name, label, CSS or XPath
I.appendField('#myTextField', 'appended');
(string | object) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locatorvalue
string text value to append.
This action supports React locators
Attaches a file to element located by label, name, CSS or XPath Path to file is relative current codecept directory (where codecept.json or codecept.conf.js is located). File will be uploaded to remote system (if tests are running remotely).
I.attachFile('Avatar', 'data/avatar.jpg');
I.attachFile('form input[name=avatar]', 'data/avatar.jpg');
(string | object) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.pathToFile
string local file path relative to codecept.json config file. Appium: not tested
Dismisses the active JavaScript popup, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt.
Selects a checkbox or radio button. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
I.checkOption('I Agree to Terms and Conditions');
I.checkOption('agree', '//form');
(string | object) checkbox located by label | name | CSS | XPath | strict locator.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS | XPath | strict locator. Appium: not tested
Clears a cookie by name, if none provided clears all cookies.
string? (optional,null
by default) cookie name
Clears a <textarea>
or text <input>
element's value.
Perform a click on a link or a button, given by a locator. If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string. For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched. For links, the link text is searched. For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
// simple link'Logout');
// button of form'Submit');
// CSS button'#form input[type=submit]');
// XPath'//form/*[@type=submit]');
// link in context'Logout', '#nav');
// using strict locator{css: 'nav a.login'});
(string | object) clickable link or button located by text, or any element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element to search in CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
This action supports React locators
Close current tab.
Close all tabs except for the current one.
Set WebDriver timeouts in realtime.
Timeouts are expected to be passed as object:
I.defineTimeout({ script: 5000 });
I.defineTimeout({ implicit: 10000, pageLoad: 10000, script: 5000 });
WebdriverIO.Timeouts WebDriver timeouts object.
Opposite to see
. Checks that a text is not present on a page.
Use context parameter to narrow down the search.
I.dontSee('Login'); // assume we are already logged in.
I.dontSee('Login', '.nav'); // no login inside .nav element
string which is not present.context
(string | object)? (optional) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator in which to perfrom search.
This action supports React locators
Verifies that the specified checkbox is not checked.
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // located by ID
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('I agree to terms'); // located by label
I.dontSeeCheckboxIsChecked('agree'); // located by name
Checks that cookie with given name does not exist.
I.dontSeeCookie('auth'); // no auth cookie
string cookie name.
Checks that current url is not equal to provided one. If a relative url provided, a configured url will be prepended to it.
I.dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals('/login'); // relative url are ok
I.dontSeeCurrentUrlEquals(''); // absolute urls are also ok
string value to check.
Opposite to seeElement
. Checks that element is not visible (or in DOM)
I.dontSeeElement('.modal'); // modal is not shown
This action supports React locators
Opposite to seeElementInDOM
. Checks that element is not on page.
I.dontSeeElementInDOM('.nav'); // checks that element is not on page visible or not
Checks that current url does not contain a provided fragment.
string value to check.
Checks that value of input field or textarea doesn't equal to given value
Opposite to seeInField
I.dontSeeInField('email', ''); // field by name
I.dontSeeInField({ css: 'form' }, ''); // field by CSS
(string | object) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.value
string value to check.
Checks that the current page does not contains the given string in its raw source code.
I.dontSeeInSource('<!--'); // no comments in source
string to check.
Checks that title does not contain text.
string value to check.
Performs a double-click on an element matched by link|button|label|CSS or XPath. Context can be specified as second parameter to narrow search.
I.doubleClick('Edit', '.actions');
I.doubleClick({css: 'button.accept'});
(string | object) clickable link or button located by text, or any element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element to search in CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
This action supports React locators
Drag an item to a destination element.
I.dragAndDrop('#dragHandle', '#container');
(string | object) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.destElement
(string | object) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator. Appium: not tested
Drag the scrubber of a slider to a given position For fuzzy locators, fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, and XPath.
I.dragSlider('#slider', 30);
I.dragSlider('#slider', -70);
(string | object) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.offsetX
number position to drag.
Executes async script on page. Provided function should execute a passed callback (as first argument) to signal it is finished.
Example: In Vue.js to make components completely rendered we are waiting for nextTick.
I.executeAsyncScript(function(done) {
Vue.nextTick(done); // waiting for next tick
By passing value to done()
function you can return values.
Additional arguments can be passed as well, while done
function is always last parameter in arguments list.
let val = await I.executeAsyncScript(function(url, done) {
// in browser context
$.ajax(url, { success: (data) => done(data); }
}, 'http://ajax.callback.url/');
(string | function) function to be executed in browser context.args
...any to be passed to function.
Returns Promise<any>
Executes sync script on a page. Pass arguments to function as additional parameters. Will return execution result to a test. In this case you should use async function and await to receive results.
Example with jQuery DatePicker:
// change date of jQuery DatePicker
I.executeScript(function() {
// now we are inside browser context
$('date').datetimepicker('setDate', new Date());
Can return values. Don't forget to use await
to get them.
let date = await I.executeScript(function(el) {
// only basic types can be returned
return $(el).datetimepicker('getDate').toString();
}, '#date'); // passing jquery selector
(string | function) function to be executed in browser context.args
...any to be passed to function.
Returns Promise<any> Wraps execute command.
Fills a text field or textarea, after clearing its value, with the given string. Field is located by name, label, CSS, or XPath.
// by label
I.fillField('Email', '');
// by name
I.fillField('password', secret('123456'));
// by CSS
I.fillField('form#login input[name=username]', 'John');
// or by strict locator
I.fillField({css: 'form#login input[name=username]'}, 'John');
(string | object) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.value
string text value to fill.
This action supports React locators
Perform an emulated click on a link or a button, given by a locator. Unlike normal click instead of sending native event, emulates a click with JavaScript. This works on hidden, animated or inactive elements as well.
If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string. For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched. For links, the link text is searched. For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
// simple link
// button of form
// CSS button
I.forceClick('#form input[type=submit]');
// XPath
// link in context
I.forceClick('Logout', '#nav');
// using strict locator
I.forceClick({css: 'nav a.login'});
(string | object) clickable link or button located by text, or any element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element to search in CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
This action supports React locators
Emulates right click on an element. Unlike normal click instead of sending native event, emulates a click with JavaScript. This works on hidden, animated or inactive elements as well.
If a fuzzy locator is given, the page will be searched for a button, link, or image matching the locator string. For buttons, the "value" attribute, "name" attribute, and inner text are searched. For links, the link text is searched. For images, the "alt" attribute and inner text of any parent links are searched.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
// simple link
(string | object) clickable link or button located by text, or any element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element to search in CSS|XPath|Strict locator.
This action supports React locators
Get all Window Handles.
Useful for referencing a specific handle when calling I.switchToWindow(handle)
const windows = await I.grabAllWindowHandles();
Retrieves an attribute from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
An array as a result will be returned if there are more than one matched element.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let hint = await I.grabAttributeFrom('#tooltip', 'title');
Returns Promise<string> attribute value Appium: can be used for apps only with several values ("contentDescription", "text", "className", "resourceId")
Get JS log from browser. Log buffer is reset after each request.
let logs = await I.grabBrowserLogs();
Returns Promise<(string | undefined)>
Gets a cookie object by name.
If none provided gets all cookies.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let cookie = await I.grabCookie('auth');
assert(cookie.value, '123456');
string? cookie name.
Returns Promise<string> attribute value
Grab CSS property for given locator
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await
const value = await I.grabCssPropertyFrom('h3', 'font-weight');
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.cssProperty
string CSS property name.
Returns Promise<string> CSS value
Get current URL from browser. Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function.
let url = await I.grabCurrentUrl();
console.log(`Current URL is [${url}]`);
Returns Promise<string> current URL
Get the current Window Handle.
Useful for referencing it when calling I.switchToWindow(handle)
const window = await I.grabCurrentWindowHandle();
Grab the width, height, location of given locator.
Provide width
or height
as second param to get your desired prop.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await
Returns an object with x
, y
, width
, height
const value = await I.grabElementBoundingRect('h3');
// value is like { x: 226.5, y: 89, width: 527, height: 220 }
To get only one metric use second parameter:
const width = await I.grabElementBoundingRect('h3', 'width');
// width == 527
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.prop
string x, y, width or height of the given element.
Returns object Element bounding rectangle
Return the current geo location
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let geoLocation = await I.grabGeoLocation();
Returns Promise<{latitude: number, longitude: number, altitude: number}>
Retrieves the innerHTML from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
If more than one element is found - an array of HTMLs returned.
let postHTML = await I.grabHTMLFrom('#post');
Returns Promise<string> HTML code for an element
Grab number of open tabs.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let tabs = await I.grabNumberOfOpenTabs();
Returns Promise<number> number of open tabs
Grab number of visible elements by locator.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let numOfElements = await I.grabNumberOfVisibleElements('p');
Returns Promise<number> number of visible elements
Retrieves a page scroll position and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside an async function with await
let { x, y } = await I.grabPageScrollPosition();
Returns Promise<Object<string, any>> scroll position
Grab the text within the popup. If no popup is visible then it will return null.
await I.grabPopupText();
Retrieves page source and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let pageSource = await I.grabSource();
Returns Promise<string> source code
Retrieves a text from an element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await
let pin = await I.grabTextFrom('#pin');
If multiple elements found returns an array of texts.
Returns Promise<(string | Array<string>)> attribute value
Retrieves a page title and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async with await
let title = await I.grabTitle();
Retrieves a value from a form element located by CSS or XPath and returns it to test.
Resumes test execution, so should be used inside async function with await
let email = await I.grabValueFrom('input[name=email]');
Returns Promise<string> attribute value
Moves cursor to element matched by locator. Extra shift can be set with offsetX and offsetY options.
I.moveCursorTo('#submit', 5,5);
(string | object) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.xOffset
number (optional,0
by default) X-axis offset.offsetY
number (optional,0
by default) Y-axis offset.
Open new tab and switch to it.
Presses a key in the browser (on a focused element).
Hint: For populating text field or textarea, it is recommended to use fillField
To press a key in combination with modifier keys, pass the sequence as an array. All modifier keys ('Alt'
, 'Control'
, 'Meta'
, 'Shift'
) will be released afterwards.
I.pressKey(['Control', 'Z']);
For specifying operation modifier key based on operating system it is suggested to use 'CommandOrControl'
This will press 'Command'
(also known as 'Meta'
) on macOS machines and 'Control'
on non-macOS machines.
I.pressKey(['CommandOrControl', 'Z']);
Some of the supported key names are:
(string | Array<string>) key or array of keys to press.Note: In case a text field or textarea is focused be aware that some browsers do not respect active modifier when combining modifier keys with other keys.
Presses a key in the browser and leaves it in a down state.
To make combinations with modifier key and user operation (e.g. 'Control'
+ click
string name of key to press down.
Releases a key in the browser which was previously set to a down state.
To make combinations with modifier key and user operation (e.g. 'Control'
+ click
string name of key to release.
Reload the current page.
Resize the current window to provided width and height.
First parameter can be set to maximize
number width in pixels ormaximize
number height in pixels. Appium: not tested in web, in apps doesn't work
Performs right click on a clickable element matched by semantic locator, CSS or XPath.
// right click element with id el
// right click link or button with text "Click me"
I.rightClick('Click me');
// right click button with text "Click me" inside .context
I.rightClick('Click me', '.context');
(string | object) clickable element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
This action supports React locators
Placeholder for ~ locator only test case write once run on both Appium and WebDriver.
Placeholder for ~ locator only test case write once run on both Appium and WebDriver.
Placeholder for ~ locator only test case write once run on both Appium and WebDriver.
Saves screenshot of the specified locator to ouput folder (set in codecept.json or codecept.conf.js). Filename is relative to output folder.
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.fileName
string file name to save.
Saves a screenshot to ouput folder (set in codecept.json or codecept.conf.js).
Filename is relative to output folder.
Optionally resize the window to the full available page scrollHeight
and scrollWidth
to capture the entire page by passing true
in as the second argument.
I.saveScreenshot('debug.png', true) //resizes to available scrollHeight and scrollWidth before taking screenshot
string file name to save.fullPage
boolean (optional,false
by default) flag to enable fullscreen screenshot mode.
Scroll element into viewport.
I.scrollIntoView('#submit', true);
I.scrollIntoView('#submit', { behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "center" });
(string | object) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.scrollIntoViewOptions
(boolean | object) (optional) or scrollIntoViewOptions (optional), see
Scroll page to the bottom.
Scroll page to the top.
Scrolls to element matched by locator. Extra shift can be set with offsetX and offsetY options.
I.scrollTo('#submit', 5, 5);
(string | object) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.offsetX
number (optional,0
by default) X-axis offset.offsetY
number (optional,0
by default) Y-axis offset.
Checks that a page contains a visible text. Use context parameter to narrow down the search.
I.see('Welcome'); // text welcome on a page
I.see('Welcome', '.content'); // text inside .content div
I.see('Register', {css: 'form.register'}); // use strict locator
string expected on page.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS|Xpath|strict locator in which to search for text.
This action supports React locators
Checks that all elements with given locator have given attributes.
I.seeAttributesOnElements('//form', { method: "post"});
(string | object) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.attributes
object attributes and their values to check.
Verifies that the specified checkbox is checked.
I.seeCheckboxIsChecked('#agree'); // I suppose user agreed to terms
I.seeCheckboxIsChecked({css: '#signup_form input[type=checkbox]'});
Checks that cookie with given name exists.
string cookie name.
Checks that all elements with given locator have given CSS properties.
I.seeCssPropertiesOnElements('h3', { 'font-weight': "bold"});
(string | object) located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.cssProperties
object object with CSS properties and their values to check.
Checks that current url is equal to provided one. If a relative url provided, a configured url will be prepended to it. So both examples will work:
string value to check.
Checks that a given Element is visible Element is located by CSS or XPath.
This action supports React locators
Checks that a given Element is present in the DOM Element is located by CSS or XPath.
Checks that current url contains a provided fragment.
I.seeInCurrentUrl('/register'); // we are on registration page
string a fragment to check
Checks that the given input field or textarea equals to given value. For fuzzy locators, fields are matched by label text, the "name" attribute, CSS, and XPath.
I.seeInField('Username', 'davert');
I.seeInField({css: 'form textarea'},'Type your comment here');
I.seeInField('form input[type=hidden]','hidden_value');
I.seeInField('#searchform input','Search');
(string | object) located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.value
string value to check.
Checks that the active JavaScript popup, as created by window.alert|window.confirm|window.prompt
, contains the
given string.
string value to check.
Checks that the current page contains the given string in its raw source code.
I.seeInSource('<h1>Green eggs & ham</h1>');
string value to check.
Checks that title contains text.
I.seeInTitle('Home Page');
string text value to check.
Asserts that an element appears a given number of times in the DOM. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.
I.seeNumberOfElements('#submitBtn', 1);
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.num
number number of elements.
This action supports React locators
Asserts that an element is visible a given number of times. Element is located by CSS or XPath.
I.seeNumberOfVisibleElements('.buttons', 3);
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.num
number number of elements.
This action supports React locators
Checks that text is equal to provided one.
I.seeTextEquals('text', 'h1');
string element value to check.context
(string | object?) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Checks that title is equal to provided one.
I.seeTitleEquals('Test title.');
string value to check.
Selects an option in a drop-down select. Field is searched by label | name | CSS | XPath. Option is selected by visible text or by value.
I.selectOption('Choose Plan', 'Monthly'); // select by label
I.selectOption('subscription', 'Monthly'); // match option by text
I.selectOption('subscription', '0'); // or by value
I.selectOption('form select[name=account]', 'Premium');
I.selectOption({css: 'form select[name=account]'}, 'Premium');
Provide an array for the second argument to select multiple options.
I.selectOption('Which OS do you use?', ['Android', 'iOS']);
(string | object) field located by label|name|CSS|XPath|strict locator.option
(string | Array<any>) visible text or value of option.
Sets cookie(s).
Can be a single cookie object or an array of cookies:
I.setCookie({name: 'auth', value: true});
// as array
{name: 'auth', value: true},
{name: 'agree', value: true}
(object | array) a cookie object or array of cookie objects.Uses Selenium's JSON cookie format.
Set the current geo location
I.setGeoLocation(121.21, 11.56);
I.setGeoLocation(121.21, 11.56, 10);
Switches frame or in case of null locator reverts to parent.
I.switchTo('iframe'); // switch to first iframe
I.switchTo(); // switch back to main page
Switch focus to a particular tab by its number. It waits tabs loading and then switch tab.
number? (optional) number of tabs to switch forward, default: 1.sec
(number | null)? (optional) time in seconds to wait.
Switch focus to a particular tab by its number. It waits tabs loading and then switch tab.
number? (optional) number of tabs to switch backward, default: 1.sec
number?? (optional) time in seconds to wait.
Switch to the window with a specified handle.
const windows = await I.grabAllWindowHandles();
// ... do something
await I.switchToWindow( windows[0] );
const window = await I.grabCurrentWindowHandle();
// ... do something
await I.switchToWindow( window );
Types out the given text into an active field.
To slow down typing use a second parameter, to set interval between key presses.
Note: Should be used when fillField
is not an option.
// passing in a string
I.type('Type this out.');
// typing values with a 100ms interval
I.type('4141555311111111', 100);
// passing in an array
I.type(['T', 'E', 'X', 'T']);
number? (optional) delay in ms between key presseskey
(string | Array<string>) or array of keys to type.
Unselects a checkbox or radio button. Element is located by label or name or CSS or XPath.
The second parameter is a context (CSS or XPath locator) to narrow the search.
I.uncheckOption('I Agree to Terms and Conditions');
I.uncheckOption('agree', '//form');
(string | object) checkbox located by label | name | CSS | XPath | strict locator.context
(string? | object) (optional,null
by default) element located by CSS | XPath | strict locator. Appium: not tested
Pauses execution for a number of seconds.
I.wait(2); // wait 2 secs
number number of second to wait.
Waits for element to be clickable (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
I.waitForClickable('.btn.continue', 5); // wait for 5 secs
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.waitTimeout
number? (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for an element to become not attached to the DOM on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for element to be present on page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
I.waitForElement('.btn.continue', 5); // wait for 5 secs
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number? (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for element to become enabled (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (optional) time in seconds to wait, 1 by default.
Waits for a function to return true (waits for 1 sec by default). Running in browser context.
I.waitForFunction(fn[, [args[, timeout]])
I.waitForFunction(() => window.requests == 0);
I.waitForFunction(() => window.requests == 0, 5); // waits for 5 sec
I.waitForFunction((count) => window.requests == count, [3], 5) // pass args and wait for 5 sec
(string | function) to be executed in browser context.argsOrSec
(Array<any> | number)? (optional,1
by default) arguments for function or seconds.sec
number? (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for an element to be removed or become invisible on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for a text to appear (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath. Narrow down search results by providing context.
I.waitForText('Thank you, form has been submitted');
I.waitForText('Thank you, form has been submitted', 5, '#modal');
string to wait for.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to waitcontext
(string | object)? (optional) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.
Waits for the specified value to be in value attribute.
I.waitForValue('//input', "GoodValue");
(string | object) input field.value
string expected value.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for an element to become visible on a page (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waiting for the part of the URL to match the expected. Useful for SPA to understand that page was changed.
I.waitInUrl('/info', 2);
Waits for a specified number of elements on the page.
I.waitNumberOfVisibleElements('a', 3);
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.num
number number of elements.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for an element to hide (by default waits for 1sec). Element can be located by CSS or XPath.
(string | object) element located by CSS|XPath|strict locator.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to wait
Waits for a function to return true (waits for 1sec by default).
I.waitUntil(() => window.requests == 0);
I.waitUntil(() => window.requests == 0, 5);
(function | string) function which is executed in browser context.sec
number (optional,1
by default) time in seconds to waittimeoutMsg
string message to show in case of timeout fail.interval
Waits for the entire URL to match the expected
I.waitUrlEquals('/info', 2);