This is the official PyTorch codes for the paper.
Real-world Image Dehazing with Coherence-based Pseudo Labeling and Cooperative Unfolding Network
Chengyu Fang, Chunming He, Fengyang Xiao, Yulun Zhang, Longxiang Tang, Yuelin Zhang, Kai Li, and Xiu Li
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2024
⚠️ We found that the previous installation script installed an incorrect version
of PyTorch and Numpy, which led to erroneous experimental results. Users who used
the repository code before 2024-10-23 should reconfigure the environment using the
new script, and ensure that PyTorch version 2.1.2 is installed.
- 2025-01-17: We upload a simple example to pretrain(restormer_sample.yml) and fine-tune(colabator_sample.yml) Restormer with our framework, you can find it in the sample_options folder. 🎉
- 2024-11-06: We fix some bugs in the code and support the single GPU training now. 🐞
- 2024-10-26: Our results and pre-trained weights have been released! ❤️
- 2024-10-23: We are processing the camera-ready version of this paper, the pretrained weights and test results will be released soon.
- 2024-09-26: This paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2024 as a Spotlight Paper. 🎉 Thanks all the participants, reviewers, chairs and committee. We will release the code soon.
- 2024-07-26: We have organized and refined the code for the Colabator framework into a separate repository to facilitate more efficient application across different networks and tasks. The repository of Colabator Template will be made public together with the code of this repository once the paper is accepted. 😚
- 2024-06-13: We release the preprint and the citation.
- 2024-06-12: We release the results and acknowledgements of this work.
- 2024-05-28: We release this repository, the preprint of full paper will be release soon.
- RTTS dataset can be downloaded from Dropbox.
- URHI dataset can be downloaded from Dropbox.
- Duplicate Removed URHI can be downloaded from Google Drive
- RIDCP500 can be downloaded from RIDCP's Repo
We provide two types of dataset loading functions for model training: one loads clean images and corresponding depth maps to generate hazy images using the RIDCP Data Generation Pipeline, and the other directly loads paired clean and degraded images. You can choose the appropriate method based on your dataset and task.
For the haze generation method, we support reading the RIDCP500 dataset (where depth maps are stored as .npy files) as well as the OTS/ITS datasets (where depth maps are stored as .mat files). If your dataset contains paired clean images and depth maps, you can also use your own dataset. If your dataset does not include depth maps, you can generate corresponding depth maps using methods such as RA-Depth. For the paired degraded-clean method, you can use any paired degraded-clean image pairs for training and testing.
git clone /~
conda create -n corun_colabator python=3.9
conda activate corun_colabator
# If necessary, Replace pytorch-cuda=? with the compatible version of your GPU driver.
conda install pytorch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
cd basicsr_modified
pip install tb-nightly -i # Run this line if in Chinese Mainland
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop
cd ..
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop
🚩 If you are in China Mainland, run the script before to speed up the download of the pre-trained models:
Download the pre-trained da-clip weights and place it in ./pretrained_weights/
. You can download the daclip weights we used from Google Drive. You can also choose other type of clip models and corresponding weights from openclip, if you do this, don't forget to modify your options.
# Multi-GPU
sh options/
# Single-GPU
sh options/
# Multi-GPU
sh options/
# Single-GPU
sh options/
✨ To fine-tune your own model using Colabator, you only need to add your network to corun_colabator/archs, define your own configuration file as sample_options and run the script.
Download the pre-trained CORUN weight and place it in ./pretrained_weights/
. You can download the CORUN+ weight from Google Drive
# OR
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 corun_colabator/ \
--opt options/test_corun.yml \
--input_dir /path/to/testset/images \
--result_dir ./results/CORUN \
--weights ./pretrained_weights/CORUN.pth \
--dataset RTTS
Caculate the NIMA and BRISQUE results.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --input_dir /path/to/results
We achieved state-of-the-art performance on RTTS and Fattal's datasets and corresponding downstream tasks. More results can be found in the paper. To quickly use the results of our experiments without manual inference or retraining, you can download all files dehazed/restored by our model from Google Drive.
Quantitative Comparison (click to expand)
Visual Comparison (click to expand)
If you find the code helpful in your research or work, please cite the following paper(s).
title={Real-world Image Dehazing with Coherence-based Pseudo Labeling and Cooperative Unfolding Network},
author={Fang, Chengyu and He, Chunming and Xiao, Fengyang and Zhang, Yulun and Tang, Longxiang and Zhang, Yuelin and Li, Kai and Li, Xiu},
booktitle={The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
The codes are based on BasicSR. Please also follow their licenses. Thanks for their awesome works.