The Storage Technical Advisory Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month at 8AM PT (USA Pacific):
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,158580155# or +14086380968,158580155#
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 158 580 155 International numbers available:
Mailing list:
(note: the old WG mailing list is here:!forum/cncf-wg-storage)
Meeting minutes are recorded here:
The charter is available here: /~
The whitepaper documents the storage landscape by clarifying the terminology used in the storage space including:
- The attributes of a storage system such that an end-user can understand the appropriate capabilities that might be required by an application or architectural pattern.
- The layers in a storage solution (or service) with a focus on terminology and how they impact the defined attributes covering the container, orchestrator, transport, topology, virtual/physical, data protection, data services and the non-volatile layers.
- The data access interfaces in terms of volume (including block, file system and shared file system) and application API (including object, KV and database) as high level groupings.
- Separate sections with further detail on Block Storage, File systems, Object Storage and Key Value Stores.
- The management interfaces needed to orchestrate the storage layers to facilitate composability, dynamic provisioning and self service management.
The whitepaper is available here:
PDF copy is available in the repo here: /~
This document covers how disaster recovery is implemented in cloud native environments and covers:
- Definition of Cloud Native Disaster Recovery (CNDR) including failure domains, HA & DR
- CAP theorem: Consistency, Availability, Network Partitioning
- Anatomy of Distributed Stateful workloads: Replicas, Shards, API Layer, Storage Layer
- Consensus Protocols: Paxos, Raft, 2PC, 3PC
- CNDR Reference Architectures
The document is available here:
PDF copy is available in the repo here.
This document describes patterns of running data on Kubernetes. This is a collaboration between TAG Storage and Data on Kubernetes Community (DoKC). In this version of the whitepaper, we are focusing on database workloads. It covers the following:
- Attributes of a storage system and how they affect running data in Kubernetes
- Running data inside vs outside of Kubernetes
- Common Kubernetes patterns and features used when running data on Kubernetes
- Observability
- Security
- Day 2 operations
The document is available here.
This TAG follows the standard operating guidelines provided by the TOC unless otherwise stated here.
Current TOC Liaison: Nikhita Raghunath, Matt Farina
Co-Chairs: Alex Chircop, Xing Yang, Raffaele Spazzoli
Tech Leads: Luis Pabon, Sheng Yang, Nick Connolly
Other named roles: None at present; will be identified and staffed as needed.