Dotfile configuration targeting Linux Mint 17.x OS.
cd ~
git clone /~
cd dotfiles
Existing files will not be modified.
Check for warnings in the install output for existing files that conflict.
To convert your local repo to support ssh key-based push auth, run the command:
git remote set-url origin
This work is derivative from a large number of shared dotfile repos used as resources and inspiration.
The framework is based on Dotbot and forked from the Dotbot Template. I surveyed a large number of "dotfile frameworks", and chose DotBot for its clean and simple design and limited lock-in.
The dotfiles leverage other projects:
Additional dotfile projects used for source and/or inspiration:
More links for help on setting up and creating your own dotfile repo:
This software is hereby released into the public domain. That means you can do
whatever you want with it without restriction. See
for details.