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Cloud Native Basel

We are a group of tech enthusiasts from Basel who are passionate about the latest developments in the field of Cloud Native and related technologies.

Cloud Native Basel


Who we are 🙋🏼‍♂️

[EN] We are a group of tech enthusiasts from Basel who are passionate about the latest developments in the field of Cloud Native and related technologies.

[DE] Wir sind eine Gruppe von Tech-Enthusiasten aus Basel, die sich leidenschaftlich für die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich Cloud Native und verwandten Technologien interessieren.

Our goal 🏁

[EN] Our goal is to create a vibrant community that regularly interacts in person to exchange knowledge and experiences. To achieve this, we organize live presentations on various tech topics related to Cloud Native, providing a great opportunity to learn from experts and discover new ideas.

[DE] Unser Ziel ist es, eine lebendige Gemeinschaft zu schaffen, die regelmässg persönlich interagiert, um Wissen und Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Dazu veranstalten wir Live-Vorträge zu verschiedenen Tech-Themen im Zusammenhang mit Cloud Native. Dies bietet eine grossartige Gelegenheit, von Experten zu lernen und neue Ideen zu entdecken.

Cloud Native ecosystem 🌱

The Cloud Native ecosystem encompasses various aspects, key technologies, and related fields that revolve around the development, deployment, and management of cloud-native applications. Here are some important components of the Cloud Native ecosystem:

  • Containerization: Containers, such as Docker, provide lightweight and isolated environments for deploying and running applications consistently across different platforms and infrastructure.
  • Orchestration: Orchestration platforms, like Kubernetes, enable the automated deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and efficient resource utilization.
  • Microservices Architecture: Cloud Native applications are often built using a microservices architecture, where applications are divided into smaller, loosely coupled services that can be independently developed, deployed, and scaled.
  • Immutable Infrastructure: Cloud Native applications leverage the concept of immutable infrastructure, where infrastructure components, including servers and containers, are treated as disposable and can be easily replaced or upgraded.
  • ...

These aspects and technologies are just a glimpse of the Cloud Native ecosystem. If you want to know more what Cloud Native is and what other components are part of the Cloud Native ecosystem, go check out our What is Cloud Native page.

Typically Basel 🇨🇭

[EN] Cloud Native Basel is a community centered around the city of Basel and its surroundings. We value the contributions of everyone on their cloud native journey and believe in building a deep understanding together. Our aim is to foster a local community that stays connected with the latest trends and developments, while tailoring our activities to meet the needs of our members. We strive to create a collaborative environment where we can support and learn from one another, ultimately building a strong foundation for cloud native innovation in our local area.

[DE] Cloud Native Basel ist eine Community mit Fokus auf die Stadt Basel und Umgebung. Wir schätzen den Beitrag aller Teilnehmer auf ihrem Cloud Native-Weg und glauben daran, gemeinsam ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis aufzubauen. Unser Ziel ist es, eine lokale Community zu fördern, die mit den neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen verbunden bleibt und unsere Aktivitäten an die Bedürfnisse unserer Mitglieder anpasst. Wir streben nach einem freundlichen Umfeld, in der wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen und voneinander lernen können. Letztendlich wollen wir eine solide Grundlage für Cloud Native-Innovationen in unserer Region schaffen.

Resources 📖

Be a part and get involved 🙇

So if you're interested in becoming a part of our Cloud Native Basel community, join our group and sign up for our events. We look forward to meeting you! We encourage you to get involved in the Cloud Native Basel community! Here's how you can participate:

  • Join our Meetup group to stay updated on upcoming events and RSVP to attend.

  • Contribute to our GitHub repositories by submitting pull requests, sharing resources, or providing feedback.

  • Engage with our community on social media platforms. Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and announcements.

  • Share your cloud native journey, experiences, and knowledge with the community by presenting at our meetups or writing blog posts.

  • Join the Cloud Native Basel discussion group. You can find the the discussion board here 💬

Follow us 🙏

These are the various social media platforms you can follow us on:

We value your participation in the Cloud Native Basel community and look forward to connecting with you!

Pinned Loading

  1. slides slides Public

    Slide decks from all Cloud Native Basel events.

  2. infos infos Public

    General information about Cloud Native Basel.

  3. awesome-cloud-native awesome-cloud-native Public

    Curated list of awesome things regarding Cloud Native ecosystem. ⭐



Showing 7 of 7 repositories
  • infos Public

    General information about Cloud Native Basel.

    cloudnativebasel/infos’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Sep 11, 2023
  • media Public

    Media for and from all Cloud Native Basel events.

    cloudnativebasel/media’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Sep 8, 2023
  • awesome-cloud-native Public

    Curated list of awesome things regarding Cloud Native ecosystem. ⭐

    cloudnativebasel/awesome-cloud-native’s past year of commit activity
    5 0 0 0 Updated Jun 23, 2023
  • .github Public
    cloudnativebasel/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 13, 2023
  • static Public

    Static content to use everywhere.

    cloudnativebasel/static’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 13, 2023
  • slides Public

    Slide decks from all Cloud Native Basel events.

    cloudnativebasel/slides’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 9, 2023
  • www Public

    Public web entry point to Cloud Native Basel

    cloudnativebasel/www’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 8, 2023


This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization.

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