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Str4tos edited this page Jan 16, 2025 · 59 revisions
Unity Editor 2018.4+
Android Minimum API 21
Android Target API 34
iOS Target Minimum 13.0
iOS XCode 16.1+

Add the CAS package to Your Project

Choose one of the following methods to import the CAS Unity plugin into your Unity project.

  1. OpenUPM-CLI
  2. OpenUPM
  3. Add package from git URL
  4. Import .unitypackage


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(Option 1) OpenUPM-CLI

If you have the OpenUPM CLI installed, you can install the OpenUPM registry with the following command:

openupm add

(Option 2) OpenUPM

  1. Open the package manager settings by selecting the Unity menu option Edit > Project Settings > Package Manager.
  2. Add OpenUPM as a scoped registry to the Package Manager window:
Name: OpenUPM
Scopes: com.cleversolutions
  1. Open the package manager menu by selecting the Unity menu option Window > Package Manager.
  2. Set the manager scope drop-down to select My Registries.


  1. Select the CleverAdsSolutions package from the package list.
  2. Press Install.

(Option 3) Add package from git URL

In your open Unity project, navigate to Window -> Package Manager -> + -> Add package from Git URL and add url:

  1. Open the package manager menu by selecting the Unity menu option Window > Package Manager.
  2. Press the plus (+) drop-down to select Add package from Git URL.


  1. Enter the CAS Git URL in the text box and click Add:

The CAS Git URL end with the tag name after #.


Check Prerequisites and Troubleshooting on Install a package from a Git URL page of Unity Documentation.

(Option 4) Import .unitypackage

  1. Download latest CleverAdsSolutions.unitypackage
  2. In your open Unity project, navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
  3. In the Import Unity Package window, make sure all of the files are selected and click Import.

Remove .unitypackage plugin assets

If you are migrating from using a .unitypackage to using OpenUPM, you must manually uninstall the assets from the old location. Remove the following directories that were imported from the .unitypackage:

  • Assets/CleverAdsSolutions

Add the External Dependency Manager for Unity

The CAS Unity plugin is distributed with the External Dependency Manager for Unity library. This library is intended for use by any Unity plugin that requires access to Android specific libraries (e.g., AARs) or iOS CocoaPods. It provides Unity plugins the ability to declare dependencies, which are then automatically resolved and copied into your Unity project.

  1. Download latest external-dependency-manager.unitypackage.
  2. In your open Unity project, navigate to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package.
  3. In the Import Unity Package window, make sure all of the files are selected and click Import.

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