These two directories contain the code to create the GUI and SOUND libraries for TAMGU. Install these two libraries in the tamgu directory. The main git repository for Tamgu is: /~
To compile these libraries you need to have the following libraries installed on your system:
- fltk1.3 (GUI toolkit library)
- libao, libsnd and libmpg123
These libraries are usually either installed or can be installed with yum or apt-get, according to your package installer and your Linux system.
The Windows Makefiles are also available. To compile these libraries on Windows, you need to enrich your main Makefile (tamguraw.sln or tamgu.sln) with the following Makefiles that are present in libgui and libsound:
- libgui.vcxproj
- libsound.vcxproj
The libraries and include files are all provided within these directories.
To include these two makefiles, youneed to open tamguraw.sln with Visual Studio and add these two files as external projects to the current project hierarchy.
First move the directories to the main directory tamgu
Launch with the options: -withgui and -withsound.
make libs, will now compile these two libraries
These libraries are provided as is and are disjoined from the GitHub Tamgu archive.