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Lab 1

lab 1的移植中,主要改动有以下几点

  • I/O函数
    • kern/driver/console.c
  • 中断处理例程
    • kern/trap/
  • 时钟中断设置
    • kern/driver/clock.c


I/O Functions


/* cons_putc - print a single character @c to console devices */
void cons_putc(int c) {
  sbi_console_putchar((unsigned char)c);

Interrupt Service Routine

Setting Trap Entry

RISC-V中并无中断向量的概念,当发生中断时,硬件只负责将pc寄存器指向Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) 的入口处。ISR入口地址应当存放于stvec寄存器中,我们可以修改idt_init函数,在其中设置stvec寄存器

 * idt_init - initialize stvec to the entry points in kern/trap/trapentry.S
void idt_init(void) {
  extern void __alltraps(void);
  // Set sscratch register to 0, indicating to exception vector that we are
  // presently executing in the kernel
  write_csr(sscratch, 0);
  // Set the exception vector address
  write_csr(stvec, &__alltraps);
  // enable interrupt
  set_csr(sstatus, SSTATUS_SIE);

sscratch寄存器置0也许让人费解,我们会在lab 6中详细分析,这里是否置0其实并无影响。

Data Structures


struct pushregs {
  uintptr_t zero;  // Hard-wired zero
  uintptr_t ra;    // Return address
  uintptr_t sp;    // Stack pointer
  uintptr_t gp;    // Global pointer
  uintptr_t tp;    // Thread pointer
  uintptr_t t0;    // Temporary
  uintptr_t t1;    // Temporary
  uintptr_t t2;    // Temporary
  uintptr_t s0;    // Saved register/frame pointer
  uintptr_t s1;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t a0;    // Function argument/return value
  uintptr_t a1;    // Function argument/return value
  uintptr_t a2;    // Function argument
  uintptr_t a3;    // Function argument
  uintptr_t a4;    // Function argument
  uintptr_t a5;    // Function argument
  uintptr_t a6;    // Function argument
  uintptr_t a7;    // Function argument
  uintptr_t s2;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s3;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s4;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s5;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s6;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s7;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s8;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s9;    // Saved register
  uintptr_t s10;   // Saved register
  uintptr_t s11;   // Saved register
  uintptr_t t3;    // Temporary
  uintptr_t t4;    // Temporary
  uintptr_t t5;    // Temporary
  uintptr_t t6;    // Temporary
struct trapframe {
  struct pushregs gpr;
  uintptr_t status;
  uintptr_t epc;
  uintptr_t badvaddr;
  uintptr_t cause;

Trap Handling


#if __riscv_xlen == 64
#define SLL32    sllw
#define STORE    sd
#define LOAD     ld
#define LWU      lwu
#define LOG_REGBYTES 3
#define SLL32    sll
#define STORE    sw
#define LOAD     lw
#define LWU      lw
#define LOG_REGBYTES 2


    .globl __alltraps
    move  a0, sp
    jal trap
    .globl __trapret
    # return from supervisor call


    .macro SAVE_ALL
    # store sp in sscratch
    csrw sscratch, sp
    # provide room for trap frame
    addi sp, sp, -36 * REGBYTES
    # save x registers except x2 (sp)
    STORE  x1,1*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x3,3*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x4,4*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x5,5*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x6,6*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x7,7*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x8,8*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x9,9*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x10,10*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x11,11*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x12,12*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x13,13*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x14,14*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x15,15*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x16,16*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x17,17*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x18,18*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x19,19*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x20,20*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x21,21*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x22,22*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x23,23*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x24,24*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x25,25*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x26,26*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x27,27*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x28,28*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x29,29*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x30,30*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE  x31,31*REGBYTES(sp)

    # get sp, sstatus, sepc, sbadvaddr, scause
    csrr s0, sscratch
    csrr s1, sstatus
    csrr s2, sepc
    csrr s3, sbadaddr
    csrr s4, scause
    # store sp, sstatus, sepc, sbadvaddr, scause
    STORE s0, 2*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE s1, 32*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE s2, 33*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE s3, 34*REGBYTES(sp)
    STORE s4, 35*REGBYTES(sp)
    .macro RESTORE_ALL
    # sstatus and sepc may be changed in ISR
    LOAD s1, 32*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD s2, 33*REGBYTES(sp)
    csrw sstatus, s1
    csrw sepc, s2

    # restore x registers except x2 (sp)
    LOAD  x1,1*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x3,3*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x4,4*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x5,5*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x6,6*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x7,7*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x8,8*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x9,9*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x10,10*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x11,11*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x12,12*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x13,13*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x14,14*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x15,15*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x16,16*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x17,17*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x18,18*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x19,19*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x20,20*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x21,21*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x22,22*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x23,23*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x24,24*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x25,25*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x26,26*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x27,27*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x28,28*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x29,29*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x30,30*REGBYTES(sp)
    LOAD  x31,31*REGBYTES(sp)
    # restore sp last
    LOAD  x2,2*REGBYTES(sp)


 * trap - handles an exception/interrupt. If and when trap() returns, the code
 * in kern/trap/trapentry.S restores the old CPU state saved in the trapframe
 * and then uses the sret instruction to return from the exception.
void trap(struct trapframe *tf) {
  // dispatch based on what type of trap occurred
  if ((intptr_t)tf->cause < 0) {
    // interrupts
  } else {
    // exceptions

RISC-V ISA规定当scause的Most Significant Bit (MSB) 为0时表示exception,为1时表示interrupt,因此我们可以通过(intptr_t)tf->cause的符号快速判断trap的类型,接下来只需在interrupt_handlerexception_handler中做相应处理即可。

Timer Interrupt

Getting Time

我们首先要面对的问题是读取时间,我们在Instruction Emulation中已经提到过rdtime指令的细节,这里我们只关注kernel层面对时间的读取

static inline uint64_t get_cycles(void) {
#if __riscv_xlen == 64
  uint64_t n;
  __asm__ __volatile__("rdtime %0" : "=r"(n));
  return n;
  uint32_t lo, hi, tmp;
  __asm__ __volatile__(
      "rdtimeh %0\n"
      "rdtime %1\n"
      "rdtimeh %2\n"
      "bne %0, %2, 1b"
      : "=&r"(hi), "=&r"(lo), "=&r"(tmp));
  return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo;


  1. 读取mtime的高32位到hi
  2. 读取mtime的低32位到lo
  3. 读取mtime的高32位到tmp
  4. hi != tmp,返回第1步
  5. hilo拼接后返回

汇编中1b表示前一个label 1处,类似的,1f表示后一个label 1处。

Clock Initialization

static uint64_t timebase;
/* *
 * clock_init - initialize clock to interrupt 100 times per second
 * */
void clock_init(void) {
  // divided by 500 when using Spike (2MHz)
  // divided by 100 when using QEMU (10MHz)
  timebase = sbi_timebase() / 100;
  // initialize time counter 'ticks' to zero
  ticks = 0;

  cprintf("++ setup timer interrupts\n");

void clock_set_next_event(void) {
  sbi_set_timer(get_cycles() + timebase);


Handling Timer Interrupt

All bits besides SSIP and USIP in the sip register are read-only.

— Privileged ISA Specification v1.9.1, 4.1.4


void interrupt_handler(struct trapframe *tf) {
  // remove MSB
  intptr_t cause = (tf->cause << 1) >> 1;
  switch (cause) {
    case IRQ_S_TIMER:
      if (++ticks % TICK_NUM == 0) {


static uintptr_t mcall_set_timer(uint64_t when)
  *HLS()->timecmp = when;
  clear_csr(mip, MIP_STIP);
  set_csr(mie, MIP_MTIP);
  return 0;

该函数先将mtimecmp寄存器设置为用户给定的时间,然后清空mip中的Supervisor Timer Interrupt Pending Bit (STIP),设置mie中的Machine Timer Interrupt Enable Bit (MTIE,与MTIP位置相同) 以使能M-mode下的时钟中断。发生时钟中断时,会由bbl中的ISR处理,并一步步转发到timer_interrupt函数中

uintptr_t timer_interrupt()
  // just send the timer interrupt to the supervisor
  clear_csr(mie, MIP_MTIP);
  set_csr(mip, MIP_STIP);

  // and poll the HTIF console

  return 0;

首先清空mie中的Machine Timer Interrupt Enable Bit,然后设置mip中的Supervisor Timer Interrupt Pending Bit (STIP),返回S-mode后,由于sip寄存器中STIP被置为1,立即引发一个时钟中断。在ISR中,我们调用的clock_set_next_event会调用sbi_set_timer并被bbl中的mcall_set_timer处理,从而清空sip中的STIP位,又回到了开始的状态。

以上对时钟中断的处理流程和Spike模拟器的undocumented feature耦合十分紧密,处理SEE和模拟器层的读者应特别注意。