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Chris Mattmann edited this page Apr 22, 2018 · 5 revisions


  1. See Pre-Requisites.


  1. Navigate to desired location for imagecat
  2. git clone /~
  3. cd imagecat/auto && chmod +x
  4. ./ and wait for a install to finish


  1. cd ../../deploy
  2. Add the absolute paths of all images (one image path per line) in data/staging/roxy-image-list-jpg-nonzero.txt
  3. ./
  4. See the wiki on how to run ImageCat.

Useful Environment Variables

The following environment variables are used in ImageCat. Set them in ~/.tcshrc or ~/.bashrc.

setenv JAVA_HOME `readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::"`
setenv OODT_HOME ~/path_to_deploy_directory 
setenv FILEMGR_URL http://localhost:9000
setenv WORKFLOW_URL http://localhost:9001
setenv RESMGR_URL http://localhost:9002
setenv WORKFLOW_HOME $OODT_HOME/workflow
setenv FILEMGR_HOME $OODT_HOME/filemgr
setenv PGE_ROOT $OODT_HOME/pge
setenv PCS_HOME $OODT_HOME/pcs
setenv FMPROD_HOME $OODT_HOME/tomcat/webapps/fmprod/WEB-INF/classes/

Or, if you're using bash, set ~/.bash_profile (Mac) or ~/.bashrc, or with zsh, ~/.zshrc:

export OODT_HOME=~/path_to_deploy_directory 


  • Mac OS X users may need to use a different value for JAVA_HOME because the Java installation that is found by the above command does not necessarily contain the bin/java folder layout. If that's the case, then try a path along the lines of: (your jdk version may vary)
setenv JAVA_HOME /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_51.jdk/Contents/Home
  • Please ensure that OODT_HOME, FILEMGR_URL, WORKFLOW_URL, RESMGR_URL are all set to the above values without fail.
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