a simple dns server
- consul based configure file
- standard zone file support
- dynamic load zone files
- client-ip(CIDR) based zone query
- outter dns server proxy with auto switch
- dns proxy with localcache, with this feature will enable proxy consul dns service to public
- multiple resolve with ping check
required go version >= 1.10
go get -u -v github.com/chennqqi/simpledns
see conf dir
./simpledns -conf [configure uri]
build: ./builddocker.sh
or pull: docker pull sort/simpledns
- consul service not support udp check
add a forward upstream in forwards section, see example
- name: consul.
cache_expire: 5m
- 'udp://'
- name: cluster.local.
cache_expire: 5m
- 'udp://xx.xx.xx.xx:53'
- name: example.com.
- match_clients: [ "" ]
file: 'conf/zones/t.example.com'
checker: 'ping 10s' # every 10s check once
note: if after ping check, this was no one valid ipaddr. it will ignore check result, return all result.
- control api, support ddns
- tcp dns service
- multiplex tcp check and tcp dns service
- add geo based zone query
- performance test
Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.