Releases: ch3nnn/webstack-go
Releases · ch3nnn/webstack-go
Other Changes
- fd1c6bb feat(category): add sort ID functionality to categories
- 7acf323 feat(site): add option to save URL only on failure
- 46a7595 feat(site): add site data export functionality
- 705ccb4 feat(site): add sort functionality to sites
- 17bc5cf feat(site): 添加站点列表分类筛选功能
- 3544e06 feat(web): add redirect logic after site addition
- 3d88517 refactor(category): change sort field to sort_id in category update
- 9f36d62 refactor(web): improve site list page layout
- 3eace90 refactor(web): remove redirect action from site addition dialog
Other Changes
- 2ee1e47 feat(config): add base64 encoded logo and favicon
- fc9048e feat(config): add site logo and favicon support
- 220fc1c feat(dal): integrate gorm-cache for database caching
- 6a1f029 feat(dal): integrate gorm-cache for database caching
- 4348eb2 fix(category): refresh selectpicker for level and icon
- 14b2010 fix(web): add dropdown limit to 5 items in site list
- 8b2114d refactor(admin): minify JavaScript and CSS files
- 4a63871 refactor(service): add method comments to service interfaces
- ebb3010 refactor(site): 优化站点列表页面的加载和刷新逻辑
- 0da5858 style(admin): update logo and layout- Update logo image to use /assets/static/index/images/logo_dark@2x.png
- aaefc42 style(templates): optimize HTML structure and formatting
- 826b451 style(web): adjust height of markdown editor
- 31f5473 PR: 添加了 GoReleaser 和 Docker 多架构构建支持 (#104)
- e4b1c71 build(deps): bump from 0.25.0 to 0.33.0 (#105)
- baba861 feat(dal): add database driver logging
- a211bfa feat(web): add website completeness check feature
- c1d47cf feat(middleware): implement NoStrictAuth for non-strict token validation
- 81f803c feat(site): add batch creation site failure url feedback
- e02e004 refactor(site): optimize website logo fetching and HTTP client settings
- 419b86b docs(README):
- 2d3438c feat(config): add website configuration and about page functionality
- f970a1c refactor(app): improve code quality and error handling
- 749ec8f feat(index): restructure and optimize home page data retrieval
- c9d7b03 refactor(site): Reconstructing the Parameters selectedIds the Category Selector Function
- 3aca310 docs(README): update frontend template information
- 5033fb0 feat(category): Increase the classification activation status and optimize the classification management function.
- f0d4cf2 feat(site): implement concurrent processing for site creation and synchronization
- 9f7547c feat(site): add site category query with pagination
- 6473e8a Fix/admin (#101)
- ff176c4 Merge pull request #100 from ch3nnn/refactor/site
- d472b42 refactor(site): update site icon handling to base64 encoding
- 4b8f453 Merge pull request #99 from ch3nnn/feat/site
- 26812f3 feat(site): update site icon handling - Remove file upload and storage for site icons - Use base64 encoded icons instead of file paths - Update related models, services, and templates
- 8bedede Merge pull request #98 from ch3nnn/dependabot/go_modules/
- 75c89c3 build(deps): bump from 0.23.0 to 0.31.0
- 5a32c20 refactor(api): add comments and update configurations
- a9eb473 Update http.go
- cae47b3 Update
What's Changed
- feat: v2.0.0 by @ch3nnn in #94
- build(deps): bump from 0.16.0 to 0.18.0 by @dependabot in #96
- build(deps): bump from 5.4.3 to 5.5.4 by @dependabot in #95
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- feat: add site info sync by @ch3nnn in #86
- feat(site-list): integrate bootstrap-fileinput for logo upload by @ch3nnn in #88
- build(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.18.0 by @dependabot in #90
- build(deps): bump from 2.2.0 to 2.5.15 by @dependabot in #89
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2
What's Changed
- Develop by @ch3nnn in #45
- Update by @ch3nnn in #46
- build(deps): bump from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 by @dependabot in #47
- fix: change import package by @ch3nnn in #50
- fix: add default website icon by @ch3nnn in #58
- Fix: init create Project install mark and container website index error by @ch3nnn in #59
- build(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #61
- build(deps): bump from 0.5.0 to 0.10.0 by @dependabot in #62
- Update by @ch3nnn in #70
- build(deps): bump from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #71
- build(deps): bump from 1.30.0 to 1.33.0 by @dependabot in #72
- build(deps): bump from 0.17.0 to 0.23.0 by @dependabot in #76
- Create release.yml by @ch3nnn in #80
- chore: go.mod upgrade by @ch3nnn in #81
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0