The page shows working hours divided up into 1 hour incriments, color coded based on past hours, current hours, and future hours. User is able to input tasks into each hourly block and save them to local storage. Tasks will remain on the page with page refresh. Current date and time is displayed at the top of the page.
- User will enter page and see time blocks for hours 0800-1800
- Time block(s) colored grey are past hours
- Time block colored red is current hour
- Time block(s) colored green are future hours
- User can enter tasks into each specific time block and save when clicking "Save" button corresponding to time block
- All saved inputs will remain on the page with page refresh
Courtney Foster
- W3 Schools
- MDN Web Docs
- Gif Application
- Markdown Preview
- Slack study groups
- Tutor/TA sessions