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Installation Instructions


Before installing Kive, you need to install some other software. See the requirements.txt file for recommended versions.

  • Python 2.x (version 2.7 or higher) - we are converting to Python 3.
  • Django
  • the Django REST framework
  • PostgreSQL
  • psycopg2 (Python library for interfacing with PostgreSQL)
  • scandir (python module for efficient scanning of a filesystem)
  • pytz
  • slurm
  • django-extensions (optional, for creating a UML diagram of the backend models used to store all the records in the database)
  • pygraphviz (optional, for the UML diagram)
  • requests (optional, for using the Kive API wrapper to make API calls)
  • NodeJS (for compiling TypeScript and SASS)

Installing Python

Source code or binaries for Python can be obtained from the official website, Most *nix distributions (including OS X) come with some version of Python. CentOS 6.7 requires you to install Python 2.7 as a software collection.

scl enable python27 bash

The fleet workers launch very slowly on compute nodes with a network file system. They will launch much faster if you run the fleet within a Python virtualenv. Check to see the latest version of virtualenv in the Python package index. This is optional, but you can create the virtualenv as follows:

# Create a bootstrap environment in the kive user's home folder
sudo su kiveuser
cd ~
curl -O
tar xzf virtualenv-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
python virtualenv-X.Y.Z/ vbootstrap
# Install virtualenv into the bootstrap virtual environment
vbootstrap/bin/pip install virtualenv-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
rm -rf virtualenv-X.Y.Z virtualenv-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
# Now create a virtualenv just for Kive fleet workers.
vbootstrap/bin/virtualenv vkive
# Start using the virtualenv
source vkive/bin/activate

Installing Django

Instructions for downloading and installing Django can be found at If you are already running an earlier version of Django, installing should be as painless as running

pip install Django==1.9.2

(substitute the appropriate version number if you wish to use a different version -- a newer one, for example). You will likely need to run this using sudo unless you only installed Django locally and not system-wide. Also, many systems have multiple Python installations, so make sure that pip is using the correct one. Django REST Framework can also be installed via

pip install djangorestframework==3.3.2

You will also need the pytz module, which can simply be installed with

pip install pytz

If you want to generate UML diagrams for your models, install django-extensions. Instructions for downloading and installing may be found here. The easiest way is to use pip again.

pip install django-extensions

Installing PostgreSQL

Instructions for downloading and installing PostgreSQL may be found at PostgreSQL is available as pre-compiled binary executables. On Linux systems, the easiest way to obtain the binaries is to use a package manager such as yum or apt-get, depending on your distribution. On Mac OS-X, there are number of methods including third-party installers and package managers such as MacPorts or homebrew. The only option listed on the PostgreSQL website for installing PostgreSQL for Windows is a third-party installer distributed by EnterpriseDB.

Installing on OS X

Using the Graphical Installer provided by EnterpriseDB

To install PostgreSQL under OS X using the graphical installer (download here), the instructions for Windows and PostgreSQL 9.3 are here); the procedures for OS X, and for different versions of the database, are similar. Take note of the install directory for Postgres and the data directory, as well as the port on which the server listens. On a default installation, Postgres is installed in /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3, and the data directory is /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/data. (All paths are given assuming version 9.3; substitute the appropriate version number for your system.) We will need some of the utilities installed in /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin later. It will also ask you to specify a password for the default system postgres user. You will have to be logged in as this user to perform several necessary administrative tasks, so be sure to remember this password! At the end of the installation, it will ask if you wish to start Stack Builder. Everything we need should already be installed, so you can pass on this.

After installation, Postgres will have been automatically launched in the background, and configured to automatically start on reboot using a LaunchDaemon script at (in a default installation) com.edb.launchd.postgresql-9.3.plist. A postgres user will also have been installed on your computer, whose home directory is /Library/PostgreSQL/[version number].

Using MacPorts

MacPorts is a package manager for OS-X that installs packages into a separate directory at /opt so that any files installed by MacPorts can be removed without compromising the original filesystem. Instructions for installing MacPorts can be found here.

Install the PostgreSQL server port by the following:

sudo port install postgresql93-server

This will create a new user on your system called postgres. To confirm that this user account has been created, use the command

dscl . list /Users | grep postgres

which should return postgres.
MacPorts will have installed a number of files in different locations under the /opt tree including /opt/local/bin, /opt/local/include/postgresql93 and /opt/local/lib/postgresql93.
A number of utility programs are installed at /opt/local/lib/postgresql93/bin. To make it more convenient to access these utilities, add this path to the postgres user's $PATH environment variable, log in as postgres and create a bash profile:

sudo su - postgres
vi .profile

In the vi editor, type O to open the file for editing and write this line:

export PATH=/opt/local/lib/postgresql93/bin:$PATH

To create a database install, MacPorts also provides the following instructions:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/var/db/postgresql93/defaultdb
sudo chown postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql93/defaultdb
sudo su postgres -c '/opt/local/lib/postgresql93/bin/initdb -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql93/defaultdb' 

This creates a new folder under the /opt MacPorts tree that is owned by the postgres user, and then initializes a new PostgreSQL database in this new folder called defaultdb. Note that the path (/opt/local/var/db/postgresql93) and name (defaultdb) for the database are optional.

Now that we've created a database, we need to start a server to handle database transactions. Based on the instructions provided on the PostgreSQL website, transfer ownership of the postgres user's home directory to itself:

sudo chown postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql93

Log in as the postgres user:

sudo su - postgres

and start the server as a background process using this command:

postgres -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql93/defaultdb >logfile 2>&1 &

This redirects standard output and error messages to a file logfile. A slightly less obtuse way to issue this command is to call the pg_ctl utility from the postgres user home directory:

pg_ctl -D defaultdb -l logfile start

The PostgreSQL server will be automatically started when you reboot your system through a LaunchDaemon script that was installed by MacPorts at /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.postgresql93-server.plist. To inspect what this script is actually doing, you can look at the contents of the wrapper /opt/local/etc/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.postgresql93-server/postgresql93-server.wrapper. Note that if you used a database location or name other than the MacPorts default, then you may need to modify this wrapper accordingly.

Installing on Ubuntu

Install the database server, client, and administrative tools with the package manager.

sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-client

Create a password for the postgres user.

sudo -u postgres psql postgres
\password postgres

Press Control+D twice to exit the Postgres prompt and log out of the postgres account.

The database server should already have been started when you installed postgresql, and will be automatically restarted on reboot. If you need to start or restart the server, see man pg_ctlcluster.

Installing on CentOS 6

CentOS 6 provides PostgreSQL 8.4 via yum. Once the package is installed, to start the service, run the following with root privileges using sudo:

service postgresql initdb  # this creates /var/lib/pgsql
chkconfig postgresql on  # configures Postgres to run on startup
/etc/init.d/postgresql start

Installing on CentOS 7

As with CentOS 6, PostgreSQL is best installed on CentOS 7 via yum.
The procedure for starting it, and for configuring it to run at startup, differs, as systemd was introduced to replace the old init.d system.
For example, if you have installed version 9.2 of PostgreSQL, run the following with root privileges using sudo:

/usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/postgresql92-setup initdb  # replace with appropriate version number
systemctl enable postgresql-9.2.service
systemctl start postgresql-9.2

Initial configuration

The postgresql data directory will have been put in a default place, likely /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main on Ubuntu or /var/lib/pgsql/data on CentOS. You can figure out where the data directory is by typing show data_directory; into the postgres prompt. Don't worry about creating a database yet, that will get done later on.

Typically Postgres caps the number of simultaneous database connections at 100. This can be a problem if you intend to run more than 100 worker processes (i.e. processes that will handle running your pipelines). To change the cap, you should change the max_connections setting in the Postgres config file (usually postgresql.conf in Postgres' data directory). For example, if you are running 191 workers, then you might add the line

max_connections = 200

to this file (this affords you some breathing room to access the database outside of Kive as well). Then restart the Postgres server.

Installing psycopg2

Psycopg is a PostgreSQL adaptor for Python. It is mandatory in order for Django to use a PostgreSQL database. Instructions for downloading and installing it may be found at

Installing psycopg2 in OS-X

First, note that OS-X ships with its own version of Python (often referred to as System Python). However, this version may be older and lack features required by open source software. System Python also has some irregularities about the installation of modules that can complicate the installation and upgrading process of third-party modules. For such reasons, users often like to install another version of Python.

Using MacPorts

If you are using a MacPorts binary of Python, you can easily install the psycopg2 port, by running

sudo port install py27-psycopg2

This may also install a number of dependencies if they are not already present on your system, such as libxslt.

Using apt-get

If you are on Ubuntu, psycopg2 can be installed with the package manager.

sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
Using pip

The developers recommend using a binary package where possible, using fink or ports. However, if you don't want to do this or if it isn't feasible -- for example, if you're using either the system Python on a Mac or an official version obtained from [][] -- it's relatively easy to install using pip: instructions may be found here.

Some key hangups you may encounter when installing using this method are making sure that you have the pg_config utility on your PATH; this is one of the utilities installed by PostgreSQL. If you installed PostgreSQL using the graphical installer, this is typically at /Library/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin; in a typical MacPorts install it is located at /opt/local/lib/postgresql93/bin/pg_config. You may also need to update your LD_LIBRARY_PATH and your DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH to point at the directory where PostgreSQL installed its libraries. Depending on your system, you may also encounter problems because your system's libraries are not the right versions required by Psycopg. In these cases, a package manager such as MacPorts may be of use.

Directly from source

You may also wish to directly compile psycopg2 from the source (available here). The same gotchas as above apply. An alternative to putting pg_config on your PATH is to direct the script to this executable by modifying the file setup.cfg and editing the last line in the block:

# "pg_config" is required to locate PostgreSQL headers and libraries needed to
# build psycopg2. If pg_config is not in the path or is installed under a
# different name uncomment the following option and set it to the pg_config
# full path.

so that it reads


Then you can compile and install this module by running sudo python install.

To confirm that the module is installed, start an interactive session by calling python on the command line and then enter import psycopg2. If this raises an ImportError then something has gone wrong - for example, the version of Python used to install the module is different from the version running the interactive session.

Installing slurm

Slurm installation can be complicated and daunting, for a quick overview of the installation, see here. Briefly, a slurm installation consists of computers (nodes) running among them:

  1. on each node to be used for computation:
    • munge authentication daemon (munge)
    • slurm compute node daemon (slurmd)
  2. a single (ignoring fail-safe slaves) slurm central management daemon (slurmctld) on one specific node (i.e. the head node)

The slurmctld can run on the same node as a slurmd. In a typical single-machine installation, all three daemons will be running at the same time. NOTE: both slurm and munge require that the uid/gid entries are consistent across all machines.

Ubuntu Minimal Setup

The slurm workload manager can be installed from the Ubuntu repositories, but there seems to be a bug with SlurmDBD accounting. If the basic file accounting isn't good enough, install Slurm from source. The slurm packages in Ubuntu are somewhat in flux at the time of writing, with a transition from slurm-llnl to slurm-wlm underway. The nomenclature is, however, still inconsistent in the installation. For Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial xerus), transitionary packages are provided.

For a single workstation installation do:

sudo apt-get install munge slurm-wlm slurmctld slurm-wlm-basic-plugins

Note that the munge daemon must be running before the other two will successfully start. Under various versions of Ubuntu, munge fails to start out of the box, complaining about 'group-writable permissions set on "/var/log"'. You can solve it temporarily by changing the permissions, but a better solution is to configure munge to use the syslog. This command will open an editor on the munge configuration file. Append --syslog to the ExecStart line, save, and exit.

sudo systemctl edit --system --full munge  

followed by:

sudo systemctl start munge

to start the daemon. Do not proceed until munge is running successfully.

The slurm configuration file, living in /etc/slurm-llnl/slurm.conf, needs to be created next. An initial file can be created using the online slurm configuration tool. Make sure that accounting is switched on:


Use the simple, built-in scheduler


It is advised to use cgroup-based process tracking, which is more reliable than pgid tracking.


NOTE: cgroup tracking by slurm requires the linux kernel to appropriately configured to allow cgroup-based tracking. If the machine is wrongly configured, slurmd will fail to start. cgroup is configured if the /sys/fs/cgroup/ directory is mounted. In August 2017, on our machine running scyld 7.3, proper cgroup configuration required a modified /etc/beowulf/init.d/98slurm startup script to be put into place in order to accomplish this.

By default, Kive requires three slurm partitions (job queues) of differing priority to be defined in order to work. On startup, Kive will check the slurm configuration.

  1. If there are exactly three slurm partitions defined overall, Kive will attempt to use these regardless of their name and proceed to step 3.
  2. If there are more than three slurm partitions defined overall, Kive will only select those whose name begins with 'kive' and proceed to step 3. NOTE: This allows the definition of slurm partitions on a computer installation to be used for other, non-kive purposes, e.g. for general computation.
  3. The three selected partitions must be in the 'up' state and be of different priority. The values of the priorities chosen does not matter. Kive always submits jobs to slurm with an explicit partition name, so the default partition definition has no impact on Kive's behaviour.

As an example, the following lines define four slurm queues, three of which will be used by Kive, and a fourth default one can be used for general purpose computation. In this way, no more than 12 single-CPU slurm jobs will run on the host Nibbler at any one time.

NodeName=Nibbler CPUs=12 State=UNKNOWN
PartitionName=kive-slow   Priority=1000 Nodes=ALL Default=NO  MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Shared=YES:12
PartitionName=kive-medium Priority=2000 Nodes=ALL Default=NO  MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Shared=YES:12
PartitionName=kive-fast   Priority=3000 Nodes=ALL Default=NO  MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Shared=YES:12
PartitionName=sco-fast    Priority=3500 Nodes=ALL Default=YES MaxTime=INFINITE State=UP Shared=YES:12

Your Slurm queue configuration may also be customized by setting SLURM_QUEUES in kive/ This should take the form of a list of tuples, ordered from lowest priority to highest priority, where each tuple contains:

  • the name Kive uses to refer to this priority level
  • the name Slurm uses to refer to this queue

For example, with the same queues as above, your SLURM_QUEUES setting might look like:

    ("Low priority", "kive-slow"),
    ("Medium priority", "kive-medium"),
    ("High priority", "kive-fast")

Now the two daemons can be started:

sudo service slurmd start
sudo service slurmctld start

The installation can be tested by running three commands, all of which should complete without errors: a) the 'squeue' command will show an empty queue:

Nibbler:/etc/slurm-llnl> squeue

b) the 'sacct' command, will show an empty job history:

Nibbler:/var/log/slurm-llnl> sacct
   JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode 
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- 

c) the 'sinfo' command should show partitions compatible with the above requirements. For example:

Nibbler:/etc/slurm-llnl> sinfo -a -O available,partitionname,priority
AVAIL               PARTITION           PRIORITY
up                  kive-slow           1000
up                  kive-medium         2000
up                  kive-fast           3000
up                  sco-fast            3500

Installing Docker

Follow the instructions for CentOS or Ubuntu. Then grant some level of sudo permission to the user that will run Kive fleet. See the file for detailed instructions on editing the sudoers file to allow access to docker.

The Kive fleet user will also need access to a command alias like this in sudoers:

Cmnd_Alias DOCKER_BUILD = \
    /path/to/docker version, \
    /path/to/docker images, \
    /path/to/docker images *, \
    /path/to/ *

Installing scandir

The scandir library is an efficient scanner of the filesystem, Kive uses this when looking for files to clean up. scandir will become part of the standard library in python 3.2, but must be installed separately before then. Install it using pip:

sudo pip install scandir

Project structure

Download the Kive source code, and install it in a location where the apache user can access it.

The root directory of Kive should contain the following subdirectories:

  • /api
  • /doc
  • /samplecode
  • /kive

/kive is the top-level directory for the Django package that contains the project subdirectory (that by convention has the same name as the project folder, 'kive'), as well as a number of application subdirectories. From now on, we will assume that you are in this project directory; i.e., all paths will be defined relative to this directory.

Create database

Kive uses PostgreSQL as its default database backend, and it must be set up prior to using Kive. The following instructions are based on step seven of the instructions from Feel free to change the user name or database name to something other than "kive".

First, install PostgreSQL and psycopg as is appropriate for your system. During the setup, a postgres system user account should have been set up: this account is the administrator of the database. To set up the database, log into this user account:

sudo su - postgres

Create a database for Kive. If the Postgres utilities have not been automatically added to your PATH (they won't have been if you followed the above instructions installing the database using the graphical installer), make sure you specify the path of the commands in the following:

createdb kive

Next, create a database user (or "role") for Kive to use when accessing the database, and follow the prompts (the -P allows you to specify a password):

createuser -P kive

Now, we need to grant this user the appropriate privileges. As the postgres system user, using the psql SQL console, enter at the prompt:


We are almost done. In order to run the Kive test suites, the kive database account must have the ability to create temporary test databases. As instructed on Stack Overflow, we grant the user this privilege by running a command in psql:


Exit psql with the \q command, then exit from the postgres user's shell to get back to your regular prompt.

On a Mac, the PostgreSQL database defaults to accept connections from any user, so you are finished creating the database. On Ubuntu or CentOS, however, the default is to only accept connections from system users. To allow the kive database user to connect, you have to change the authentication setting in PostgreSQL's configuration file. Replace the location of the pg_hba.conf file with the location of the file on your system: e.g. on CentOS 6 this file is typically in PostgreSQL's data directory.

sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
# Add the following line before the default for user postgres or all:
local   all             kive                                md5
# You may also need a line like the following if you're using an IPv4 local connection:
host    all             kive         md5
# Then save the file and reload the PostgreSQL configuration
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql reload

To test that the kive user can connect to the kive database, connect with psql and then exit.

psql kive kive  # or psql -h [hostname] kive kive if you're using a local IPv4 connection

Restricted user for running user-submitted code

By its nature, Kive runs user-submitted code under an account that does not necessarily belong to that user. For example, on a development machine, this code will typically run as the developer (i.e. you), and on a production machine, code may run as the apache user (in the examples below, this user is named kiveuser). This poses obvious security risks. To reduce these risks, Kive supports running pipelines as another user -- preferably an unprivileged one that cannot access any vital system information such as the database -- via SSH on localhost.

Before this can be enabled, you must create a suitable user account (let's say this user is named sandboxworker) however is typical on your system. If you're running on a production system, you should also create another user account under which to run the Kive fleet, so that apache isn't running the fleet; i.e. kiveuser should not be apache. We'll explain why shortly.

Next, create a system group that contains both this user and the kiveuser user, whoever that is on your system. This group will represent all users that are able to access or modify the Kive sandboxes in which our pipelines run. You may be tempted to simply use a group named kive, but be careful in doing so: if such a group exists, and all Kive administrators belong to it, then the files your Kive application directory may belong to that group. If files such as belong to this group, then adding sandboxworker to this group grants the user access to potentially sensitive information -- including the database. In our examples below, this group will be called kiveprocessing.

Third, make sure that sandboxworker is able to access any system software required by the Methods in the system. For example, if any Methods in your Kive system require Python, then sandboxworker needs to be able to run Python. This also includes any libraries, modules, or plugins to this software: Python modules, R libraries, Ruby gems, and the like. This may require modifying the user's .bashrc file.

Because the files created by sandboxworker will be owned by sandboxworker, but need to be cleaned up by Kive (running as kiveuser), ensure that sandboxworker creates files that are writable by their group; Kive will make sure that these files belong to the kiveprocessing group so that it can remove them. To do this, include the command umask 0002 in sandboxworker's .bashrc file.

Fourth, set up passwordless SSH access to the sandboxworker account from the normal Kive account. (This is why having kiveuser not be apache is a good idea: granting the webserver any extra privileges beyond the defaults is risky.) Typically this proceeds as follows:

  • Produce an SSH private/public key pair with no passphrase for kiveuser if that user doesn't already have one.

    (To see if you already have one, look for a file named in the ~kiveuser/.ssh directory. Try skipping to the next step and see if you are able to ssh into sandboxworker@localhost without a passphrase. If so, you are done; if not, you'll need to follow these instructions and set up another key pair that does not have a passphrase.)

    To create this key pair, log in as kiveuser and run the command

      ssh-keygen -t rsa

    When it prompts you for a passphrase, leave it blank. Take note of where it places the file; typically this will be in the directory ~kiveuser/.ssh/ Make this file accessible to sandboxworker.

  • As sandboxworker, add the contents of the file that was just created to .ssh/authorized_keys file:

      cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • As sandboxworker, make sure that the .ssh directory has rwx permissions for the user and none for anyone else, and that the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file has rw permissions for the user, r for the group, and none for anyone else. To do this:

      chmod 700 ~/.ssh
      chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • As kiveuser, attempt to SSH into the system as sandboxworker with the command ssh sandboxworker@localhost. If this is the first time you've ever done this, it will produce a prompt:

      The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
      RSA key fingerprint is b1:2d:33:67:ce:35:4d:5f:f3:a8:cd:c0:c4:48:86:12.
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

    Enter yes to finish the setup, then log out of the SSH session.

    You may wish to verify that passwordless SSH is properly set up by running ssh sandboxworker@localhost one more time. This time, it should take you directly to a login shell without any prompts.

Details of setting up Kive to execute code as this user may be found below.


Since Kive is a Django project, the majority of the installation procedure follows the standard instructions for Django. The first thing you need to do is to make a copy of /kive/ called /kive/ (remember, all paths are relative to /kive so we mean /kive/kive/ This is a standard step in the installation of a Django project where you configure project settings. The settings in the file are overridden by environment variables. Go through the file to see which environment variables you need to set, then set them for the Apache httpd process and the Kive purge processes. On a workstation, you might need to set them for your runserver command.

The httpd process reads its environment variables from /etc/apache2/envvars or /etc/sysconfig/httpd. The purge processes read most of their settings from /etc/kive/kive_purge.conf, and a few extra settings from /etc/systemd/system/kive*.service.

Apache logging requires some extra configuration to let the log files roll over safely. Kive errors will get written to standard error, which is handled by Apache's ErrorLog configuration in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. That can be configured to use piped logs, and piped through the [rotate logs program]. You should probably also configure the access log to roll over. It uses the CustomLog entry.

See the Vagrant scripts for some examples of how to configure Kive.

It's easiest to leave KIVE_DEBUG set to True for developer workstations. In production, definitely set it to False. However, that means you'll have to set KIVE_ALLOWED_HOSTS to [""], or ["localhost"] for a developer workstation. When you launch the server on a developer workstation that's not in debug mode, you'll also need to call ./ runserver --insecure. That lets it serve static files.

Creating database tables

Having created the database, we must now create the tables that will be used by Kive. This is handled by the migrate command to the script, which follows instructions created by the developers on how to lay out the tables:

./ migrate

Should you ever need to completely remove the database and start over, you can run the following commands:

sudo su - postgres  # enter password if it asks
dropdb kive  # enter kive user's password if it asks
createdb kive
./ migrate

This follows the above steps, except with an additional step that removes the kive database, and skipping the already-done configuration steps.

Remove test database (if necessary)

Sometimes, if something goes wrong while running the test suite, the system will leave a database named test_kive in place, which will give the following prompt the next time you run the tests:

Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Got an error creating the test database: database "test_kive" already exists

Type 'yes' if you would like to try deleting the test database 'test_kive', or 'no' to cancel:

Then, on entering yes:

Destroying old test database 'default'...
Got an error recreating the test database: must be owner of database test_kive

To properly dispose of this database, run the following commands:

sudo su - postgres  # enter password if it asks
dropdb test_kive  # enter kive user's password if it asks

This is similar to the incantation used to completely remove the kive database, but simpler because we are only trying to get rid of the database and do not need to recreate or reinitialize anything.

Compiling Front-End Scripts

First, download and install NodeJS on your local machine. Then use the following command to download all dependencies and initialize scripts:

npm install

This command should generate all needed Javascript/CSS code.

One easy way to install node, particularly on a developer workstation, is with nvm.

curl -sL -o
nvm ls-remote
nvm install 6.14.4

Initialize the system

The following instructions will initialize your system with a clean instance. You should run this after you first install Kive, or after updating the source code on a developer workstation.

  1. If you are running Kive as a production server with Apache, (re-)deploy the static files by running the following command. If you are running Kive as a development server on your workstation, then there is no need to collect static files and you can skip to step 2. On Ubuntu, the command to run is

     sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/usr/local/lib ./ collectstatic

    On CentOS 6, if you are using the Software Collections version of Python 2.7, you can run

     sudo scl enable python27 "./ collectstatic"

    On CentOS 7, you can simply run

     sudo ./ collectstatic
  2. Clear and re-populate the database with the following command:

     ./ reset --load=demo

    You can leave the load parameter off, or set it to other fixture names, like converter_pipeline. demo refers to a set of fixture files that populate the database with two pipelines that were used in the development of Kive and for demonstrating the software.

  3. You are now ready to run a local Django webserver:

     python runserver

    If you are running under Apache, configure Django with mod_wsgi to point at the Python code and the static files. Don't forget to configure SSL.

  4. Navigate to localhost:8000 in your web browser!

  5. To launch the fleet, you need to run the following command as the user that will handle execution:

     python runfleet

Creating a UML diagram of the backend

The optional django-extensions module adds a command to ./ that creates a UML representation of the database design using either pydot or pygraphviz. For example, to build a UML diagram of the method app, you may use:

./ graph_models --pygraphviz --settings=kive.UML_settings method -g >

This creates a .dot file that can be opened using GraphViz. Note that this command specifies an alternate settings file that is provided in the code base: this was done to ensure that you don't need to install django-extensions to run the system normally. If you prefer to directly create a PDF file, you can use the -o option:

./ graph_models --pygraphviz --settings=kive.UML_settings method -g -o method.pdf

To create a diagram of the entire database:

./ graph_models --pygraphviz --settings=kive.UML_settings -a -g -o kive.pdf

Running a pipeline

To erase all the data in your database and load a sample pipeline:

./ reset --load demo

Then make sure the fleet is running as described above. Finally, navigate to the user portal, analysis, and launch the pipeline.

Building the documentation

The project uses LaTeX for some of its documentation, so you might want to install LaTeX to build it. On Ubuntu, you need to install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-extra

To build a LaTeX file into PDF format, use the pdflatex command.