npm install --save data-type-ts
You can define types at runtime that are correctly inferred by TypeScript.
const schema = t.object({
id: t.string,
role: t.union(t.literal("admin"), t.literal("member")),
friends: t.array(t.string),
rest: t.tuple(t.number, t.string, t.null_, t.undefined_, t.any),
age: t.optional(t.number),
type Schema = t.Infer<typeof schema>
// type Schema = {
// id: string
// role: "admin" | "member"
// settings: {
// [key: string]: boolean
// }
// friends: string[]
// rest: [number, string, null, undefined, any]
// age?: number | undefined
// }
You can validate values with useful error messages:{
id: "",
role: "admin",
settings: {},
friends: [],
rest: [1, "", null, undefined, {}],
// true
id: "",
role: "editor",
settings: {},
friends: [],
rest: [1, "", null, undefined, {}],
// .role: "editor" must satisfy one of:
// "editor" is not "admin"
// "editor" is not "member"
If you prefer to define your types normally and only use this library for validation, you can still get typesafety this way:
type Schema = {
id: string
role: "admin" | "member"
settings: {
[key: string]: boolean
friends: string[]
rest: [number, string, null, undefined, any]
age?: number | undefined
// Type conformation:
const schema: t.Validator<Schema> = t.object({
id: t.string,
role: t.union(
t.literal("editor") // This should make an error.
friends: t.array(t.string),
rest: t.tuple(t.number, t.string, t.null_, t.undefined_, t.any),
age: t.optional(t.number),
There are two gotchas with this approach though:
The type errors are pretty hard to interpret when things aren't lined up.
This approach does not catch missing optional types for fundamental TypeScript reasons.
const schema: t.Validator<Schema> = t.object({ id: t.string, role: t.union(t.literal("admin"), t.literal("member")), settings:, friends: t.array(t.string), rest: t.tuple(t.number, t.string, t.null_, t.undefined_, t.any), // age: t.optional(t.number), // This should throw and error but it doesnt! })
This library only supports the most basic JSON types but you can extend it with your own custom validators:
function range(min: number, max: number) {
return new t.Validator<number>({
validate: value =>
t.number.validate(value) || value < min
? { message: `${value} is less than ${min}`, path: [] }
: value > max
? { message: `${value} is greater than ${max}`, path: [] }
: undefined,
inspect: () => `${min} >= number >= ${max}`,
import * as emailValidator from "email-validator"
export const email = new t.Validator<string>({
validate: value =>
t.string.validate(value) || !emailValidator.validate(email)
? { message: `${JSON.stringify(value)} is not valid email` }
: undefined,
inspect: () => "Email",
const schema = t.object({
id: t.string,
email: email,
score: range(0, 10)
// {
// id: string,
// email: Email
// score: 0 >= number >= 10
// }
Note that the inspect
argument is optional but it's is helpful for debugging.
Something I like to do is create a "dataTypes.ts" file to export everything I need.
import * as t from "data-type-ts"
export * from "data-type-ts"
export const uuid = new t.Validator<string>({
validate: (value) =>
t.string.validate(value) ||
? { message: `${JSON.stringify(value)} is not a valid UUID.` }
: undefined,
inspect: () => "UUID",
export const datetime = new t.Validator<string>({
validate: (value) =>
t.string.validate(value) || !value.match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{3})?Z$/)
? { message: `${JSON.stringify(value)} is not a valid ISO 8601 datetime string.` }
: undefined,
inspect: () => "Datetime",