The API is providing information about EOSIO blockchain accounts and token balances. It is deployed for several blockchains, such as EOS, Telos, BOS, WAX, and Europechain. Also an endpoints for a number of testnets are available.
In below examples, "CHAIN" stands for the name of the network where API is
taking the data (such as eos
, telos
, wax
lists all known networks and their information. -
Retrieve all token balances, resources and authorization information for an account:
Retrieve only token balances for an account:
Retrieve all account information except token balances:
Retrieve REX balances (fund, maturing, matured) for an account:
Retrieve raw REX information for an account (to perform calculations on the client side):
Retrieve all accounts in all known EOSIO networks dependent on a public key (only up to 100 accounts are returned), including accounts with recursive permissions:
returns a plain text with numeric output indicating the token balance. Zero is returned if the token is not present or does not exist. -
returns top NUM holders of a specified token in a JSON array containing arrays of (account, amount) pairs. NUM must not be less than 10 or more than 1000. -
returns the total count of token holders as plain text. The result is "0" if the token does not exist. -
returns a plain text with total number of accounts in the network. -
returns top NUM RAM buyers in a JSON array containing arrays of (account, bytes) pairs. NUM must not be less than 10 or more than 1000. -
returns top NUM stake holders by sum of CPU and Net stakes, in a JSON array containing arrays of (account, cpu_weight, net_weight) tuples. NUM must not be less than 10 or more than 1000. -
retrieves all accounts in all known networks by contract hash. -
returns a plain text with delay in seconds that this server's blockchain database is behind the real time, and a status: OK if the delay is within 180 seconds, or 'OUT_OF_SYNC' otherwise. -
returns a plain text with either 'OK' or 'OUT_OF_SYNC' indicating the overall health of the API host. If any of networks experience delay higher than 3 minutes, the returned status is 'OUT_OF_SYNC', and HTTP status code is 503.
In addition, adding ?pretty=1
to the URL, you get the resulting JSON
sorted and formatted for human viewing.
Websocket API is complimentary to HTTP API and is designed for bulk requests. All communication is compliant with JSON-RPC version 2.0.
The client is expected to close the websoclet connection after it finishes using it. The server sends periodic websocket ping requests and terminates the connection if the client fails to respond.
Bulk methods get_accounts_from_keys
and get_balances
require a
parameter reqid
. The requests return immediately, and the API starts
sending RPC notifications. Each notification has the following fields:
: the original RPC method that caused the notification; -
: the same value as was passed inreqid
when calling the request; -
: row of data according to request. It is omitted whenend
; -
: if present and istrue
, this is the last notification for thisreqid
. Additional fieldsstatus
are delivered to indicate the success of operation. -
: only present in the end notification. Value 200 indicates success, and 500 indicates an error. -
: only present in the end notification. In case of success, this field is set tonull
, and contains an error message otherwise.
Notifications are sent asynchronously, and if multiple requests are
being served, the order of interleaving is random. But within each
the order of messages is guaranteed to have end
message as
the last one.
Methods that return token balances deliver the amounts as strings with exact number of decimals as specified in the token contract.
RPC methods:
does not require any parameters, and returns a map of network name as key and a map ofnetwork, chainid, description, systoken, decimals, production
as value. -
requires the following parameters:reqid
(array of public keys to search for, up to 100 keys). The method generates notifications withaccount_name, perm, weight, pubkey
in data field. Both legacy and new format of keys are supported. -
requires the following parameters:reqid
(array of account names, up to 100 accounts). The method generates notifications withaccount, balances
in the data field, where balances are in an array of maps withcontract, currency, amount
keys. -
requires the following parameters:reqid
. The method generates notifications withaccount, amount
in the data field, returning all token holders and their balances.
User discussion and support in Telegram:
This GitHub repository is the main location for two JSON files:
networks.json lists the canonical chain names and their attributes.
endpoints.json lists some known public endpoins.
Additional endpoints could be discovered from block producers' bp.json if they utilize the "light-api" feature.
GetScatter: engineering, hosting and maintenance.
EOS Cafe Block: new features.
Telos community: development of additional features in Chronicle.
EOS Amsterdam and Newdex: development of Version 2
EOS Amsterdam: hosting for most public blockchains.
SOV: new features.
The database writer process (
) is a consumer for
Chronicle data feed, and it
writes the blockchain information in real time into the local MariaDB
apt-get install git make cpanminus gcc g++ mariadb-server \
libmysqlclient-dev libdbi-perl libjson-xs-perl libjson-perl libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl
cpanm --notest DBD::MariaDB
cpanm --notest Starman
cpanm --notest Net::WebSocket::Server
cpanm --notest Crypt::Digest::RIPEMD160;
git clone /~ /opt/eosio_light_api
cd /opt/eosio_light_api/sql
mysql <lightapi_dbcreate.sql
sh eos
sh /opt/eosio_light_api/setup/
curl -sL | bash -
apt install -y nodejs
cd /opt/eosio_light_api/wsapi
npm install
vi /etc/default/lightapi_eos
# add the Chronicle consumer socket details:
# DBWRITE_OPTS=--port=8100
# Optionally, edit /etc/default/lightapi_api and adjust variables
# that are predefined in systemd/lightapi_api.service
cd /opt/eosio_light_api/systemd
sh eos
sh 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105
# Now Starman is serving HTTP requests and you can build your HTTP service
# with nginx or exposing Starman directly
# Cron job for token holder counts
cat >/etc/cron.d/lightapi <<'EOT'
*/5 * * * * root perl /opt/eosio_light_api/scripts/
## set up chronicle
cd /var/local
wget /~
apt install ./antelope-chronicle-3.3-Clang-11.0.1-ubuntu22.04-x86_64.deb
cp /usr/local/share/chronicle_receiver\@.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
# Chronicle configuration:
# "host" and "port" point to the EOSIO/Leap state history source.
# "exp-ws-host" and "exp-ws-port" point to the process.
# "blacklist-tables-contract" reduces the amount of processing on bulky contracts.
mkdir -p /srv/eos/chronicle-config
cat >/srv/eos/chronicle-config/config.ini <<'EOT'
host =
port = 9090
mode = scan
plugin = exp_ws_plugin
exp-ws-host =
exp-ws-port = 8100
exp-ws-bin-header = true
skip-block-events = true
skip-traces = true
blacklist-tables-contract = atomicassets
blacklist-tables-contract = atomicmarket
blacklist-tables-contract = utxomng.xsat
blacklist-tables-contract = playuplandme
blacklist-tables-contract = eosio.evm
# You need to initialize the Chronicle database from the first block
# in the state history archive. See the Chronicle Tutorial for more
# details. You may point it to a temporarfy state history source
# during the initialization and later switch to the production state
# history. Big networks like WAX or EOS require a lot of RAM for
# Chronicle to process the startup data. You may need a temporary
# server with 256GB of RAM, or a lot of swap space.
/usr/local/sbin/chronicle-receiver --config-dir=/srv/eos/chronicle-config \
--data-dir=/srv/eos/chronicle-data \ --port=8080 \
# Once it displays the progress of acknowledged blocks, stop it and start as a service
systemctl enable chronicle_receiver@eos
systemctl start chronicle_receiver@eos
A replica of LightAPI databases is provided by EOS Amsterdam for public access. The goal is to allow queries which are not implemented by the API. There is no SLA, and the service is offered at best effort. You can query the SYNC table to see if the data is up to date.
Access to the database is throttled on the network level for the sake of fair use.
The database schema is available in sql/lightapi_dbcreate.sql.
mysql --port=3301 --user=lightapiro \
--password=lightapiro --database=lightapi
Query examples:
select * from wax_CURRENCY_BAL where account_name = 'cc32dninexxx';
select * from wax_CURRENCY_BAL where contract='eosio.token' and currency='WAX' and amount > 500000;
select count(*) from wax_USERRES where account_name like '%.wam';
Copyright 2018-2024
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.