This is an EOS smart contract that holds a catalog of various infrastructure APIs, such as history or account status APIs.
One directory on EOS mainnet lists API endpoints for all known EOSIO-based networks. Network names and API types are added by directory administrators.
Each API provider is identified by an account name. Administrators have to approve APi providers in order to avoid spamming.
API providers add records for API endpoints that they are maintaining. Each record has the following set of attributes:
: the blockchain name. It is used as scope name inrecords
table. -
: one of known API types from the list of types maintained by administrators. -
: provider's EOS account name. -
: 12-symbol service name that helps distinguishing between entries belonging to the same provider. This can also be an empty string. -
: the endpoint URL. Some API types are not following th estandard URL scheme, so the syntax is dependent on API type. For example, p2p peer would be in the form ofhost:port
. -
: continent code where the API is served from. If the service is geographically distributed across multiple continents, use "ANY". Valid values are: "AF", "AN", "AS", "EU", "NA", "OC", "SA". "ANY". -
: ISO country code of the country the API is served from. Use "ANY" if the URL is served from multiple countries. -
: a 32-bit unsigned integer indicating implementation options, such as flavors of history API. Each API type defines its own rules for this field. -
: a 32-bit integer that is automatically increased every time the provider updates the record. -
: timestamp of latest revision. -
: EOS account name of the auditor. -
: IPFS file hash with the audit report. -
: timestamp of the audit.
The API provider may modify or delete a record in the directory by
specifying its network
, type
, provider
, and srvname
attributes. The updrec
action either adds a new record, or modifies an
existing one.
Each record may be audited by an independent auditor. Auditors are selected by administrators, and each of them has a PGP key publiushed on one of PGP key servers.
Once the auditor verifies that the API endpoint ownership and validity,
he or she publishes an audit report in a file on IPFS. The format of the
audit report is yet to be formalized. Once the report is published, the
auditor sends audited
action to the directory, and the corresponding
record is marked as audited.
An auditor cannot overwrite another auditor's report. Existing reports by the same auditor can be updated.
An auditor may also revoke the report if the service is no longer satisfying the requirements.
Once the provider updates a record, its audit report is cleared, and the auditor would have to re-evaluate it again.
This is standard HTTP API provided by chain_plugin
in nodeos
. It
provides account information, contract table contents, and allows
pushing transactions to the network.
API was originally implemented in history_plugin
, but it appeared not to be scalable enough. There are several
implementations that emulate the history API via other databases.
The lower 5 bits of the flags
are reserved for implementation details,
such as:
0: original
1: JavaScript adapter on top of MongoDB database by Cryptolions: /~
and Python API layer: /~ /~ -
3: Light History API plugin made by Greymass: /~
This is peer-to-peer protocol used by nodeos
servers for exchanging
the blockchain data and synchronizing against each other.
Hyperion is a new-generation history API developed by EOS Rio: /~
Lower 4 bits of the flags indicate various limitations that the provider may choose. All zeros mean that the API has full history and collecting blocks, deltas, and traces.
Bit 0: if set to 1, the service keeps only partial history.
Bit 1: if set to 1, the service skips blocks indexing.
Bit 2: if set to 1, the service skips traces indexing.
Bit 3: if set to 1, the service skips deltas indexing.
Light API is providing current token balances and mapping of keys to accounts: /~
dfuse is a proprietary streaming API provided by EOS Canada.
# easy alias for switching between testnet and mainnet
#alias cl='cleos -v -u'
alias cl='cleos -v -u'
# "admin" privilege is required for administrator actions. It can be
# assigned to a group of administrator accounts.
cl set account permission apidirectory admin \
'{"threshold": 1,"keys": [],"accounts": [{"permission": {"actor": "cc32dninexxx","permission": "active"},"weight": 1}],"waits": []}' \
owner -p apidirectory@owner
cl set action permission apidirectory apidirectory setnetwork admin
cl set action permission apidirectory apidirectory setapitype admin
cl set action permission apidirectory apidirectory approveprv admin
cl set action permission apidirectory apidirectory setauditor admin
# Register all known EOSIO based blockchains
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["eos", "aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906", "EOS Mainnet", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["jungle", "e70aaab8997e1dfce58fbfac80cbbb8fecec7b99cf982a9444273cbc64c41473", "EOS Jungle testnet", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["kylin", "5fff1dae8dc8e2fc4d5b23b2c7665c97f9e9d8edf2b6485a86ba311c25639191", "EOS Kylin testnet", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["worbli", "73647cde120091e0a4b85bced2f3cfdb3041e266cbbe95cee59b73235a1b3b6f", "Worbli", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["bos", "d5a3d18fbb3c084e3b1f3fa98c21014b5f3db536cc15d08f9f6479517c6a3d86", "BOSCORE", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["telos", "4667b205c6838ef70ff7988f6e8257e8be0e1284a2f59699054a018f743b1d11", "Telos", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["", "cfe6486a83bad4962f232d48003b1824ab5665c36778141034d75e57b956e422", "MEET.ONE", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["eosforce", "bd61ae3a031e8ef2f97ee3b0e62776d6d30d4833c8f7c1645c657b149151004b", "EOS Force", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setnetwork '["wax", "1064487b3cd1a897ce03ae5b6a865651747e2e152090f99c1d19d44e01aea5a4", "WAX", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
# Register all known API types
cl push action apidirectory setapitype '["v1chain", "chain_plugin in nodeos", "/~"]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setapitype '["v1history", "history_plugin and its emulations", "/~"]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setapitype '["p2p", "net_plugin in nodeos", "/~"]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setapitype '["hyperion", "Scalable Full History API Solution", "/~"]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setapitype '["lightapi", "EOS Light API", "/~"]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setapitype '["dfuse", "dfuse Streaming API for EOS", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
cl push action apidirectory setapitype '["dsp", "dApps Service Provider", ""]' -p apidirectory@admin
# Register audiors
cl push action apidirectory setauditor '["rqeofihcqeco", "Rqeofi Hcqeco", "A999 B749 8D1A 8DC4 73E5 3C92 309F 635D AD1B 5517", "", "", "telegram:rqeofihcqeco"]' -p apidirectory@admin
#alias cl='cleos -v -u'
alias cl='cleos -v -u'
# API provider registers themselves
cl push action apidirectory setprovider '["cc32dninexxx", "/~", "", "telegram:cc32d9"]' -p cc32dninexxx@active
# Administrator has to approve the new provider
cl push action apidirectory approveprv '["cc32dninexxx"]' -p apidirectory@admin
# Provider registers all their API endpoints. If they support multiple
# endpoints of the same type on the same network, use different service names
# to distinguish the records.
cl push action apidirectory updrec '["eos", "lightapi", "cc32dninexxx", "worldwide", "", "ANY", "ANY", 0]' -p cc32dninexxx@active
# Submit an audit
cl push action apidirectory audited '["rqeofihcqeco", "eos", "lightapi", "cc32dninexxx", "worldwide", "QmQgSzNmb5pXd1XpzvLdKBBAdiTrqXcJHrTX5RQhHyWRTd"]' -p rqeofihcqeco@active
# Revoke an audit
cl push action apidirectory revokeaudit '["rqeofihcqeco", "eos", "lightapi", "cc32dninexxx", "worldwide"]' -p rqeofihcqeco@active
Use network name as scope in "records" table. The index #2 is by API type:
cl get table apidirectory eos records --index 2 --key-type name --lower lightapi
The props
table is to store internal runtime properties, and oneof
them is global revision number that is increased on every update in
contract tables. The front end can efficiently poll the revision number
and only refresh its cache when needed:
cl get table apidirectory apidirectory props --key-type name --lower revision --limit 1
Copyright 2019
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.