This tool fetches resources from different cloud/saas applications focusing on permissions in order to identify privilege escalation paths and dangerous permissions in the cloud/saas configurations. Note that PurplePanda searches both privileges escalation paths within a platform and across platforms.
The name comes from the animal Red Panda. This panda eats peas, just like Purple Panda, which can ingest API keys/tokens found by these PEASS. The color was changed to purple because this tool is meant mainly for Purple Teams (because it can be highly useful for both Blue and Red Teams).
Each folder inside /intel
defines one platform that can be enumerated and contains a file explaining how to use that specific module.
Download Neo4jDesktop and create a database. Then export the env variables PURPLEPANDA_NEO4J_URL
with the URL to the neo4j database and the password.
If you want shodan to be used with public IPs discovered during the enumeration export a env variable called SHODAN_KEY with a valid api key of shodan.
Then just install and launch the program indicating the platforms you want to enumerate comma separated like.
git clone /~
cd PurplePanda
python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
export PURPLEPANDA_NEO4J_URL="bolt://neo4j@localhost:7687"
export PURPLEPANDA_PWD="s3cr3tpassword"
# Install this if you are going to use GCP
gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
python3 -h # Get help
python3 -e -p google,github,k8s --github-only-org --k8s-get-secret-values --gcp-get-secret-values # Enumerate google, github and k8s
# Consider adding the API keys in the Dockerfile
docker rm -f purplepanda
docker build --tag=purplepanda .
# Execute -h
## CHange -h for the params you want to run purplepanda with
docker run -t \
-e PURPLEPANDA_NEO4J_URL="bolt://neo4j@host.docker.internal:7687" \
-e PURPLEPANDA_PWD="s3cr3tpassword" \
-e K8S_DISCOVERY=... \
purplepanda python3 -h
## -t is needed to see the output properly
## If you are using Neo4Desktop to connec to the DB use the domain host.docker.internal
## You might need to use the option '-v' to mount files with configurations
PurplePanda has 2 analysis modes:
(enumerate): This is the main one, it will try to gather data and analyze it.-a
(analyze): This will perform a quick analysis of the provided credentials.
Check how to use and inspect the data gathered by PurplePanda:
Use credentials for each platform with at least admin read access to all the resources of the platform. This will help you to see exactly the privesc paths that can be abused within your configurations in each platform and across
PurplePanda is also designed to be used by Red Teams. In general, cloud/saas platforms won't give everyone access to read the configuration of the platform, that's why PurplePanda supports the use of several keys for the same platform, in order to try to enumerate everything with all the keys you compromised and have the most accurate view of the configuration of the platform.
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP): To understand how GCP security works and how to abuse roles and permissions read
- Github: To understand how Github security works and how to bypass branch protections, steal secrets, privesc... read
- Kubernetes (K8s): To understand how Kubernetes RBAC security works and how to abuse roles, privesc to other clouds... read
Use the -d
parameter indicating a directory. Then, PurplePanda will write in this directory several interesting analysis in csv
format of the information obtained from all the platforms. The recommendation is to find interesting and unexpected things in those files and then move to analyze those interesting cases with the graphs.
Each folder inside /intel
defines one platform that can be enumerated and contains a file explaining how to use that specific module. Moreover, each folder also contains a
file and a
In the
file you can find the best queries to perform an investigation on how to escalate privileges (for Purple, Blue, and Red Teams).
In the
file you will find all proposed queries to investigate the data easier.
Follow the instructions indicated in
In the root folder and in each folder inside intel/
you will find a
file. You can find in those files how you can help. Just send a PR with the addition.
PRs with fixes are also welcome :)
Moreover, if you have other ideas that aren't in those TODO files feel free to send a PR.
By Carlos PolopTM