Share your local development server easily with your Apple devices via Sublimation and Ngrok.
participant DevServer as Development Server
participant Sub as Sublimation (Server)
participant Ngrok as Ngrok (
participant KVdb as KVdb (
participant SubClient as Sublimation (Client)
participant App as iOS/watchOS App
DevServer->>Sub: Start development server
Sub->>Ngrok: Request public URL
Ngrok-->>Sub: Provide public URL<br/>(
Sub->>KVdb: Store URL with bucket and key<br/>(bucket: "fdjf9012k20cv", key: "dev-server",<br/>url:
App->>SubClient: Request server URL<br/>(bucket: "fdjf9012k20cv", key: "dev-server")
SubClient->>KVdb: Request URL<br/>(bucket: "fdjf9012k20cv", key: "dev-server")
KVdb-->>SubClient: Provide stored URL<br/>(
SubClient-->>App: Return server URL<br/>(
App->>Ngrok: Connect to development server<br/>(
Ngrok->>DevServer: Forward request to local server
Ngrok is a fantastic service for setting up local development server for outside access. Let's say you need to share your local development server because you're testing on an actual device which can't access your machine via your local network. You can run ngrok
to setup an https address which tunnels to your local development server:
> vapor run serve -p 1337
> ngrok http 1337
Now you'll get a message saying your vapor app is served through ngrok:
Forwarding -> http://localhost:1337
With SublimationNgrok you save the address (such as
) to a key-value storage and pull that address from your Apple device during development.
Apple Platforms
- Xcode 16.0 or later
- Swift 6.0 or later
- iOS 17 / watchOS 10.0 / tvOS 17 / macOS 14 or later deployment targets
- Ubuntu 20.04 or later
- Swift 6.0 or later
To integrate SublimationNgrok into your app using SPM, specify it in your Package.swift file:
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "/~", from: "1.0.0")
targets: [
name: "YourServerApp",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "SublimationNgrok", package: "SublimationNgrok"), ...
For the client-side API, you only need the SublimationKVdb
product from the package.
If you haven't already setup an account with ngrok and install the command-line tool via homebrew. Next let's setup a key-value storage with which is currently supported. If you have another service, please create an issue in the repo. Your feedback is helpful.
Sign up at and get a bucket name you'll use. You'll be using that for your setup. Essentially there are three components you'll need:
- ngrok executable path
- if you installed via homebrew it's
but you can find out using:which ngrok
after installation
- if you installed via homebrew it's
- your bucket name
- your key
- you just need to pick something unique for your server and client to use
Save these somewhere in your shared configuration for both your server and client to access, such as an enum
public enum SublimationConfiguration {
public static let bucketName = "fdjf9012k20cv"
public static let key = "my-"
When creating your Sublimation
object you'll want to use the provided convenience initializers TunnelSublimatory.init(ngrokPath:bucketName:key:application:isConnectionRefused:ngrokClient:)
to make it easier for ngrok integration with the TunnelSublimatory
let tunnelSublimatory = TunnelSublimatory(
ngrokPath: "/opt/homebrew/bin/ngrok", // path to ngrok executable
bucketName: SublimationConfiguration.bucketName, // "fdjf9012k20cv"
key: SublimationConfiguration.key, // "dev-server"
application: { myVaporApplication }, // pass your Vapor.Application here
isConnectionRefused: {$.isConnectionRefused}, // supplied by `SublimationVapor`
transport: AsyncHTTPClientTransport() // ClientTransport for Vapor
let sublimation = Sublimation(sublimatory: tunnelSublimatory)
For the client, you'll need to import the SublimationKVdb
module and retrieve the url via:
import SublimationKVdb
let hostURL = try await KVdb.url(
withKey: SublimationConfiguration.key,
atBucket: SublimationConfiguration.bucketName
To learn more, check out the full documentation.
This code is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.