This repo initially started as a review of, but some tools need to be built to provide alternative access to this card, if the original developer's website were to become unavailable.
See the Review (WIP).
We are not affiliated with . This tool is under development, so test it with small amounts first.
- Complete modalNewAddress
- Addresses - transferFrom, transferTo, transfer permissions?
- Transfer out ETH
- Wrap and unwrap ETH?
- Transfer out ERC-20
- Transfer out ERC-721/1155 - select address from 'eoa' and 'nfccard' addresses
- Transactions - summarise using flows
- Tidy address links
- Sync progress - handle errors
- Sync CryptoCompare data and convert ETH amounts to desired currency
- Handle lack of web3 connection gracefully
- ENS name syncing
- Big tidy
This dapp uses libhalo.js v1.10.11 to interact with NFC card.
Load on NFC reader enabled mobile phone, with NFC card:
Intro page
Click on the [Scan NFC card] button
After scanning my first NFC card
Click to the [Cards] tab to name the card
Click on the address to name the address
After scanning my second NFC card
Click on the [Card] on my first NFC card. Note that this card has been duplicated.
Click on the [Card] on my second NFC card. Note that this card is the duplicate of the first card
Click to the [Config] tab and enter your Etherscan and CryptoCompare API keys.
You can click on [Insert Test Data] to test this application with my NFC card addresses above.
Click on the [Card] tab and click on the [Download] icon to view the fungible tokens
Click on the [NFTs] tab to view the list of owned NFTs
Click on an NFT image to view the NFT details
Click on the Transfer tab to transfer your NFT to a new address
Click on the [Txs] tab and click on the [Download] icon to view the transactions
Click on the [Addresses] tab to view your addresses, including ERC-20, ERC-721 and ERC-1155 contracts.
(c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2025. The MIT License