CTAO/CTAC meeting, Granada, April 2023
For this hands-on session of Gammapy, we will experience a new format within this 2h slot. The session will be made with two parts:
- one for learners or beginners
- one for more advanced users
After having given the instructions to the more advanced users, we will start with the learner part. Then, we will work with the advanced users, making our best to continue to help the beginners.
The version 1.0.1 of Gammapy will be used. See the Quickstart Setup of the documentation. And download the datasets as explained.
Finally, to get the tutorials for this hands-on gammapy session you can clone this repository on your machine using
git clone /~https://github.com/bkhelifi/CTAO-CTAC_Meeting_Granada_2023.git
To access the tutorials:
cd CTAO-CTAC_Meeting_Granada_2023
jupyter lab
General introduction to Gammapy: Gammapy overview
A full 1D (spectral) analysis from A to Z for a point-like extra-Galactic source.
A full 3D analysis from A to Z for an extended Galactic source.
These notebooks are adapted from the ones made my L. Giunti and A. Sinhaa.
We let you start an exercise, and we will then see the solution together.
The objective is to quantify the systematic errors on spectral parameters caused by a possible absolute energy scale bias using simulations.
Here is the exercise: