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FastApi base project

This is a base project to start project very easy fast api app from FastApi with python >3.6 version.

How to install?

To initialize project is necessary to install cookie-cutter.

  • pip install cookiecutter # install cookiecutter
  • cookiecutter /~ # download project template. It will prompt project name.
  • pip install -r requirements.txt # install libraries to getting started

To check template works, it have 2 endpoints and 5 tests

  • hello_world endpoint. It returns {'message': 'hello world'} with status code 200.
  • verify token endpoint. It returns {'token': '<token>'} with status code 200.

execute pytest.

How to deploy it?

  • docker-compose -f deployments/docker-compose.yml -p up -d

This command runs db and app into 2 containers and it does to has another context. This is very interesant because if you are builting microservices it will run as separated environments

How to run project?

It's easy, you two options to run project.

  • sh scripts/
  • python

How to make migrations?

After create your models, you can use alembic directly or use script.

  • sh scripts/makemigrations "Some info about your migration"
  • alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Some info about your migration"

and migrate it on database:

  • sh scripts/migrate
  • PYTHONPATH=.; alembic upgrade


  • User model agnostic. you choose your models
  • Database and migrations with SqlAlchemy and Alembic.
  • JWT Integration extraction only.
  • TransactionTestCase, that means it could querying with test.


60/5000 The architecture is made for medium-sized backends and It is placed in the following directory structure:

  • alembic: database Migrations, you should change nothing here unless you need to remove bad migration. Then just go to versions and remove them.
  • apps: It is our api code, separated in some application modules. Later we will comment more about it.
  • core: is where our code is shared among apps, for example: middlewares, dependencies, serializers, utils, etc.
  • deployments: Here i put a docker-compose file, i do not suggest to use on production environment, only to develop and pre-prod
  • scripts: Here i put some bash scripts to start fast project:
    • makemigrations: Create migrations/revisions from our models.
      • params: description about migration.
    • migrate: Apply migrations/revisions on Database.
    • runserver: Start server on with hot reload.
    • startapp: create a skeleton app on apps directory.
      • params: app name.

1. App modules

Apps are part from our api/ws/graphQl logic. It's separated on:

  • models: Database models.
  • serializers: Here goes pydantic or serializers third party to your data.
  • test: As his name said, here it is saved our test.
  • views: Here goes our views logic. I'm not sure if i should separated api from ws and GraphQl views. At this time, all is here.
  • depends: Here we save our magic. If you do not know about what is Depends click here.
  • urls: Here we group all our router views to export it as app.

Important: To include app on project, you has to include app name into apps config and include routes on core/ as app.include_router

2. Database

Project database is configured to work with postgres, but it can allow work with databases that are compatible with SqlAlchemy (MySql, Oracle, Sqlite and more...) for more information you can click here.

2.1 Starting with models

As i said before, it's configure to work with SqlAlchemy. I create a shared Base to inherit into the models on core.db.meta.Meta with __tablename__ with model name with lower format.

Important: remember that models it's a module, so you have to include all your models on __init__ into the __all__ variable to be recognized.

model example:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime

from core.db.base import Base

class Item(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'Items'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
    modified = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)

2.2 Querying

To query on your views, i added on request.stage.session the session as transaction, that means if any exception get raised this gonna rollback all data info as block.

To know more about query api you can click here

3. JWT integration

Integration with JWT is done with pyjwt, at this time just exist a Depends to get jwt and other to get payload decoded.

3.1 Depends

  • get_jwt: it will regex always Authorization header with the header config that you set it or default JWT. If header does not exist or has not ^{header} [A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\.?[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$ format then will raise HTTPException and response with status code 400.

  • get_token_decoded: it will check if jwt is valid and return payload. If token is expirate it will raise HTTPException and response with status code 400.

4. Core

This is the shared code for our app, here we can find some utils to declare a model, some depends, serializers, transactional test case, utils and config

4.1 depends

It just like wizards, they can not make magic without his staff, we either can not make magic without depends on our views.

I declare some depends to reuse all time that we need it.

  • get_config: this depend will return app config from request.
  • get_database: it will return session database (Transaction)
  • get_object: it will get object or will return response with status 404

4.2 config

I'm sorry, i tried to do all light that i can posible ¯_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯.

BASE_DIR: absolute path to directory project
TEST_RUN: set this variable on make it test to get dummy database
SECRET_KEY: app secret
APPS: App list installed to create migrations
JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA: Time to expirate jwt token
JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DELTA: Time to refresh token without fail
JWT_AUTH_HEADER_PREFIX: work that will start Authorization header, default: JWT
JWT_SECRET_KEY: secret to sign jwt
BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS: url list to allow requests
PROJECT_NAME: Project name
DATABASES: it's a dictionary with database information

You can set all of these variables with environment variable.


It's implemented with pytest so it's easy to make test for each module app with the autodiscover feature. Also i created TransactionalTestCase to create on setUp some information for your api and check it later making requests with client.

On finish each test it will delete all data store and it will create again with setUp to have always clean environment. If you have to overwrite tearDown class, you should use super method to clean environment after test pass.

On finish all tests, it will delete test database.


  • session: database session, you can get it on self.session
  • client: client to make request, you can get it on self.client
  • base: base del, you can get it on self.Base

Generate dummy data

In this template it's installed factory-boy library so if you want to do it, go here


It's implemented oauth2 (not all methods) token authorization and check if the app has enough scope to get or set data, at this moment is in beta version.

To start, this should add some migrations to your service to add on your database, these models are:

  • App
  • Access Token


It's the instance which you are gonna log in and access to api.

Properties are:

  • name: app name. String
  • created: when it was created. Datetime
  • modified: when it was modified (not implemented signal). Datetime
  • client_id: it's the id to get access token. String uuid.
  • client_secret: it's the secret to get access token. String uuid.


It's the instance which will storage access token and scopes to get access api.

Properties are:

  • created: when it was created. Datetime
  • modified: when it was modified (not implemented signal). Datetime
  • app: it's the foreign key to make relation with app. ForeignKey.
  • scopes: are to see what scopes are allowed to the app. Array[string]
  • access_token: it is the token which the app will authorize.

How to play?

  1. We create a new app. it does not need to set client_id or client_secret it will set uuid4 by default (recomended unless need it do manual).

  2. make a post request to /token with the next payload:

        "client_id": <client_id_app>,
        "client_secret": <client_secret_app>,
        "scopes": [], # these scope it's gonna be setting on app settings config by default. [optional]
        "grant_type": "client_credentials", # method to login app


        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

    response: status code 200

        "access_token": access_token.access_token, # String uuid
        "token_type": "bearer"
  3. With the access token, now we can access to /me. Method get.


       "authorization": "bearer <access token>"

    response status code 200

         "name": <app name>,
         "created": <app created>,
         "modified": <app modfied>


There are 2 depends to get the app token

  1. get_app_object_access: Get app from client_id and client_secret.
  2. get_app_object_scopes: Get app from authorization header and check it scopes given to the app.

Framework origin

FastApi docs

Sebastián Ramírez creator

Author project base

Angel Berhó Grande


This is a project generator to start FastApi project







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