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This is an example code for WisBlock GNSS tracker with RAK12500 GNSS module and RAK1906 environment sensor |
The WisBlock Kit 2 comes with the RAK1910, the RAK1904 and without the RAK1906. To use this example it is suggested to buy
to build the system instead.
This example is using my WisBlock API which helps to create low power consumption application and taking the load to handle communications from your shoulder.
- RAK4631 WisBlock Core module
- RAK5005-O WisBlock Base board
- RAK12500 WisBlock Sensor GNSS module
- RAK1906 WisBlock Sensor environment module
The application does switch off the GPS module and the MCU and LoRa transceiver go into sleep mode between measurement cycles to save power. I could measure a sleep current of 40uA of the whole system.
- PlatformIO
- Adafruit nRF52 BSP
- Patch to use RAK4631 with PlatformIO
- SX126x-Arduino LoRaWAN library
- SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library
- Adafruit BME680 Library
- WisBlock API
The libraries are all listed in the platformio.ini
and are automatically installed when the project is compiled.
The LoRaWAN settings can be defined in three different ways.
- Over BLE with WisBlock Toolbox
- Over USB with AT Commands
- Hardcoded in the sources (ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMENDED)
Using the WisBlock Toolbox you can connect to the WisBlock over BLE and setup all LoRaWAN parameters like
- Region
- Confirmed/Unconfirmed message
- ...
More details can be found in the WisBlock Toolbox
The device is advertising over BLE only the first 30 seconds after power up and then again for 15 seconds after wakeup for measurements. The device is advertising as RAK-GNSS-xx
where xx is the BLE MAC address of the device.
Using the AT command interface the WisBlock can be setup over the USB port.
A detailed manual for the AT commands are in AT-Commands.md
Here is an example for the typical AT commands required to get the device ready (EUI's and Keys are examples):
// Setup AppEUI
// Setup DevEUI
// Setup AppKey
// Set automatic send frequency in seconds
// Set data rate
// Set LoRaWAN region (here US915)
// Reset node to save the new parameters
// After reboot, start join request
The AT command format used here is NOT compatible with the RAK5205/RAK7205 AT commands.
void api_read_credentials(void);
void api_set_credentials(void);
If LoRaWAN credentials need to be hardcoded (e.g. the region, the send repeat time, ...) this can be done in setup_app()
First the saved credentials must be read from flash with api_read_credentials();
, then credentials can be changed. After changing the credentials must be saved with api_set_credentials()
As the WisBlock API checks if any changes need to be saved, the changed values will be only saved on the first boot after flashing the application.
// Read credentials from Flash
// Make changes to the credentials
g_lorawan_settings.send_repeat_time = 240000; // Default is 2 minutes
g_lorawan_settings.subband_channels = 2; // Default is subband 1
g_lorawan_settings.app_port = 4; // Default is 2
g_lorawan_settings.confirmed_msg_enabled = LMH_CONFIRMED_MSG; // Default is UNCONFIRMED
g_lorawan_settings.lora_region = LORAMAC_REGION_EU868; // Default is AS923-3
// Save hard coded LoRaWAN settings
Hard coded credentials must be set in void setup_app(void)
Keep in mind that parameters that are changed from with this method can be changed over AT command or BLE BUT WILL BE RESET AFTER A REBOOT!
The packet data is made compatible with the RAK5205/RAK7205. A detailed explanation and encoders for TTN and Chirpstack can be found in the RAK5205 Documentation.
Packet parser for Chirpstack and Datacake are in the repo ==> Chirpstack-decode.js and Datacake-decode.js
This application does not include the RAK1904 acceleration sensor, so the data packet does not include the accelerometer part.
The compiled files are located in the ./Generated folder. Each successful compiled version is named as
x.y.z is the version number. The version number is setup in the ./platformio.ini file.
YYYYMMddhhmmss is the timestamp of the compilation.
The generated .zip
file can be used as well to update the device over BLE using either WisBlock Toolbox or Nordic nRF Toolbox or nRF Connect
Debug output can be controlled by defines in the platformio.ini
LIB_DEBUG controls debug output of the SX126x-Arduino LoRaWAN library
- 0 -> No debug outpuy
- 1 -> Library debug output (not recommended, can have influence on timing)
MY_DEBUG controls debug output of the application itself
- 0 -> No debug outpuy
- 1 -> Application debug output
CFG_DEBUG controls the debug output of the nRF52 BSP. It is recommended to keep it off
platform = nordicnrf52
board = wiscore_rak4631
framework = arduino
build_flags =
-DSW_VERSION_1=1 ; major version increase on API change / not backwards compatible
-DSW_VERSION_2=0 ; minor version increase on API change / backward compatible
-DSW_VERSION_3=0 ; patch version increase on bugfix, no affect on API
-DLIB_DEBUG=0 ; 0 Disable LoRaWAN debug output
-DMY_DEBUG=0 ; 0 Disable application debug output
-DNO_BLE_LED=1 ; 1 Disable blue LED as BLE notificator
lib_deps =
sparkfun/SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library@2.0.13
adafruit/Adafruit BME680 Library
extra_scripts = pre:rename.py