To install nvm see e.g.
Execute in the project directory:
nvm install 20.5.0
nvm use
npm install
and install all dependencies.
Install ( on your local machine
Execute these two commands:
docker build -t zuugle-postgres-db ./
docker run -d --name zuugle-container -p 5433:5432 zuugle-postgres-db
Create a copy of each connection file and rename it. We need four "knexfile*" files in the end.
cp ./src/knexfileTourenDb.js.example ./src/knexfileTourenDb.js
cp ./src/knexfile.js.example ./src/knexfile.js
npm run build
npm run import-data-full
npm run import-files
npm run start
Hint: On local environment using the function logger('anytext'); writes to the file api.logs in your zuugle-api/logs directory. This is helpful, when debugging SQL code, etc.
Follow the steps described at /~