Releases: ayoolaolafenwa/PixelLib
Merge pull request #124 from prateekralhan/master Streamlit based Webapps using PixelLib
PointRend models
PointRend models from Detectron2(/~
This is the release that contains information about different versions of pixellib packages.
0.7.1: Fixed a bug.
0.7.0: PixelLib Pytorch Version with the following new features;
- PointRend is used for segmentation of objects in images and videos.
- Supports extraction of objects from their bounding boxes' coordinates and masks' values.
- Faster and more accurate than the tensorflow version:
It achieves 0.26 seconds for processing a single image and 4fps for live camera feeds.
Using A TargetSize of 667 * 447: It achieves 0.20 seconds for processing a single image and 6fps for live camera feeds.
Using A TargetSize of 333 * 200: It achieves 0.15 seconds for processing a single image and 9fps for live camera feeds.
0.6.6: Added support for the following features;
Batch image segmentation.
Ability to change the threshold for performing trained model evaluation.
Ability to change the size and thickness of the label names and bounding boxes for visualization of segmented images.
0.6.1: Fixed a bug.
0.6.0: It provides support for extraction of segmented objects in video files and live camera feeds.
0.5.5: It provides support for extraction of segmented objects in images and the ability to filter coco model detections to segment a user's target class.
0.5.2: Added the ability to return the polygon points' values of masks.
0.4.9: Added the ability to choose the inference speed mode for instance segmentation.
0.4.8: It provides the ability to change the background of video files and live camera feeds.
0.4.0: It provides the ability to change the background of images.
0.3.0: It provides support for custom training.
0.2.1: Fixed a bug.
0.2.0: It provides support for segmentation of objects in video files, live camera feeds and semantic segmentation of 150 classes of objects.
0.1.0: It provides support for semantic segmentation of 20 classes of objects and instance segmentation of 80 classes of objects.
1.0.0 updated
Keras model extracted from Ade20k tensorflow model's checkpoint.
source: /~
Mask R-CNN model
Mask R-CNN model trained on coco dataset.
This release contains deeplabv3+ models trained on pascalvoc dataset.
Tensorflow model.
source: /~
Keras model extracted from the tensorflow model's checkpoint.
source: /~